Early morning birdsong - love it/hate it?

@Wizzywig (7847)
April 9, 2010 2:42pm CST
Are you delighted to be woken by birdsong or does it really annoy you? I grew up in the countryside so barely noticed the singing of birds in the morning but, when I went to stay at the in-laws place, they lived by the sea and the early morning seagulls were really loud and coarse voiced compared with "my" birds. My husband, however, found the countryside birds really irritating and said it was too noisy! Do you live in a busy town or rural setting and how is the birdsong for you?
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33 responses
@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
9 Apr 10
We live in a rural setting..and I am fine with the birds...well some of them...My brother in laws(who lives next door) roosters and chickens drive me nuts...but the other birds I am fine with..
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@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Hmm, yes, I can understand how the noise of chickens and roosters would be irritating - hardly melodic are they?
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
10 Apr 10
The sounds of chickens and roosters might drive me nuts too, LOL.. but I can't experience it since I don't live in a village or rural setting..
@BarBaraPrz (46701)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Apr 10
Depends on the birds... if they're sweetly singing pleasant songs, it's nice to hear, but get a bunch of crows or bluejays squabbling and I want to shoot 'em.
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• India
9 Apr 10
At one place I lived, crows were quite artistic! They imitated all birds around there, and cuckoos were their favorite. Not so aggressive even. Well, it was the only place besides my childhood one where I loved birdsong, any given time.
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@BarBaraPrz (46701)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
9 Apr 10
Quite! Forgot about starlings...
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@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Oh yes, crows and starlings - they dont have the sweetest voices do they. Pigeons are ok in short bursts but it doesn't take long to drive a quiet reserved person (????) to abusive language!
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@GardenGerty (160034)
• United States
9 Apr 10
I do not seem to hear it until I go outside, and then it is very sweet. Usually cardinals and robins. I live in a farming type community, but within city limits.
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Sometimes I'll get up early and just sit quiet in the back garden listening. We are sort of on the line where the town blends into the rural area.
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@coffeegurl (1467)
• United States
9 Apr 10
My apt faces some woods and a man made pond that used to be woods till the dumba$$es who run this place chopped them down. I get an owl that "Whoos" at night. "Who-who, who-whoo." Then, I get seagulls too, because it's Florida afterall. I also get ducks-a-qwACKING, cranes a roosting and birds a chirping. I like it. I always wonder what makes these birds so happy. Maybe because it's Springtime.
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Sounds pretty good to me I wonder if the tone changes depending on their mood? I suppose it does because you can hear when seagulls are fighting.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
I've seen the Florida seagulls in action
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• United States
9 Apr 10
If you wanna see a feeding frenzy at a mall parking lot, just chuck a small bag of McDonald's french fries out the window and wait 3 minutes.....it's like a scene from a Hitchcock movie. One day, I did an experiment to test how well seagulls see. I walked to the mailbox holding one piece of sliced white bread. You could hear the cries, and one swooped so low I thought I would lose an eye, dangerous experiment, like chumming for sharks.
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@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
10 Apr 10
As far as I am concerned, I think it all depends on waht I am doing. If I am sleep in the morning,while the birdsong rings, I think I will get so upset then and get annoying,too. That is saying I hate that sound so much. But if I am get up to have an exercise, I think will so glad to hear the birdsongs on the tree or just on my balcony.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Good point, no-one likes to be woken up but, if you're already awake its nice to hear.
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• United States
9 Apr 10
I live in a suburb, there aren't many trees around. But, the birds fight the squirrels for a spot on the branches. There's usually a nice song in the morning, I enjoy listening to the music with my first cup of tea. Going to agree with your husband though, seagulls clattering is really quite annoying.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
He was ok with seagulls - probably because he'd grown used to them....he didnt like the countryside birds at my home.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I live in a suburb but we have a lot of trees. i do not notice the birds unless I intentionally listen for them. I like to sit on the back deck with my coffee and try to hear them.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Thats a nice relaxing way to enjoy them
@hora_fugit (5863)
• India
9 Apr 10
I loved early birdsong when I was a little child. But now it depends on whether I had a good sleep or not. Small birds sound pretty to me but there are some famous ones(like cuckoo) who irritate me instead. I am quite intolerant to noise, even if it comes from birds. My roommate here has a morning alarm just like that, but he's still alive!
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Sounds like your roommate's days are numbered. I like to hear the cuckoo because they tend to be on the move here so we dont get long bursts. I dont like starlings and pigeons get irritating pretty quickly too.
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• Philippines
10 Apr 10
I would love to wake up and hear a bird song.I would very much prefer that over being awaken by my alarm clock.when my alarm clock awakes me,I think,uggh it's back to work again.when I hear the birds sing in the morning,I feel,ah it's weekend.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Yes, that sounds good! knowing you have a day of 'rest' signalled by birdsong is so much better than the dreaded alarm clock.
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
Bird song is really nice in the morning, but I don't like it when I'm still too sleepy and birds' noises wake me up. I would also hate to hear seagulls in the morning because they really don't sound good. I live in the city, but sometimes I can still hear birds sing in the morning.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Its good to know you can still hear the birdsong even in the cities. I agree with you about the seagulls
@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
9 Apr 10
I do like the sound of the early morning birds and we are in a very heavily treed area so there are plenty of them! It brings a kind of happy message to the world to get out of bed and enjoy the best part of the day. We are in a suburb that is the oldest town in the entire region and was a country town until about 20 years ago when the city stretched out and engulfed it! We are on the edge of the city though and it is rural only a couple of minutes drive away. Most of the time here the birds are very peaceful sounding but every now and then we get woken up by kookaburras who are quite loud and very unique in their sound. I know what you mean about different areas having different bird sounds. Whenever we travel back to see our family and stay with them, I always get woken very early by the birds as they make a different sound to what I have gotten used to here.
@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Yes, how nicely phrased When my dad and I used to go walking, it used to be so peaceful (ie no people/cars etc)- just the sound of the birds and rippling water - and we'd go up to the country park and walk round the lake there. It was like being in another world.... I can close my eyes and be there with him watching the sun coming over the hill, pierce through the trees and sparkle on the water to the sound of the birds singing in the trees (and the waterfowl adding their honking and quacking!!)
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@RawBill1 (8531)
• Gold Coast, Australia
9 Apr 10
That sounds like a great park. The sounds of flowing water complement the sounds of the birds nicely I think.
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@ypyanyan (956)
• China
10 Apr 10
oh, I like them very much . I grown up in the countryside when I was a little girl . there are many bamboos in my grandama'a backyard. every morning many birds will sing between bamboos . I used to listen to their songs . it is charming .
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
That sounds so lovely. Do you get the musical sound of the wind through the bamboos too?
@zashimi (148)
• Philippines
9 Apr 10
I have lived in the suburbs almost all my life and I do not know if I can ever live in the city. I am used to seeing lots of greenery, pets in the streets and birds flying around. I have always thought hearing them birds in the morning is a sign that the day is going to be a good one. Just now, I hear them chirping outside :
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@Wizzywig (7847)
9 Apr 10
Then I hope you are right and that they are signalling a great day for you Thanks for responding.
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• China
10 Apr 10
Where I live is a factory district,every morning when I wake up,what I heard is the machines noise.I'm delighted to be woken by birdsong not the machines noise.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Yes, I can imagine the birdsong would be very welcome. When I've stayed in the city, I've been woken by buses and garbage collectors. Thats ok for a change but I wouldn't want it every day.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I live in town now but lived in the country most of my life. I miss so many different bird songs. Even the seagulls never bothered me. Here, there are so few that I feed them, trying to encourage more. The crows do bother me a little, though.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Crows, seagulls and starlings are greedy birds and make a lot of noise! We get quite a bit of birdsong here but, not as much as when i lived in the "proper" countryside.
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@ElicBxn (63486)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I like the birds, sure beats the school bus, the garbage truck or the crazy lady screaming... Probably the best part is that the mocking birds don't generally get wound up until later in the day so we have cooing doves and a few other sweeter voiced birds first thing in the morning.
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Oh, thats true!! We're quite lucky that we dont get school buses here until after 8.30 (we live opposite the school) and garbge is only on Mondays... as for 'crazy women' - well, that would be me round here, & if I can hear me I must already be awake
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
13 Apr 10
i live in a country setting.. and love to hear the birds singing away when i first wake up with the sun. its peaceful. ive also lived at the beach.. and loved the sound of the gulls mixed in with the roaring surf.
@Wizzywig (7847)
13 Apr 10
Roaring surf would be great but seagulls fighting over a bag of chips doesn't do it for me.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
13 Apr 10
lol @ fighting over a bag of chips
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
10 Apr 10
You just brought back the funniest memory... I had a friend I used to visit as a teen, & her bedroom window was blocked by some sort of thick bush that, every morning, was filled with chirping, singing, twittering birds of many kinds. It was delightful! But there was one bird (I never could see what kind) who was...well, lets just say he or she didn't sound like a nightingale--but that didn't deter it from adding its unlovely voice praising the sunrise to the rest of the avian chorus! OH, no! It was like this: Chitter, chirp. Cheep...tweet! Twitter twitter tweet? Peep peep? (Sigh...aaaww...how sweet!) Chirp chirp pikoo, pikoo! GRONK. A moment of silence...then the chorus picks up again. Tweet! Chirpity-chirp! Pikoo! Tuit tweet twitter peep pip twee--! GRONK. By this time everyone--human or otherwise--is wiiiide awake, & laffin' our patoots off! Thanks for the memory! Maggiepie EVERYONE! GO TRY THE NEW CATEGORY: Open Mike! ALL opinions WELCOME!
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Well, no, to both questions. That birdsong was from over 40 years ago...I kinda had to "recreate" it... And I would've recorded it, you're correct, only...I didn't have the means to do so then. Instead, I "recorded" the experience in my brain. GRONK! And you totally got why I loved that raucous bird, whatever it was. I learned that lesson very well! Maggiepie GO TO Open Mike CATEGORY & TALK ABOUT ANYTHING--EVEN 2 or MORE TOPICS AT ONCE!
@Wizzywig (7847)
11 Apr 10
No, most homes didnt have the technology then did they? It was probably about 36 years ago when I first had a cassette recorder & the home recordings weren't exactly true to life at that point. Thanks for 'recreating' your bird song here
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@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
... and you still remember all the words hahaha Did anyone ever record it? That bird should be a lesson to us all... it doesn't matter whether you're good at something or not, if you enjoy it - just do it!
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• Boston, Massachusetts
10 Apr 10
Hi Wizzy, I love listening to morning birdsongs. it's soothing to the ears. a birdsong is a good thing to start our morning right and gay!
@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
I've seen alarm clocks which play birdsong as the alarm. I dont think that would wake me up... at least, not enough to make me get out of bed.
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• Boston, Massachusetts
11 Apr 10
ah okay. so better get a good alarm tune that will surely drive you up to b e fully awake LOL. have a good night sleep to be refreshed tomorrow when you start your day...another week of daily joys and battles hehehe!
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
10 Apr 10
hi wizzywig, i live in the city now but there two small trees next to my house. they get noisy early in the morning at dawn and just before dusk with the chirpings of birds which inhabit these trees. i don't mind. in fact i love them
@Wizzywig (7847)
10 Apr 10
Its nice that we can still find a little oasis of nature even in the city
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
11 Apr 10
yes it is. and we need them...