How important is it to go to church?
By jrocas05
@jrocas05 (114)
April 10, 2010 6:20am CST
As a christian, It is very important to go to church on sundays to remember God. Honestly, I am not one of those kind of christians. I try to be the best christian as I can be everyday. I read the bible, I pray before I eat, I thank the Lord everyday for His blessings there's not a time of the day that I don't think of him.
I feel guilty sometimes that I don't get to church on sundays and it is in my blood to do so. I can't help but ask. How important is it to go to church?
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11 responses
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Apr 10
It is very important to the Church, that you go every Sunday, because that is how Christianity collects your money. If you needed to learn more about your earthly life, would you go to school once every week? The Church is not worried that you will forget GOD. They just want your money! This is not about you at all, its about the Church and MONEY. Study to become Spiritual, and know that God is Spirit. God has no use for money. You can be Spiritual for free, God will love you even more,and you won't have to go to Church. Remember God is with you everywhere, every day, not only in Church on Sunday.

@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
No Offense Intended! No offense Taken!
I agree with you, that to find a "truly Biblical Church," could be a chore, such a Church would be difficult to find. In this area, half empty Churches, in deep financial trouble, are hiring non religious Entertainers during the week to bolster their empty coffers on Sundays.
I gave up Christianity over 50 years ago, to take up Spirituality, and Meditation. God,(instead of limiting) has been very generous with me, even filling my cup to overflowing.
Indeed, Christianity makes the rules of war. The Vaults of the Vatican vouch for this, packed as they are with an untold Wealth of Stolen, priceless artifacts, gathered during the Holy Wars, and Crusades of the Middle Ages, during which time the Church murdered millions of so called " Witches," in the name of God. Yes, the Church has always made the Rules of War!
Your quotes from "The Holy Book," do not impress, as its been said, " The Devil too, can quote Scripture."
I don't knock the Church! There have been far to many of the Christian Heirachy, who for decades, and even centuries, have been caught doing the devil's work. Even Papal Father himself, the very Pillar of Christianity, is sinking into the mire!
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
You're right - Satan can quote scripture. But I doubt he would do so in the favour of God, as I have done. Satan always quotes scripture only to twist it against God.
And I wasn't quoting to impress. I was quoting to prove my point by backing myself up with scripture.
The church has indeed done many terrifying things in the name of religion. It just goes to show how Satan can get one little foothold and cause big trouble. None of the things you mentioned were ever intended by God, and I'm sure He will make that clear to the people involved on Judgment Day. Those people will be sorry they ever lived.
I do have one more question for you. Please don't take offense, I'm just curious: If you're not reading the Bible and following His Commandments (or at least trying to) every day, how can you be sure thad the god you serve is the Christian god, and that the blessings you're receiving are from Him? You sound like you're serving a god, but not the same god we're talking about. I'm talking about the Hebrew God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Joseph, who guided the Jewish people through the dessert with a pillar of fire by night, a pillar of fire by day. That pillar being a foreshadow for Jesus Christ, who made the ultimate sacrifice for all humanity. Please ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God. You say you are receiving many blessings. What are you doing for God in order to receive those blessings?
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@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
10 Apr 10
barehugs: What I am about to say is not to be taken personally. I have absolutely nothing against you. But I have to express my opinion here. :)
If you find a church that is truly BIBLICAL, you won't have to worry about "christianity collecting your money". It's possible to find a place of worship where collecting tithes and offerings is not the most important agenda. I go to a church where there's an offering box and we don't pass the plate. You can go put money in the box if you want but no one is going to scoff at you if you don't. It's about FELLOWSHIP. How are you going to get fellowship with other believers if you don't go to a church?
And FYI, God will most certainly limit how much He will bless you financially if you're not willing to give what you can to Him. How can you say that God will love you even more, for free? He has commandments, you know. His SACRIFICE, Yeshua Ha'Mashiach (Jesus Christ) was free. But once you decide to live for HIM you have to follow the rules! Not following the rules is what got us in this mess to begin with (war, poverty, hardship, etc.)!
If you're not willing to make some sort of a financial sacrifice from the heart (to give cheerfully what you can in stead of begrudgingly), God won't provide financially in the fullness that he most certainly can. You're correct in that God has no use for money. But YOU do, and He will provide what he knows you are worthy of based on your willingness to give (and to prove that money is not something that you put above HIM).
Also, you're right that God is Spirit. But don't forget that he is Father, Son, AND Spirit. "Sh'ma Y'Israel!" Hear O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is ONE! (Deuteronomy 6:4-9) He is Spirit ("...the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters." - Genesis 1:2), Father, and Son (Isaiah 9:6 - "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; and the government will rest on His shoulders; and His name will be called Wondrful, Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal FATHER, Prince of Peace.")
Don't knock church. It is possible to find a scripture based church nowadays, it's just harder to come by.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
10 Apr 10
I don't go all that often. In my opinion most church's are just busineses like any other business. I was really turned off to church's when we first moved to where we are living here. I immediately registered with the church and within days I recieved a welcome letter and a payment schudule telling me how much I should pay them monthly. That really upset me. I have been turned off to church's ever since. I am still a christian, I still believe, I still pray, I still educate my children in religious ways and have still attended bible studies.
@Merryheart51 (16)
• United States
12 Apr 10
Going to church on Sunday should never be thought of as a chore or something that must be done. Going to a church building has nothing to do with being a Christian. It is only a place where we can gather to express our praise to God and His Son Jesus Christ. It is a place to hear God's word and to reach out to others. In church, we meet as a family, share our concerns and find ways to serve God in our everyday lives, we reach up and touch God so that we can be sustained through the week. I don't go to church to remember God, I go to receive encouragement and inspiration. Some Sunday mornings, I have to admit I don't want to go to church because I don't want to make the effort (you know the song: I don't feel well, I didn't get enough sleep last night, I stayed out too late on Saturday or maybe I didn't want to miss the start of the football game or I have to get ready for a special Sunday lunch) And those are the times I miss the blessings and the encouragement that comes from being with God's children.
You don't have to go to church on Sunday, but just think of all the good things you miss!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
12 Apr 10
We are admonished not to "forget the assembly". You say that you read the bible. Do you honestly try to follow it in every manner?
@mysticmaggie (2498)
• United States
11 Apr 10
The Bible tells us to join with others and sing God's praises. He doesn't say there has to be a specific building for that purpose. He met on mountainsides and seashores.
If we meet together with even one other to share his praises, that is a good thing.
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
Actually, during the time of Jesus there was a temple system in place. In addition, our Lord went to shul (synagogue) every sabbath to worship. You are correct when you say there doesn't have to be a specific building. However, there is definitely a specific TIME and formula that needs to be obeyed. The Lord's day of worship is the Shabbat (Saturday), so Jesus would have worshiped on that day. "Church", or more correctly, "Ecclesia" is a GATHERING, and God requires that you are part of one. Otherwise he wouldn't have sanctioned a special day and required a temple to be constructed. Fellowship is very important, as is receiving solid, Biblical teaching.
@mikeinwl (1)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Kind of funny; you're the opposite of many who go to church and consider that hour and a half their "Christianity" for the week. Good for you! You are miles ahead of those "Sunday only" Christians in your "walk" of faith. need to go.
First, it is biblical to meet with other believers. Biblical and really special. The feeling you get when you're part of that "community" is very hard to duplicate outside of church. At a good church, you really are part of a loving family.
Second, you need to spend time worshiping God, really singing out to Him! Standing and singing out in service, surrounded by voices doing the same thing, worshiping God with their song, is an important part of the Christian walk. And it's at times like that when you really can "feel" or "sense" His presence.
Third, God speaks to us, reaches us, in different ways. Sermons are one of those ways. When you go to church it's eerie how often the pastor's sermon will be right on target with something you're going through in life. It's crazy how much that happens. And you know what? The pastor isn't that smart...but God is!
Finally, a person of faith like yourself need to go to be an example of what a Christian is supposed to be like to the "Sunday only" churchgoers. Not to rub their noses any it (okay...maybe a little) but being out there as an example of "walking the talk" is a good thing.
Try out different churches, try several. As long as the teaching is biblical and the people feel loving and you feel good there, go and plug in. You will love it.
@edxcast (1168)
• Ecuador
10 Apr 10
Its very important, its just one hour or so dedicated to God. If its hard for you, try to see it as a sacrifice to please God, ´cause there is no better prove than doing something you dont want to show love(true love requires true sacrifices). Have a nice day
@kharlav (1667)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
It is very important to go to church. It is in church that you learn about God, and build up your spirit. Though, for me, it is not only on Sundays and in going to church should we remember God, be good and be a Christian, but we should remember GOd and live life as a true Christian daily, not just on Sundays. I am so glad that you also read the bible, pray and think about God. You really do love God, you are not just those so many people who claim to be Christians but aren't really acting like one, those who only remember God when they have problems. Keep it up, keep being hungry for God, and I assure you you will never regret it. I pray that you will be open to everything that God will teach you and continue what you are doing so that you would grow even more. Be a blessing and and be a light to the world, for God has ordained you and has made you a light of the world. God bless my brother.
@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
10 Apr 10
I have learned that this is a very touchy subject.
Exodus 20:8-11 gives us the 6th of the 10 Commandments: "Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the LORD your God; in it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter...for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; therefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day and made it holy."
I don't go to church on Sunday. I go on SATURDAY, which is the 7th day of creation, the day that the Lord blessed and called the sabbath. It is a commandment to keep the Lord's day holy. I believe this means to gather and have fellowship and spend time in His Word. You would do so well to be under a pastor or teacher so that you can fully experience the Lord's blessings. Of course you don't HAVE to go to church. But you are missing out on so many of God's blessings by not going! If you enjoy reading His Word and praying so much, then what's stopping you from going to church and learning more about God?
As for the sabbath... This is a REALLY touchy subject among christians. But it IS in the 10 Commandments. We can't deny that.... We are to keep the 7th day holy, which is Saturday. I go to a church that worships on Saturdays.
@kalpine2 (90)
• Kenya
10 Apr 10
I don't know for sure but tell you what?. It's better to be like a child when it comes to the matters of God because. You'll get your self confused with this doctrine matter; like I used to give most of my money for charity, and in the offerings. And when I became aware that some of the church leaders were after my pocket!. I slowly walked out of church and went to some other place. Don't be cheated in the name of God. Do what you feel is really right for you. Don't be cheated that so and so gave his/her salary and was blessed beyond words. You can't buy God for money!.
@charmeleon68 (83)
• Philippines
10 Apr 10
As Christians, it is indeed very important to go to church, since it is a house of our Holy Father. But the most important thing is our communication or connection with God. We should pray and Thank God for everything He had given us. Our lives should be pointed towards him and be on his lighted path. Although going to church is important, the more and most crucial thing is our communication with God, to do good things and should never be parted with His ways.