im looking for a alternative to milk?

@jarael (665)
April 8, 2010 4:44am CST
i love milk and im a big dairy eater, i love cheese, yoghurts and drinking fresh milk, love cereal too, for a while now i have been getting allergic symptoms whilst eating it so i have decided i need to bite the bullet and cut it out. my doctor wont test me for dairy allergy so i have to do this alone. food elimination diet is out of the window as i love my food too much haha. anyway i think i can live without yoghurt as i can eat jelly which is another fave of mines but what i will miss in my porridge and cereals. i have tried goats milk and yuck, on first tasting it was ok but then i tasted this nasty after taste. i have tried rice dream original which is okkkish. but too watery. what im after is a non dairy alternative tht tastes as much like milk as possible and hopefully with the same consistency.????
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19 responses
• Romania
11 Apr 10
You sound like me, though i don't drink milk but crazy about milk products but unfortunately and ironically I'm allergic to milk. But I did found alternatives low fat milk, I can stand milk that has like 1.5% fat; I use it to make my drinks and other things. Though the products that really need fat milk I still eat them but not often, you must know your limits. Our bodies cannot digest milk as was able to do when we were babies, a special enzyme is needed and it decreases when we get older. Anyways you just need to be just careful, cutting off your favorite foods.. it's a bit to harsh. I personally know that I can stand normal milk (of even milk directly from the cow) only like 2 days maximum, also the if the milk is mixed with other ingredients it will allow em to enjoy the pleasure of this food for a week, but I need to make a pause so I won't end up having allergic symptoms. Unfortunately low fat milk isn't that consistent as the other milk type, it is a little watery but still try it cause it's not that watery. It is like milk but it is made for us (well not exactly lol)to still enjoy the pleasures of a tasty diet (and healthy too). There is also a soia based milk but I use it as a little treat (either I drink it or make some special drinks with it). But why doesn't your doctor want to test you if you are allergic to it or not?
• Romania
6 Jun 10
Alright.... those are more side-effects than I was expecting to read...if it's that serious.. then I'm sorry to say but.. seems you have to change your diet already vision becoming blurry and muscle aches are kinda red alerts. Though there is a cream, made of strong mint, even though it looks like white cement and when it dries you feel like a gargoyle that awakens, it does wonders and calms the irritation due to it's cooling sensations it gives. Wish i could tell you more but I don't have great training in medical knowledge. Still what i see.. it is clearly you will have to avoid dairy products if even small amounts effect you that greatly.
@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i wish i could still eat a bit now and again, well i do but i suffer bad from just a little, i can tolerate milk more than cheese but sometimes its just as bad. when i eat it i get a sore mouth and gums and a tickly throat. i feel instantly tired and could literally fall asllep, this doesnt wear off for about 3 hours and it dont matter where i am or what im doin i wil just fall asleep if not nudged lol. along with this i get very very itchy all over and a rash comes up on my back and sometimes my arms and face, i can itch crazily for about 5 hrs and then it calms down. and quite often a lot of muscle aches for the next day. more rarely after eating dairy i have had unexplained flu like symptoms tht appear and last for just one day,and sometimes blurry vision. i mentioned all this to the doctor and she just prescribed my dry skin cream, which i have been using but it hasnt helped
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
8 Apr 10
I used to be the same Jarael. I used to love everything dairy and although I did not think I had any problems with it at the time. I certainly feel much better without it. In my opinion there is nothing that tastes the same as cows milk. But how does cows milk taste naturally? Nothing like what we buy in the store! You are enjoying the taste of the chemicals. Soy products are not too bad tasting, but I do not agree with soy as a dairy replacement as too much soy is bad for your health and people that replace dairy with soy products generally have too much of it. I have tried rice milk and did not like that either as it seemed to watery. I prefer almond milk myself as almonds are far healthier than soy or rice and I enjoy the taste. I know that you can buy almond milk from the supermarkets here, but I have never bought it from a store as I have always made my own. I make it every second day using a blender. I buy almonds by the box and soak them overnight before using them as you get more enzymes from them that way. After rinsing them, I fill up the blender quarter to half full of almonds, then top up with water and blend. I then strain it through a nut milk bag. I have also made milk from raw cashews, Brazil nuts and coconuts. All of which are delicious.
@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i have once tasted cows milk and also goats milk when i went abroad but it was a little too thick, i do not like full fat milk, i used to and for years i wouldnt touch semi skimmed, and then i got used to it and now do not like full fat, i agree with the rice milk being too waatery, but if there was a way to thicken it up it would be perfect. i love almonds on there own so mite just have to try the milk. but if i have tht alot wouldnt tht increase my chances of nut allergy? i been researching and came accross histamine food allergy, this i think could be my problem. apparently cheese and pineapple have a lot of histamine in and i react really badly to these foods, even just a mouthful. gonna have to totally review my whole diet i think :-(
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
5 May 10
Have you seen a naturapath? They might help you more in this area than a normal doctor would. Why do you think that having almond milk a lot will cause you to have allergy problems? Almonds are the safest "Tree Nut" out there as far as allergies go. They are not related to peanuts at all which cause most allergies.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I'm allergic to milk too and I drink soy milk. They come in vanilla and chocolate if you don't like the regular. I think they also have strawberry but I can never find any. But some people have a soy allergy too so you can always try almond milk as an alternative. Ask your doctor. He/she may have more options.
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
almond milk seems quite popular, im gonna try it? do they come in small cartons or bottles/ cus ive wasted so much money on buying milk alternatives and end up wasting it cus me and the kids dont like it lol, the only one they liked was brown rice milk, they said it tasted like weetabix lol. my doctor isnt interested, unless its killing u i dont think they take allergies seriously. i also read somewhere, dunno if its true tht out of the 7 yrs or so doctors train, they only spend 3 days or so on allergies.
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
i guess you need to try a tea perhaps as its also a healthy drink. most chinesse people drink tea and they have long life as most old people there are still alive 90 and above age. they said that tea is also a natural medicine to take away all toxins and impurity.
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i do love tea and i drink loads of green and black tea and like strawberry and mango tea but was really missing my cereal :-( love yoghurts too, was a big part of my diet and just finding it so hard to cut out
@umit_umit (1984)
• India
8 Apr 10
well friend you can have skimmed milk of many flavours like strawberry,chochlate,then you can have drink yougurt,its very digestive,i htink the milk you are having may not be hygenic!!
@jarael (665)
5 May 10
with the milk i am not as ill as i am if i eat the cheese i am always ill everytime so i think there definately a allergy there, so the milkshakes wether skimmed or full fat is still gonna have the same affect.
• United States
8 Apr 10
isn't there a new form of almond milk that's if your not allergic to peanuts. LOL!!!
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i am ok with nuts and peanuts but i like almonds just plain on there own, i dont like the butter and dont like it in cakes so im assumin i wont like it as milk but i can try it i guess. i did recently have some ricemilk and tht was ok, just a little too thin in consistency.
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
8 Apr 10
I do not think that people with peanut allergies would have an issue with almonds as they are two different things.
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• India
9 Apr 10
A good alternative to milk is soya drink, Even this soya has more protein that milk has....
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@ypyanyan (956)
• China
8 Apr 10
oh, the same to me too . I am a super fan of milk . I love milk very much .my favorite dairy product is yoghurts . I drink milk from I was a baby . but I found that I got allergic after I ate dairy product last year. it made me upset .but I can not find a way to cure it . so now I seldom eat dairy products for it make me uncomfortable
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
milk is delicious but i love cheese more, i did find a site once tht explained there is a ingredient in both but only 20 percent in milk but 80 per cent in cheese, i think its this i react to but have never found it again :-(. have u tried the lactose free varieties, i also tried this prayin i would be ok with it but i wasnt, would be so much easier then having a totally dairy free diet.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
9 Apr 10
I have some relatives that are allergic to milk and milk products. So they just buy those soy milk products. Now they come in all kinds of different flavors with plain Soy milk or a different kind mixed with chocolate. I prefer the sweetened soy milk to just the plain soy milk.
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@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I think you have to try yogurt w/c most Arabian people like it. Maybe its weird taste but it comes from milk.
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i have never heard of this, where can i get it from please? thanks
@pandaeyes (2065)
8 Apr 10
You might find that you are alright with yoghurt but not milk. There is soya milk that comes in bottles and cartons. Fruit juice is nice on cereal for a change.
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
hi i dont mind soyal in meat alternative but really dont like it as milk or yoghurt alternative :-( never had fruit juice on cereal, dunno about tht one lol
@nangisha (3495)
• Indonesia
8 Apr 10
You can try soy milk its good for person with lactose tolerance. My auntie buy the machine for $150 its taste really good and you can made various food with soy milk. I have tried goat milk and the taste really not good. You can make porridge from it. My auntie often make yogurt from soy milk too.
@jarael (665)
5 May 10
not keen on soya lol, or goats milk, well the goats milk was ok on first tasting but then it tasted kinda bitter , goats cheese isnt too bad though if i only have a teeny bit.
@Jotomy (6322)
• India
8 Apr 10
Hi jareal, i too like milk and milk products so i used to take daily. Now at this age of 39 i am getting allergy. I consulted my family doctor, she told me that there is a fat in your stomach if you take more fatty food than it will become a problem for digestion also. So better stop taking milk and milk products and go for soya milk, coconut milk, or rage malt etc., So you also can try these and see.
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@jarael (665)
5 May 10
i do like coconut milk but only in cooking, my dad uses it a lot in porridge etc but other than that i dont like it on mu cereal and i hate soya milk. milk is in so many foods its so hard to cut out on a limited low food budget
@yanna08 (28)
9 Apr 10
have you tried soya milk? it like milk as well but more pasteurized and taste good as well. It is advisable for those who are on a diet to take it
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@Leixa003 (867)
• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I do not know if you would like to try some soy milk. It is made from soy beans and the color looks like milk (white) but I know they come in different flavors too like chocolate, melon, strawberry. Our you could just try a non-dairy milk, I think my officemate who goes to the bathroom everytime she eats something creamy bought that one.
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@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
8 Apr 10
My sister has milk allergies, she drinks soy milk. I've never had it before so I don't know how it tastes, but she said she likes it alot.
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• Philippines
8 Apr 10
I don't think there's anything as good as milk. You're gonna have to find another craving that satisfies you to satisfy your need for milk. Try eating fruit like banana or something.
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• India
15 Jun 10
Hi welcome to mylot Why don't you try soy milk, many say it tastes so good like milk, one can make curd from it, it is not from any animal sourse, and what about coconut milk.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor
• India
8 Apr 10
Excess of any thing is bad, so control and reduce quantity of milk products and have homeopathic medicines as that will be very much helpful in allergic cases. Take Cow milk that is good and easy to digest, divert urself towards fruit and vegetable juices. Follow these surely u will be getting benifitted.
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