do PTC sites look like work to you or just another way to have extra cash

@werty009 (404)
April 7, 2010 6:28am CST
well do you consider PTC sites as work or just another way to have cash cause for me it's just another way to earn money cause if you consider it as a work some PTC site's are paying less or it depends on the work you do the referrals etc. you what do you think?
1 response
@cloud31 (5809)
7 Apr 10
For me I have just have myLot for my relaxation! I don't even get serious enough to earn from it but fortunately it provides me an amount sufficient enough to pay my internet bill, so I'm grateful about it and its outcome,I just love staying in myLot no matter how it earned does not counts but the feeling being attach with all our fellow mylotters. Good day