What would you do when your middle schooler has a friend who's like this?

United States
April 8, 2010 1:56pm CST
My daughter is 13 and has a friend who's she's grown really close to. Everything seemed fine and then my daughter says that this Shannon knows this famous actor dude. Shelley looked it up on the internet and it's the same name, and he's kinda a small time guy-not majorly known like say Brad Pitt. So I didn't think much...until then she started claiming that Shannon could see dead people...and then that furthered into she's a medium and "can control them" Here's where I got really worried...my daughter wouldn't go to bed last night--her friend Shannon claims that a ghost followed her home. I'm a major Ghost Hunters (the show on syfy) fanatic...and I've never heard of that. And I told her that and also that besides=I lived in a haunted house as a child-they can't just pick someone to haunt and follow them. Well, she's scared of being alone now. I'm not sure what to do about this kid...my daughter doesn't want me to talk to the mother because she's afraid of losing her friend..but I'm highly considering having a little sit down with her this Saturday (our girls are having a hang out date) I remember having some friends that played with ouija boards and did bloody mary..but this is just way beyond that. What would you do if this was your daughter?
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5 responses
@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
8 Apr 10
Wow that is a situation indeed. Unfortunately I am not a father so is hard for me to recommend a solution, still I personalize your position since I have a nephew who is a teenager and close to me. I think just like what I am tell you, is not accurate or helpful if you don't know what you you are talking about or have experience first hand on the matter, so I think if I were in your shoes; I think I would want to spend time with my kid and friend to sort of experience what they do and be there for them. I think serving as some sort of support / defense/ protection role. I would recommend also change your ways and fanaticism about ghosts and hunted stuff. If you are a God fearing family, then all that does not belong in your home.
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• United States
8 Apr 10
Well I just called the mother...and I'm really glad I did...I didn't want the mom to flip out saying her daughter would never do that and I didn't want them to not be friends. But this girl texted some really scary stuff to my daughter today-telling her an evil demon followed her home...I read the texts and then called the mom. She said that the girl has been really into this stuff and is a sort of "drama queen" She's trying to be different from everyone else..I told them mom that I want it to stop now...I mean who talks about that kinda stuff everyday? Where's the girl talk here? So she's going to have a talk with the daughter tonight and tell her to drop it. As for God fearing, I believe in God, but I will tell you I lived in a haunted house for 3 years...and I don't know where God comes into the paranormal-but it bothers even the most religious of people. I can't explain it much less understand it...maybe that's why I watch that stuff..my kids don't..she's too afraid. But I will say this: God fearing people are in the Ghost Hunting field-ever heard of the Warrens? Big time religious people and big time ghost hunters.
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• United States
8 Apr 10
OH wow sounds like that situation quickly was escalating and you nipped it at the bottom, I hope? sounds great that her mom would cooperate and relate to your motherly needs to take care of your daughter. Its a dilemma for sure and delicate to a point. Hopefully that is were it stops. I know that is true many people who are so kin to religion push that sentiment into a paranormal vigilante stance. I think one must be truly spiritual and strong minded to take on something like that. I used to live in hunted house when I was a little boy and with my parents we experienced apparitions several times. Faith and love for God is a strong support and ultimate. The moral of the statement is just that and why many God fearing people take on facing the paranormal. The fact is that as long as you, the individual, has God on one's site, there is no need to fear anything but God.
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• United States
9 Apr 10
Thank you for sharing this. We live in such scary times, for our kids, those of you who are parents, and makes me think twice about parenthood. I sure hope you will find a warm practical solution to reach your child and hold all together. Mothers are so precious.
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@hollowheart (1572)
• India
9 Apr 10
Hi Rachelle. Let me first ask u if u believe in ghosts? I believe as i have felt the presence and also had been attacked by ghosts myself. It could be true that the girl does see ghosts or has such feelings. However it may also be a prank that is being played by someone else just to scare her. 13 is too young an age and the prime thing that must be done is that this little girl should not be left alone for sometime. Her parents should try and talk to her with patience as to what does this girl see and feel. Probably consult a psycologist and at the same time give in a confidence to the kid that ghosts dont exist. If she is able to accept it, very soon she would be back to normal again. Wishing her all the best and i am sure u would take the right step. I think u can speak to the kid and understand whats actually going on. Later if its really serious u need to speak to the girls parents.
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• United States
9 Apr 10
Yes, I believe in ghosts because (if you read further up) I lived it for 3 years. I don't discuss that kind of stuff with my daughter-I remember my mom talking about that house after we moved and I wouldn't sleep for days. It scared the heck out of me and still does to this day-my eyes water and I get the chills. Like I said up there, I think this kid just wants attention..she's trying to be cool...but she's scaring the crap out of my baby! I think the mom is a good mom and will pay more attention to it now...she didn't even know that she was talking about all this at school and texting. Thanks for responding, how have you been? :-P
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• India
13 Apr 10
Hey Rachelle... i am so sorry i saw ur response so late. Ya sometimes these spooky places and movies really scares the heck out of us. I cant live without the lights on at night. I am so damn scared. Its fine if the kid wants attension, but this is definitely not the way. Its good to hear that her mom is going to take care of things. It really can harm a childs psychology for a lifetime. U need to make ur child understand that ghosts dont exist and its just used for scaring out of fun. She will be much stronger and not afraid of ghosts like us :) I have been doing good and hope things will be better with time.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
8 Apr 10
As I've said so many times all along, I don't have any children but I think you should have a serious sit down talk with your daughter about this. This sounds very weird to me. I don't believe in ghosts and I never was allowed to play with ouija boards. I think it's interesting that you lived in a haunted house when you were a child, though. Was it really as haunted as you say it was, lol. I'm sorry. I didn't mean any disrespect but I can imagine some of the things that went on around Halloween. Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
9 Apr 10
The house that you lived in sounds beautiful! It was probably an old house, though, wasn't it? We have a couple of victorian houses in this area but they're kind of new. One is yellow and one is pink. I can imagine all the things that went on in this house at night were pretty scary! Kathy.
• United States
9 Apr 10
Oh yeah, wierd it is...for a kid to believe that she's some kind of "medium" or something...The house I lived in was a victorian house....the most that ever happened (and it happened at all hours-even in daylight) was loud banging at night-like someone beating down a door, swinging doors, cold spots on the staircase, doors locking (and even the skeleton key wouldn't open them, my helium balloon would follow you around and then stop at the candy dish, toys turning on and off (i remember my R2D2 remote control toy going spasmatic and watched my dad rip the batteries out and it still went across the table) It was nothing dangerous. We lived there 3 years and it did the same thing everynight pretty much...we never saw it..but you would know something was there when things were happening like that. We moved when I was 8 and I've always wanted to go back and see if I could sense it there...then again-Halloween night-what a fright that'd be!!
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@Bearballew (1148)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I would not allow that bond with any of my children. I would pray over my house, my children and anytime that child was near my home I'd DOUBLE the prayer! I'd sit my child down and explain why we don't yolk ourselves to that kind of belief or behavior. (I've done this) If you're not a prayER, then I would go the better safe than sorry route that you appear to be leaning towards. Whether you believe in this dark stuff or not doesn't matter. What matters is this friendship isn't good for your daughter. She's freaked to go to sleep, to be alone. Kids love being alone at 13 gaining independance. For the health of your daughter, nip it now. I would also ask your daughter why she's affraid to loose this friend? Has she been threatened? Help her see that this relationship isn't as great as the price she is paying for it. Spend time with her doing what she wants to do re-building what a healthy relationship looks like, and being that bandaide that all mothers should be when a relationship needs to end. At 13 children are not real good at picking friends of integrity and character. It is our job to help them do that. Don't feel bad about telling the other mom, 'Sorry, your child is a negative influence on my precious daughter. Your daughter is not welcome in our life right now." I've done it. Made the calls... got the stares... don't be surprised if the mom doesn't get it. She might not even know her daughter is like this. It could all be for shock value. That doesn't matter though, it's not good for YOUR kid. Do what's right. Protect your daughter. You wouldn't let her date a serial killer or a rapist. Why is this friendship any different if she's JUST as scared? Go MOM GO! Children are worth fighting for!
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@stanley777 (9401)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I would also considering talking to her friend..since it's really affecting my child's behavior...maybe the 3 of you should talk and sort this out..
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• United States
9 Apr 10
I talked to the mother and I'm more relieved now..it ended on a good note..and I have her number locked into my cell phone for future reference, should I need it. Thanks for your post, have a great weekend.
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