Who is controlling you? your mind/brain or Jesus/God?
By vine88
@vine88 (1031)
April 9, 2010 12:36am CST
Let's talk about you and Jesus. You think GOD is doing everything. Jesus watching from heaven, and remote in hand, just controlling you? is that right? Or God simply watches or spying on you. Making profile on you, doing bad or good things. If you are doing good things you will be rewarded in the heavens if bad things you will moved to hell. Is that right what i said?
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38 responses
@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
9 Apr 10
[b]Let's talk about you and Jesus.
You think GOD is doing everything.
First of all – “thinking” has nothing to do with this - - - you cannot reach God through
Your mind / thoughts according to what His word teaches. The Bible says that the brain / natural mind / thinking is at war with God, or antagonistic towards His word, teachings and certainly His son Jesus. It takes a ‘spiritual’ experience that only God can provide for those who “sincerely seek” Him, not just to TRY HIM OUT.
Jesus watching from heaven, and remote in hand, just controlling you? is that right?
And you came up with this idea from where?
This is just childish thinking, and couldn’t be farther frome the truth. Jesus love all of us – even YOU – He’s not keeping tracik of anything or anyone. Scripture teaches that God set up principles, boundaries, and blessings and cursings in the very beginning. We get to ‘choose’ who we accept as God, and His provision for enterance into Heaven, and our choice brings us to whatever end we come to.
Or God simply watches or spying on you. Making profile on you, doing bad or good things.
Again – this is just silly – God does not spy on us, He lives with us, or by invitation: within us, and developes a genuine relationship with us, as we allow Him too.
If you are doing good things you will be rewarded in the heavens if bad things you will moved to hell.
No – that is not right. One does ‘not’ go to Heaven by what “they” have done – but through believing “and receiving” what Jesus did on the cross for us. Hell was not created for mankind, but for satan and his demonic hordes, and those who ‘reject’ Christ and what He offered, and taught as the truth.
That is the main reason that hell will be a place of torment - - because people were never supposed to end up there, but as I referred to above, it is what and whom we choose to serve here and now, that governs where we end up. The pathway is clear, if one is truly searching, and will prayerfully read God’s word, about Jesus and what He taught and gave us as a gift.
Is that right what i said?
In a word: NO
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@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
Thank you,
Nice to see you here, God had done this.
God manage to find you here,God manage us to meet.
Any way thanks to God.
Thanks for your bold letter.. that means..you wanna said your words loudly..that really attracts..thanks,, i can read more clearly..thank you.
You have given comments on every word. Thank you for that. Thank for taking care.. Are we friends or Enemy?
I can' t write everything here...in this.. you can see all my comments in this topic... so that you can know me..that will help.. to know me...
Jesus watching from heaven.......
This is just childish thinking....ya i am a child..still learning..i do not know anything..you might have know much more then me..
The truth is that i do not know anything.
I don;t like to call you silly...let you call that for me...you can call what ever you like... you can call me idiot.
I do not agree...with you.. god is not spying..If you believe god then he is spying.. he knows everything of us...if not why you called he had created us.
Thanks for your ideas.
Don't you believe heaven or hell?
I don't like to read God, i like to know him.
lastly, I said everything wrong.. according to your feeling...according to my feeling it's all right.
I'd like to put some Jesus words here "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise"
From this saying, i don't like to called you a fool. (fool- this word is not for you)
You said above..you can't reach God through your minds-
My thinking -
Each human beings ultimately has to become a God, that is the flowering of your potential.Those who have flowered before have become gods,There is not qualitative difference between you and them.They have not created the world. Once they were the same as you are, in the same way ignorant, the same way blind, but they have found their way and they have blossomed, their spring has come.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
It's good to comments.
Is it good to say some one -silly
-childish ?
If i won't agree with you , then i become silly? What kind of thinking is that...
Is there any rules that i have to move according to your feelings...
Why peoples want others according to their thinking..
Even your children..are not yours.. they have their own feelings and ideas..they are of their own. You don't have the right to control over them.you can give them your love, don't give your opinion, because they have their own opinion.
suppose i am your child, you can simply love me. I have my own opinion.
Thank you for your words and feelings.
A good person know how to respect others.
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
God gave us the free will to do our stuff but according to his 10 commandments w/c are do not worship any god before me, do not steal, do not make adultery, respect your mother & father etc. If you obey God's commandment, you have your reward from heaven. If you became disobedient son face this punishment. God will judge us on the judgment day.
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@pankajgupta1967 (67)
• India
9 Apr 10
At glance ur judgement is quite important, but as u told perhaps even .0001% people are not thier on earth. Every person is selfish atleast in jorney of my life i could not meet person with true value of morals...........
@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
9 Apr 10
God gave us the free will to choose. He gave us the 10 commandments as a guide to what he wants. He gave us Jesus to take away the sin. Jesus told us we have to be BORN AGAIN. It is not enough to just obey the commandments, they were given to the Israelites in the desert after they Exodused from Egypt, but they couldn't keep them. We are human and we can not humanly keep them. That is why Jesus came, that we may believe in him and by believeing we can be saved but it takes a commitment.
John 3:3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
John 3:5&6 Jesus answered, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirti. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit".
1John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
@ctrlor (76)
• China
9 Apr 10
i think i am just controled by the desire in the life. since it, i make the error,
since it , i have gained the more progress on my interest and ability...
so i call myself "ctrlor", i just want to control me all by myself ...if i can do that i will be a man who can control his action all by his thinking ....
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
12 Apr 10
I think that we are able to control ourselves in the long run. We learn about God from our religious education, but I don't actually think that there is something that is bigger than us that is controlling us. Instead, I think that we make our own decisions based on the things that we learn. I think that the lessons that we learn about God are those things that give us our moral conscious and really help to mold the decisions that we make.
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@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
11 Apr 10
We are controlling ourselves. I think God knows in advance what we will do, but He also knows what's in our hearts. Thus, since we are not perfect, we get ourselves into bad predicaments, especially when we don't seek his help. I think that if we are in his favor, then sometimes when we seem to be going in the wrong direction, He'll put something in a dream or nightmare, or put us in a situation where a miracle might occur, or put us in a situation where we follow our hearts and this leads us to the right track (if we listen.) If we don't listen, then He might do something else. I think it might be like probabilities. I am doing something but if I'm steered in this direction what's the probability that I'll be on the right track again? In a way, it's relative. We see things our way, so we wonder that if God knows everything, then many of us are already condemned. If you know math, we are thinking according to our definitions and subsets. But we don't know how God works. We could be condemned and not condemned at the same time, controlled and not controlled because His logic is more pure and beyond our comprehension.
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@littlemama (1)
• United States
9 Apr 10
you control your own mind and actions. either you do right or wrong its left up to you.if you do good you will be reward for it, if you do bad you will be punished.Repent confess and he will forgive you but you must live rightouse for than on.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Apr 10
hi vine lets don't and say we did. My feelings and my religion are not for anyone else to make fun of, Yes I believe in God, no he is not controlling me I am not a robot, my mind controls me, no he does not spy you make this sound horrid, the idea spying on me, Please get off this religion kick, I am not answering more questions, you mock and I detest that.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
12 Apr 10
[b][/b]Just a brief note – I did not say that YOU were silly – I said that some of your concepts were silly.
You have to base your beliefs on something that is proven to be truth. I am somewhat familiar with the beliefs of Hinduism. But I have to trust in what Jesus taught, because I have proven for myself that His teachings are the truth.
Reincarnation is a deception, and we do NOT become gods. We can by choice, become ‘servants of the Most High God, but we do not become gods. Jesus has already paid the price and penalty for our entrance into heaven. But if you reject His sacrifice and teachings, then you will turn to another which is not of the truth.
He said: “I am the way, the truth, and the life; “no one comes to the Father but by me.” He is the door, the truth and the life. He is also called the Lord of lords – so that does mean that there are other lords, but not the true Lord. That’s why He is the Lord of (over) other lords, and the supreme being that the Father sent to us as His representative, for life and peace, and life after life, if we accept His only begotten Son.
I wish you well, but do not follow your beliefs. Ihave already found the truth, so there’s no need to keep searching, and no need to argue you over it either.
Have a good week. 

@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
hi Hatley,
don't worry,
There is nothing bad to say God is controlling.
I am not sure about this who is controlling. I don't know anything about existence of nature. I am neither atheist nor theist.
I will not got angry when people said my mind control from god. IF they say so, it's also good. Everything is done by God.You are not a doer the doer is God. If you are not doing anything, things are happening, then your ego settle down, you will be simply ego-less person. Everything is according to God means, you have nothing, you have done ...THe holy saint of Hindu are proudly say.. it;s all by good.. i simply like that..they are not doer..they are not proud to be a doer..they don't want to be popular..and in Christianity the same..it's a good expect..in this..you became great..if you say things are done...i am not a doer...
i personally also like to say.. things are being done...i am not a doer..i do not know anything..i don't want to be a doer..if you wanna be doer then ego comes with you....
and you start saying i have done this i have done that.. i have done such big charity.. i am a big person...something like that..that brings attachments...
some thing like that...
hey, Hatley don't worry nothing bad will happen...
don't feel i am making fun with your god, remember that is not your god only...that's every one god...
it's just a personal feelings....
people have different kinds of feelings...they are free..that's why freedom for human.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
I do not agree, you said, "i am not a robot,my mind controls me"
You can not control your mind.
Remember things are happening, things are not going according to your mind. It's being done, whether by God or someone else...
There are many examples..scientist.. great scientist.. says..they have not done things by themselves..
saints and scientist.. i suppose the same..they are both saints..scientist are also saint, there is saint hood inside. They are not against nature...they are in the favor of peace.
When Einstein discover atom bomb, when it being miss used then he felt really sad..he don't like that being used..he was not proud that he made something..that thing killed peoples life..so there is sainthood inside scientist.
And many scientist can't deny in minds, the soul.
another example, the artist, they think they are doing, actually they are not doing, things are done by them.. they are only means.. things are coming out from them...a good artist...deep inside.. there is sainthood.
another example..author..who write books...feeling are coming through him/her...
they are not doer.. things are done ...
And you can't be a author, you can't be scientist, you can't be artist..you can't do that..
I will give you another example,
A hollow bamboo which can become a flute... but the song is not of the bamboo, the only beauty of the bamboo is that it is hollow, that it is not, that it gives way, that it does not hinder the song. It does not distort the song... it brings the song in as pure a form as possible. And once you start feeling like a nobody. things are being done..., you will be surprised how tremendously the message comes, with what clarity, with what authority, the authority is not yours, the clearity is not yours. It is coming from beyond you. ( You can called it from God)

@Elixiress (3878)
9 Apr 10
I don't believe in God or Jesus, so I believe that you are controlled by your own mind / brain.
If you make a mistake, you cannot blame it on a friend or relative, so you shouldn't blame it on God or Jesus either. You are responsible for your own actions.
It is extremely worrying when an individual kills thousands of people because "God told him too".
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
9 Apr 10
i think god dont control us, but instead he gave us common sence not to do somethings, but there are some who dont want to do them or the right things.
i know i have meant some who do some really dumb things and they say God will watch over me, no he gave sence not too
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@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
9 Apr 10
Interesting question again. I would say that God plants little ideas in your head to do good things...and maybe the devil plants them too..It's your choice which action you choose to take. I think God is all-seeing like they say. I try everyday to be the best that I can be and I think that those that do good things build up their treasures in heaven..those that do angry evil things get eternally burnt.
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@khalida (1126)
• India
9 Apr 10
well i think god has given us the choice of doing good or bad things! though there is something called destiny, he has only chose a path out of two but at the end of the day, we only have the power to choose the path god has chosen for s or the other one! :)
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@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
Perhaps God is controlling everything and at the same time spying on me, whether I made the right choice or not, obeyed his rules or not and when things went wrong he did anything to shake and moved me...
God has his way of never letting me a sinner forever, if at some point something or someone was misleading me he pulled me out from the darkness and showed me the way to where the light is. He never just watched me as only a sinner but the person that I am who deserves to be healed by his words and be worthy of a place in heaven.
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@ying_yang (56)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
just like others, i agree and believe that God gave us free will to decide and choose on our own, its just that in every decision or in everything we choose to do or not there are always consequences for that, that is what i believe. he always guides us and let us do our thing and learn from it.. :)
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
i guess there are a lot of things and people that plays part of controlling my decision and schedule, but whatever that is i always ask blessing to the Lord almighty on whatever i am going to do. i ask for guidance to accept all of this and give me strength to do what i need to do. i also help in the best way i can. jope you have a wonderful weekend 

@nice030481 (1109)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
hi, i believed in God, and i also believed that if i do good things i will be rewarded in heaved and if i do bad thing i will be punish to hell. But i don't know who is controlling me. i do my decisions based on what happen in my everyday life. i just praying to God that please help me in my daily life. i know not my all decisions are good but i was hoping that God will guide me. Not all what i pray seems heard by God but i was hoping he will give me sign why did He not give me what i want.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
certainly he will give you... i think you praying is still not reaching... it will reach one day...because heaven is so far...far from moon...so it takes time...i think he might be busy...you have to wait keep faith.. believe on him.. he will change your life one day...
thank you.
keep hope...
@Arkie69 (2156)
• United States
10 Apr 10
No That is not correct. God communicates with us through His Holy Spirit, And so does Jesus. The 10th chapter of Acts proves we are dealing with the Holy Spirit of God and Jesus. This is the method God uses to share His wisdom and power with us.
However, as powerful as God is He must still work with us through our human brain. Every thought you think, every word you speak and every move your body makes is always completely controlled by your human brain. God designed our human brain and left a small door open where He can get into it any time he wishes. Our brain uses information to control our every thought, word and move and God can plant the information we need to take us where ever we need to go.
In order for us to ever have any personal communication with Jesus we must have first been Anointed with the Holy Spirit by God. God can work with us through His Holy Spirit to help us reach a point where it is possible for Him to Anoint us. Once that has happened Our name is written in the book of life and both God and Jesus can share their wisdom and power with us. All this is in the Bible if you know where to look. And if you have God or Jesus showing you the real truth about what you are reading in the Bible.
God doesn't play games with us. He is more than willing to help us any way He can if we are just willing to do what we must do to get into a position where He can help us. God requires us to take the first steps toward Him. He will not come and get us.
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I am thinking for myself and looking to God for guidance. Just as a sheep is not spied on by the shepherd, neither are God's children.
The shepherd looks after his sheep's safety, but even with all his diligence, every now and then a sheep gets into trouble - whether from a preying animal, or stepping into an unseen hole, etc. So do God's sheep.
He gives us free rein to do as we please, but gives us guidance and hopes we will choose to not to stray into dangerous lands.
If we choose to do so, that is our choice, but He waits patiently, calls sweetly and urges us back into the fold.

@kaylachan (75568)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
9 Apr 10
I'm not as religious as I used to be. But, I do think I can respond. Simply put I am in control of my actions. "God" or "Jesus" has no influance on how I think, feel, or think. I'm in control of my thoughts, feelings and actions. After all should I make a mistake who's responsible? Me. Not "god" or "Jesus". Just me, myself and I. If a "higher power" actually "controled" me, then wouldn't he, she or it be responsable for my actions and have to take the blame for the mistakes I make?
@vine88 (1031)
• India
10 Apr 10
It's contradiction Friend,
Sometimes, we regret.. sometimes.. we feel that we are doing really bad... we don't have to do like that.. i don't have to do like that way..
letter on we felt like that...
Ya surely i agree, you are blamed by your mistakes. Whether it's knowingly or unknowingly.
-Vine.(something beyond us)