Do you increase your wants according to the availability of resources?

@kalav56 (11464)
April 9, 2010 2:22am CST
People may tend to expand their wants according to the availability of resources. As resources increase their life style may change. This certainly has some disadvantages if there is a downswing in earnings or if there is some unforeseen expenditure for which the prior planning was not enough. On the other hand some people may adopt a cautious consistent approach throughout theirlives. When people adopt a consistent way of living, problems are less. Do you agree? This topic came to mind and because I liked it a lot, I am posting this.But forgive me if I comment on your responses after some delay..
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34 responses
@vandana7 (101383)
• India
9 Apr 10
Honestly, my wants are quite limited. :) This is because my idea of heavenly time was when I must have been around 7 or so. We had this single bedroom quarter, in a nice 400 odd square yards. There were lots of fruits, and flowers, and lawn. And that is all that I aspire for. :) Of course, as I grew up I realized we need regular income to pay bills and buy clothes. So that house plus a few things that I have become accustomed to. My father however is a great one for the latest gadgets. He likes to buy anything and everything at the exhibitions. He attends one exhibition too many. :)
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
What a lovely picture of fruits and flowers and a garden/WHere was this Vandana? Your father seems to be quite modern in his aprroach.Surprising!
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
10 Apr 10
I think that's pretty reasonable, Aunt.. Gradual lifestyle..just like what I choose to adopt too in my life.. Just something gradual..nothing more, nothing less.. Kalav has definitely started a good topic here..
@vandana7 (101383)
• India
10 Apr 10
@ Kala, you wont believe this - it was in Surajpur, near Chandigarh. And the place is still pretty much untouched by modernities. I am just dying to be there. Only issue is papa. He will feel isolated and he now wants to be with his friends and relatives (yuck). I cant do this to him at this stage of his life. I will move out eventually. :) For now, it is dad all the way - even if he has not really been supportive.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
19 Apr 10
When people adopt a consistent way of living, their problems can be less, If, they don't consistently invite their problems. If you live wrong, then the wrong stays with you. My grandparents had resources, but they taught me not to want everything that tempts me. I'm glad they did. So "no" I do not "increase my wants according to the availability of resources."
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 Apr 10
to you ans to your grandparents.They have really taught you the proper lsense of values thta would help you maintain your peace during all ups and downs of life.
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4 Nov 10
I stick to the budget that's set by myself and my wife, we follow this very strictly and although sometimes our children don't understand, I know one day they'll share the same values as me. I don't have money worries because of following what I can and can't spend, I know some family members who act like they're millionaires and it makes me sick when they ask people to borrow them money because otherwise they would struggle. Lessons are learned by being careful and sometimes going wrong but this is an area where I don't want to go wrong.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
16 Nov 10
YOu seem to adopt a sensible approach where you will not have many disappointments.THanks for the participation and sorry for the late comment.
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@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
9 Apr 10
I have a very clear cut idea of how much saving should be done monthly and accordingly i spend the rest of money.I have to pay for my policies and my son's policies,so i save accordingly keeping in mid all these factors. When i get more money i prefer to buy the items which were pending in my list but could not be bought due to paucity of funds.But no compromise on savings.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
There speaks the chartered accountantbut despite being a C.A, how is it you are talking about policies[insurance I guess]? With the low interest rates I thought you may not be in favour of it.
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• India
9 Apr 10
I do not rely on stock market much.I lost about 8 lacs.I rely on LIC and other post office saving scemes like MIS.
• India
9 Apr 10
Apart from that i have some investments in SBI and other private investment companies.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
10 Nov 10
I think that this statement is very true when you look at life in general. I've seen many cases in my life where people are accustomed to one lifestyle but their lifestyle changes if they have any kind of a significant increase in their wages or whatever. That said, I also tend to think that people have a hard time adjusting their lifestyle when their is a decrease in the amount of resources that they have in their lives. This is one of the many reasons that the economy has seen the troubles that it has in the last couple of years.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
16 Nov 10
Thank you dorannmwin for the response.As you have rightly pointed out, it is easy to adapt with increase in resources but the comedown is a very difficult one.Temoperance would always help maintain our balnce .
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@bystander (2292)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
sometimes, einstein is at work in such situations. also, the law on supply and demand has a lot to do with it. but for one conscious of his health, like me, those things no longer affect my consumption levels. i stick to what i need, even in non-nutritional items. i maintain a simple life and abundance doesn't tempt me to live otherwise.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
2 Jun 10
sorry for this very late comment.I have mmissed out on some. FOr people who are conscious of their health and their savings/budget, this won't be a problem.THanks for hte repsosne.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
9 Apr 10
Yes, I think the place where my wants shrink or expand would be in choosing restaurants or hotel rooms. When resources are available then I would choose more expensive food and lodging, but when they are not then I would shop for a better price.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
Then this shows you are very prudent.WHen there is availability you just feel like indulging thta bit but if it is not once again it seems to be fine. THis is because you have restricted the wants to one or two things.Isn't it?
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
11 Apr 10
I wonder if it is human nature; the more we have the more we want. Or it could be that when we get to the point that we can finally afford something we didn’t have before we become so used to it and we believe we cannot live without it! I recall a life without a cell phone, there were no computers in the house and we only had one television set; now we have three computers, four cell phones and three TVs and we are not, by any means rich people! I like to think that I am not overly attached to ‘stuff’ and I could probably do without a lot of things except my lifeline, my laptop! We try to live within our means and avoid credit of possible and there are many luxuries that we may have our eyes on but debt free feels better than a lot of things.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
20 Apr 10
Very true Paula. As we are able to afford a bit more we naturally loosen our purse strings abit.THe trouble arises when we start overspending on borrowed money with the intention of returnng it a nd the hope of good days to be everlasting.
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• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I rather can use the resources for other important can add the extra earnings to a savings account or for business is much easier to allot a shopping budget to discipline yourself from spending.on the other hand,too much frugality can deny you of things you is much better to stick somewhere in the middle.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
True.A well maintained balance is always needed to keep us happy and also secure.THanks for the participation.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Unfortunately, most of us tend to live pretty undisciplined lives. And, of course, it's easy to have more if one is able to, but hard to do with less when that becomes the reality. However, most of us would be surprised at how little we really NEED in order to be both satisfied and joyful. As has often been said "The best things in life are free." I believe that to be a truism. Granted food, shelter, and clothing require a certain financial dimension that can't be ignored, but can be improved upon, as in learning to be frugal re at least food and clothing. Shelter is harder, as the American dream of home ownership turns into a nightmare. Nonetheless, most of us could do with a lot fewer "things".
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
2 Jun 10
Very true.We ourselves are the cause of this. Shelter [if you think of owning a house would be ahrd anywhere because in cities , places are got by premium and alifetiem would go saving up for this. THanks for the response and sorry I missed out on this .
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• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I don't expand my wants too often. I just buy what's necessary and if i had some extra i'd put it in savings for my small business. I don't buy stuff too often, only when i'm sure that it wouldn't be a total loss for me.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
That is indeed a wise approach.When we stick to necessities, we do not face problems.And your approach to business indicates youa re going to be a great success one day.
@allknowing (141592)
• India
9 Apr 10
"Expenditure rises to meet income" which is nothing but another way of saying more income raises wants. This is a human weakness. What we see around proves this point. What is competing with the Jonesus? It is rarely that one is satisfied with what one has.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
Why talk about competing with the Joneses? It is like how we get used to a fan, t.v., cell phone etc etc.., We ourselves, find certain things suited to us which earleir we may not have thought about.We are able to pay, the convenience is there so why not?THat can also be an attitude isn't it? By and large when we keep thisunder control we never have heart aches. But it is definitely a human weakness .
• India
9 Apr 10
Hi, Yes I do change my wants or rather requirements according to the availability of resources. Its not that I am not interested in acquiring more resources. But I think, the primary criterion to have more is to be satisfied with what you already have. This type of thinking gives a surge of positive energy and satisfaction. It makes us more flexible and dynamic. Even if I ignore the possibility of any financial disaster in future, I still think there are other advantages of this approach. With this approach one learns to appreciate the things he has and also to value the present, without even trying to anticipate the future. Thanks for starting this interesting this-cussion. God bless you
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
We were discussing how people may increase their wants as their resources increase. When a person can afford something extra, he would not mind splurging on this.This is a human weakness. Sometimes people anticipate great earnings and increase their life style so much thta when they fall on bad times there is real problem[like what we have heard about some old time filmstars] I too always maintain a particular style thta has not seen much change over so many years barring one or two extra conveniences that were always on the cards.
@caliya (1168)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I guess it's human nature. As your salary increases your lifestlye will also adapt but i think what's really important is that you choose a lifestyle that you can afford.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
10 Apr 10
Couldn't agree more with this..
@samson1967 (7413)
• India
9 Apr 10
Nice topic, no I will not change my style, or go for expansion of wants, when thre are substantial funds, I have learnt long back, to stretch my legs within my bed. I will not allow the money to mange me, rather I will keep it under my control.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
Excellent response.Money should nto be allowed to manage us but we should do it.THanks for the participation.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 Apr 10
Hi Kala! Availability of resources (read financial resources) do make an affect on our needs and we tend to go for those kind of stuff, which we could not afford, when we had less means. I think, balance needs to be maintained in the sense that we should not go over board or should add a long list of our desires, when we have better financial resources. It is better to live within our means. When I get extra income, I tend to spend!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
9 Apr 10
tRUE deepak! I too agree that a balance must be maintained and we should not go overboard and increse our regular budget because steady planning lawys takes care of contingencies.Happy spending !on the occasional day.
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
we always have wants in life and its never ending, though for me its limited as long as its within my budget. though if i know that i really dont need the thing even if i want to buy it then i will not waste my money to it. i will be be contented with what i can afford.
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• Australia
10 Apr 10
I've been living on a pension for the past decade, which means I had to learn to budget to survive. I've thought about this question in the past, and I believe that even if I ever won a large sum of money, I'd invest it, give myself an allowance,and still live on a budget. The only difference would be that I'd donate more to those charities I've always wanted to help out.
• Australia
10 Apr 10
Yes exactly! If I ever win more than a million, I'd also give my mum an allowance,twice the amount than what the Gov't is currently giving her. I'd set up an insurance, so that if anything happens to me, my furbabies will be well looked after. And I'd especially donate to the organisation that offered to care for them for the rest of their natural life. But aside from that, I'd try to help whoever needs it more, because I know what it's like to have nothing. To live homeless. To have to rely on soup kitchens. To only have $10 food money to last you a month. So once all my debts are paid, I'm happy to share.
@Draeke (322)
• United States
20 Apr 10
Given that my earnings have always been less than desireable, I haven't had to worry about the downswing in my lifestyle, things have always been tough for me.
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• Australia
9 Apr 10
As for me,I would try to change my life to a better life that I want. Changing has risks so we may think that are the advantages outweight the disadvantages?does it worth? Meanwhile,the opportunity and time would escape! When people get accustomed to the current life,they lose the spirit to make progress. We need to get ready to change ,even if we had accustomed to the lifestyle.
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