Tattoo & your Personality?

@anjyell (127)
April 7, 2010 1:19pm CST
Do you think tattoo provides an extra edge to your personality? These days they are on great hype since most of the celebrities getting tattooed themselves.I also you to have it someday but a little bit scared.Is it painful & is is safe since they use needles? Fascinated watching Miami Ink and other shows.Do you have tattooed yourself & which one? Share your experience?
8 responses
• United States
8 Apr 10
I wish tattooing had not become as popular as it has. I personally don't understand why anyone wants to mutilate their body in that fashion. I know that not everyone who gets a tattoo is a thug, some of them are very fine, upstanding people. However, more often than not, it makes the individual look lower class, even seedy even if they're not that way; and believe it or not, a person's appearance can make a difference in how well received that person is. I also wonder what these people think they're going to look like when they get older and their skin gets wrinkled and starts sagging. Does anyone really want that sick looking art work on their body when they're old? Have you ever seen a smart looking tattoo on an older person? I haven't. If you want to decorate your body, why not consider something like Henna body paint that's not permanent. I'm sure you can tell from my rant that I have not and will not get a tattoo.
@anjyell (127)
• India
8 Apr 10
lets do shopping - shopping all the day
May be you are true in your own ways but we can't ignore the fact that tattoo represents a true form of art also.If people are crazy about modern art painting which are hardly to get understood then why not totally depends on person to person.And even don't get old by heart.
• United States
8 Apr 10
I suppose tattooing is some people's idea of art, but you can paint or decorate your body without mutilating it, which tattooing does. Besides that, there could be other health risk involved with tattooing. Also, what do you do if some time later you decide you don't like your tattoo, or the practice falls out of favor, grin and bare it because there's nothing else you can do? Removal of tattoos is so difficult, and from what I've heard, very painful. Why would you do something so permanent? It doesn't seem very smart to me.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
22 Apr 10
it is just a part of a personal preference of an individual to go a step further to express their personality with drawings that they most identify with.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I think that people that have tattoos seem to have more edge. At least a little bit lol. I think if you go to the right place it should be safe as far as needles go. I'm thinking about getting my first one for my birthday this year. I'm a little nervous about the pain, but I gave birth to 3 kids over 8 lbs, so I figure I can handle it lol. My trouble is deciding what to get. In the years I've thought about getting a tattoo off and on, a butterfly has always been one I have thought of. So I don't think it is something I would grow tired of later. Now the problem is deciding where to get it and the colors to get it.
@meowcow (931)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
Probably won't get a tattoo. People think I'm crazy enough as it is, I wouldn't want their heads exploding when they see battle tanks and crazy clowns and devils all over my back and body now would I? lol. :P Personally, if I were to get a tattoo I'd never go to just anyone. I'd get the best one money can buy (when I actually have that already). After all, that stuff's permanent. Kat Von D and her crew does some pretty awesome work have you seen her show? I wouldn't let anyone less talented than that crew do draw anything on my body. It is safe if the area looks safe. If it's in a gritty street I'd think twice. But probably not if I'm drunk enough. :) And, it does hurt on some parts of your body. From what I've seen and heard here are the painful parts... feet, wrist, ribs and elbows. Otherwise you'll probably squeek by just fine. Hope this helped! Nice topic! :) +!
@vine88 (1031)
• India
9 Apr 10
ya, sure ! but in white skin. it's good for white skin. I personally don't like tattoo...beautiful white girl like you can have tattoo..on funny areas...really attracts males...
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
7 Apr 10
I'm a person who loves various things like music, games, and other things very intensely for a short amount of time. If I was ever inclined to get a tattoo, I don't think I could get one I could like for as long as it lasts ;) I'd be careful where I have it placed too - I think the current, general consensus is that tattoos are unprofessional, so you might want to make sure its somewhere that can be easily concealed.
• Spain
7 Apr 10
Tattoos are safe, needles are not, so if you are getting one go to a reputable parlor and inspect the place yourself and make sure the needles are NEW and freshly opened. I do think that tattoos can add to someones personality, it depends on the person. I am sure Obama would look pretty scary if he had tattoos all over... Think about it before you get one, those things stay there forever.
• Philippines
7 Apr 10
If you're going to get tattooed, you should go to those tattoo shops with qualifications. They should have clean needles. All the while, i don't think it gives you an extra edge. It only gives you a mark on your skin, which i think is a bit of a mess.