I know stuff happens, but really............!

Regina, Saskatchewan
April 8, 2010 1:26pm CST
They say that into every life, some rain must fall. But hells bells, into some people's lives it never seems to do anything but pour! All of us suffer losses of one kind or another at various times in our lives. And because of that we can commiserate with each other. But how do you handle groups of tragedies descending upon those you love? Just lately (all within a week actually) our dear moon dancer has lost a good friend, her beloved Ninja, and now her grandmother. So she'll be off line for awhile, unable to respond to her or your discussions. She wanted me to tell you that so you wouldn't worry. Another of my best friends has recently lost her gran..... What is it about grandmother's? For so many of us, they play an important role in our lives. And yet they are 'old'. We know their time is not far off. Yet when they pass, our hearts are broken in more pieces than we thought possible. I remember my grandmothers very well. One scared me and the other left me with a plethora of wisdom. As I get older I remember more of what THEY taught me, than I do of what my parents taught me. I'm waiting for the day when my brain gets back in sync and I remember both equally well. lol Do you think it may too late to benefit from all those lessons though? Just a thought..... Who had the most influence in your life, in terms of shaping your thinking and making you the stellar person you are today? And please, don't tell me God or I swear I'll go postal! lol I'm talking real people here with your interaction deeply affected your psyche.
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11 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
8 Apr 10
My Grandmother became my hero wwwwwith six words, Shut Up Paula and leave her alone. This was the result on my Aunt picking on me one Christmas day when I was 17 and very PJ. She was into me in front of my whole family and my Grandmother let her have it. I never knew that my Grandmother cared about me at all before that day but I have given thanks for her ever since. No one else stood up for me, including my new husband.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Apr 10
That's the beauty of grandparents. They can surprise us when we least expect it, and often those 'surprises' stay with us and have a lasting affect. Good for your Gran!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Apr 10
I don't know her (must go look) but sorry to hear that.... I didn't have grandparents in my life. I guess it was my mother who influenced me the most.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
8 Apr 10
You missed something special then dawn............... But your mum must have been a strong influence to turn out a stellar person like you!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Apr 10
awwwwwww Yeah I did, but at least my kids have two of their grandparents. I am really happy about that1
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
9 Apr 10
Sparks!!! This is scary. It is uncanny how you write things that relate to my life so closely yet I have not told you what "drama" is going on lately. You are right about the rain falling and falling and falling and falling. There is a dark cloud that just hovers over me. I do nothing and stuff happens around me. Please convey my condolences to moon dancer. Let her know she is not alone.
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• United States
8 Apr 10
AWWWWWW, BLESS HER HEART. HOW SAD FOR HER. U are right when it rains it pours. I loved my grandmother's very much but always extemely claose to my maternal one. She lived the longest to . She was the only person iever thought that really listened to me & was interested in what was going on in my life. She gave me alot of good advice. Some i wanted & some i didn't at the time,lol.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
8 Apr 10
Hey My Sweet Friend, You are such a good and caring friend. My heart breaks for Moon. Too many losses in too short of time. She'll make it through this but the pain is more than anyone should have to bear. My husband lost his job in 2007, a month later he lost his Sister of whom was his best friend, his Mother passed away 3 weeks later the day before his Sisters memorial. And as if that wasn't enough, their Black Lab Cody who never left Dennis's Sisters side and also alerted Mom's Son-in-law to the fact that Mom was down in the bathroom passed within a few days after Mom. Talk about heart break, my hubby is still trying to adjust to the greatest loss of his life. As for your question, oddly enough my Grandmother on my Mom's sidewas the greatest influence in my life. I spent much of my teen years spending time with her. We were very close, unlike my other 2 sisters, they considered her to be very obnoxious. She was a wonderful woman who deserved to be remembered as such. Please tell Moon that my love and prayers go out to her. Love Leenie
8 Apr 10
Hi sparky, That is just so sad for Moondancer to lose both on after another, but as least her gran will be with Ninja now, I have lost my BIL two weeks ago and there has been too many sadness of late, I just hope Moondancer is ok, love and hugs. Tamara xxxx
@GardenGerty (162783)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I did not get to spend a lot of time with my dad's mother, as my mother did not like her, and then there were some other issues I will not go into. Not with grandmother, though.She was a special and unique person, I just spent very little time with her. I think I could have learned a lot from her. I often believed that my Mother's mother loved me better than my mother did. I think I learned more about things from watching how she acted and reacted than from many other people. Things like how to really love someone, and how to play with a baby, and how to laugh at myself. I do not think we can say God had the biggest influence on us, unless we say who brought Him to us or made Him real for us.She never mentioned God, at least not when I was a little kid, but she lived the way she should and that was important. The best examples in our lives are who are responsible then.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
9 Apr 10
Hiya Sparks.. For me, I miss most my late grandma.. I would spend time with her most of the time and she would teach me things. There are also other grandchildren whom she loved too..and I am just so lucky to be able to share her joy and love. Very warmth and I'll always remember her as a caring and gentle person. Miss her to bits, and I always pray for her.
• United States
9 Apr 10
My great grandmother raised me. I lived with her and my grandmother growing up for the most part but my grandmother worked 40+ hours a week in a sewing factory and my great grandmother looked after me and did chores from sun up to sun down. But thinking about it, aside from teaching me how to cook for an army I don't think I learned anything from anyone. Basically I just swore to myself that I would live my life the complete opposite of how my mother lived hers and I was bound to turn out ok. So far, so good.
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I think that is really a toss up between my grandmother and my father. My grandmother was a patient woman, kind and always had a smile on her face. I remember if a knock was at the door she would comb her hair and check her lipstick. Kind of imprinted in me that we should always make ourselves presentable. Like taking pride in yourself through your appearance. She was a very proper woman. My dad is the thinker. He instilled wisdome by thinking first, talking later. He is quick witted and knows when and how to speak to make sure this point doesn't only get across to you, it is presented in such a way that it smacks ya in the back of the head and makes you think too. I think I carry a lot of that with me and know that silent words speak louder then what is said.
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@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
my real influence is my grandpa. a witty man indeed. practical on all things. it's just too bad we lost him early. My older cousins were the real benefactors of his wit, teaching them new things especially handling things in the countryside where we reside,
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