If you are a thing, what would you want to be?

@sofabnnn (109)
April 6, 2010 1:38pm CST
I asked this question to most of my friends just to start a discussion. Here are some of the answers I got. SOAP: so he can go to different parts of the body of a person. CLOCK/WATCH: so everyone will always look at me. TIME: so everyone will ask for more from me. DOOR: so I could protect my family. GUN: so i can get rid of someone... so morbid. Well for me, i would like to be a dream catcher, so i could catch and get rid of the bad dreams away. How about you, what would you want to be if you are a thing?
2 responses
• United States
6 Apr 10
I would want to be a church. People come there in celebration and in sorrow. Friends gather there to rejoice and find comfort. And being a house of the Lord would allow me to serve a greater good.
@sofabnnn (109)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
Yup agree. Accommodation of everyone that needs help, guidance and comfort. A place that you could be at peace with the Lord either in good times or bad times of our lives.
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
If given a choice, I would like to be a book, for no other reason other than it's my most favorite thing in the world. I love them to bits.
@sofabnnn (109)
• Philippines
6 Apr 10
I also love reading books. That's really a good choice now that i think about it. because people will keep reading it at a certain period of time and books can be a very good way for past time and it's really entertaining not to mention the fact that it always broadens our vocabulary. ;)