Do the republicans have nothing better to do?

United States
April 10, 2010 5:35pm CST
I am writing this in response to a combination of threads where liberals are accused of wasting tax payers money and focusing on random things, like, for example, a salt ban in New York, or trying to ban Ronald McDonald. And, currently, trying to rectify a situation with a doctor who posted a sign saying to seek care elsewhere if they voted for Obama. I am watching "Slacker Uprising" written and directed by Michael Moore. In 2004, he went on a tour shadowing the candidates campaigns to encourage people in colleges to vote. If they make the pledge to vote, he gives them a "lifetime supply of slacker essentials", namely some ramen noodles and a pair of clean undies. So, the Michigan republican party filed criminal charges in every county he toured in Michigan demanding his arrest. But, this is some fun trivia of other things those whiny republicans do, who can't take responsibility for themselves, taken from the website above, if you are short on time: Per Michael Moore: "I thought I'd seen it all this year -- Disney refusing to distribute the film they paid for, right-wingers harassing theater owners who showed "Fahrenheit 9/11," conservative action groups trying to get the FEC to kick our film ads off the air, the unnecessary restrictive R-rating that forced teenagers to sneak in to see it, and all the stupid, crazy attacks on me and my movie that I've had to listen to as I watched the public ignore them and pack the movie houses anyway, where my film was being shown. And when all that failed, five different Republican groups made five different attack dog tapes (oops, "documentaries"!) against me in a period of about six weeks. But they were all so bad, so boring, so right-wing, no one wanted to watch them and they too went away, a sad waste of good videotape." Best of all was his response when asked about it at a press conference. He said, "I filed criminal charges, too. Someone stole the sense of humour from the republicans. And probably their brains. But that is just a misdemeanor, because they are worth less than $100."
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7 responses
@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
11 Apr 10
I LOVE this thread. I laughed so hard at the last line that I had tears in my eyes. Isn't it amazing how unbiased these folks are who listen to Beck & Limbaugh because the NY Times & Washington Post & LA Times & Philadelphia Inquirer are just too biased for them? Of course, Michael Moore is the arch enemy. He's Hollywood and funny as hell and they are resentful and humorless. I actually talked to one of them this weekend. They asked me if I ever truly listened to Glen Beck. I told them absolutely yes, I saw the Jon Stewart impersonation. You should have seen the guy's face.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Irish - I will be honest. I am a conservative (I know big surprise) I watch Beck when I want to be entertained. I love his conspiracy theories and his chalk board, reminds me of 4th grade. Limbaugh is frickin hilarious. Do I base my political views on these people - goodness sakes I would HOPE you would give me more credit than that! I even watch olberman sometimes for a laugh. All of these people are entertainers in their own right. Thats what it is ENTERTAINMENT. If any of them ran for office, I would run away!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Apr 10
By the way, Jon Stewarts impersonation was spot on! Yes I watch Jon Stewart. I find him much more balanced than mainstream
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
11 Apr 10
LA: I only saw Beck once and I thought the Stewart impersonation was pretty good. To veer off course a little here, I can relate to what you said about chalk boards and 4th grade. I also feel that way about the stars here on Mylot. The rating system on eBay these days is even worse. That one harkens back to second grade. Sometimes I think the whole damn world is being run by grown ups who didn't get enough sticky stars in their grade school copybooks. Scary thought. Ladybug: I just keep laughing at your last lines on this thread.
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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
11 Apr 10
This entry is such a trip! You're using Michael Moore as a reliable source? Are you kidding me? I'm not even sure what else to say. You keep saying "whiny Republicans". Might I put forward the fact that it was Barney Frank and the rest of his ilk who were completely responsible for the housing market crises by forcing these companies to make loans to people who could in no way, shape, or form pay them back. When Mr. Frank was confronted about this, he immediately got defensive and began whining and moaning and groaning about how he had nothing to do with it, and all of that jazz. He didn't want to take responsibility for something HE did! And you want to accuse Republicans of doing this? The road goes both ways. Get used to it.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Apr 10
the money spent on top ramen was the waste. Buying votes is a VERY serious offense in my opinion. Whether that was his intention is another story. Most likely that wasnt his intention. But when you have to bribe people to vote, maybe they shouldnt vote. I would rather people not vote if they have to be bribed with ramen,. Doesnt say much for educated voters. College kids huh? LMAO
• United States
11 Apr 10
Factually speaking, the republican party in michigan attempted to have Michael Moore arrested. Factually speaking, fanatical republicans and conservatives harassed movie theatre owners for showing farenheit 9/11. Did you not hear about that six years ago? I say "whiny republicans" as a direct response to those who keep saying "whiny liberals". I will look more into the housing market issue, but this topic is the republicans wasting tax payer money trying to press criminal charges on michael moore for giving out top ramen. We do agree that was a waste of taxpayer money, don't we?
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• United States
11 Apr 10
Laglen - Somehow the humour and the intention of his tour is still lost on you.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Apr 10
ok lady, fitting that I start the responses since those were all my discussions. I almost didnt respond because your whole defense is Michael Moore. But when I stopped laughing, I said ok. I have a question for you. What are they charging moore for? Buying votes? Yes that is a big deal. In my opinion, and of course, that is all it is, buying votes is quite a but more serious than how much salt I use or if Ronald McDonald causes cravings. The really sad part of your post is that their votes were bought with flippin ramen! Sad state of affairs.
• United States
10 Apr 10
Um, he wasn't buying votes - he was encouraging people to take part of the political process. My entire defense is not Michael Moore, but this reminded me of some of the threads you and I have been volleying in. If he actually really truthfully bought votes with some top ramen, that would be sad. It seems the satire is lost on you, too, laglen. In other words, it was funny.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
10 Apr 10
oh believe me I did laugh. ALOT! But what are they charging him with. And I am SO glad we agree about the ramen!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Lady, you best me to it! I was going to say encouraging people to vote isn't the same as "buying votes". Annie
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Well, ladybug, I'm not very familiar with Moore's work because, as you know...and despite the ramblings of a pseudo intellectual without a clue...I am a Republican but I will say this in response to the point you are trying to make. Right now the right wing conservatives are screaming the loudest and, as such, they believe that theirs is the only legitimate voice that should be heard in this country. Any alternative view...even the slightest variation...will not be tolerated. As they continue to behave like children having tantrums...the more they encourage others like them to continue and to escalate. They are fueled by frustration, anger, hatred and the intentional fear mongering of others. They exist in a bubble that requires them to accept what is unacceptable for others. So, yes, wasting tax payer money is fine with them as long as it serves their purpose. Chicago style thug like behavior is fine and dandy as long as they're the ones intimidating and threatening. They want control and it matters not to them how that goal is achieved. There's a word for it...the word is "hypocrite".
@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Apr 10
how about democrite and republicrite??
@laglen (19759)
• United States
11 Apr 10
haha I think we would come up with one twisted individual and would probably kill each other in the process! And no I have never played that game.
• United States
11 Apr 10
Laglen - have you ever played the game "put together the perfect person"? I did, with things like, "I want Brittney's pre-baby stomach and Jessica Alba's butt, and Lindsey Lohan's smokey voice, and Angelina's lips." We should play "build the perfect politician."
• United States
12 Apr 10
No surprise but I am not a fan of Michael Moore. Why? Because he is a sensationalist and a propagandist. Not that he does have some good things to say...and some informatives things to say...but often times when I go to research some of the things in his movies I see that he has "slanted" (not lied, just slanted) the story or facts to suit his agenda or plays on emotions...instead of facts. BOth sides are guilty of it. I hate it from both sides. I would love to get "just get the facts" without anyone's slant or emotions on it (right or left). But that is hard to come by. SO I end up looking up an issue or story from A LOT of sources to try and figure out what the whole story is and what the facts are. Time consuming and annoying...but has to be done sense they won't do it. I don't agree with most of his politics...he is far left...I am a constitutionalist. So the chances of us agreeing on much is slim anyway. I have to be honest I don't pay a WHOLE lot of attention to Moore. He is one of them fanning the flames of "us vs them". Meaning the republican vs the democratic...which I feel is a HUGE issue in this country. People think they HAVE to pick a side and believe what it believes and has to defend it and tear down the other side. Really what are they defending? The republican and democratic parties are two sides of the same coin. Both corrupt, both in lobbyist pockets, both liars..both autocrats..power hungry....but they keep people soo fired up about the 'other side" that they don't take a real hard look at their own party. Moore just feeds into it...keeps people from seeing that with THIS current jerry springer two party system....we should not be "defending" either side. As for the republicans attacking Moore...well Moore is laughing all the way to the bank with it. The more of a big deal they make out of him...the more news coverage he gets...the more poeple will want to see his movies to see what the big deal is about. So Moore should thank the republican party for helping him.
• United States
12 Apr 10
Just because two sides have different views does not mean it has to turn into the jerry springer show. But both sides have poeple fanning the flames of "us vs them". We are the good guys and they are the bad guys. When in reality most of the good guys are the average citizens and the bad guys are our elected officials (on both sides). But htey keep poeple sooo rillied up they don't see it. This time the republicans are the party of "no"...last time it was teh seems which ever side has the majority...the other side becomes the party of no. It is wrong on both sides. I really don't see much redeeming value in either side right now.
• United States
12 Apr 10
No - the democrats have never unanimously vowed to always vote NO on a republican bill.
• United States
12 Apr 10
The "us" vs "them" thing is almost embedded right now, given the huge fundamental differences between the parties. The party of NO isn't doing a very good job of encouraging bipartisan compromises either.
@jascha27 (16)
• United States
11 Apr 10
First off we are a free country and sadly that gives everyone even the people we are most annoyed with a voice. I do sympthaize with the republicans on some points while other s i take a much more liberal view. However, liberals are not all that great either and they do in fact like to spend money and it is our money they are spending so the republicans arent lying. They are fairly traditional and stupid at some points and your example is a perfect one
• United States
12 Apr 10
I am just trying to spread the wealth. People on mylot are heavily focusing all the wasteful and prodigal things on liberals, when they never assume any responsibility, or even acknowledge that the republicans are also just the same.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
11 Apr 10
Oh, and you think Michael Moore is a giant of a man? I wouldn't waste my money or time watching any of that crap that bozo makes. If he's your idea of a democrat hero, you deserve pity, lol. And he's a hypocrite, too. I loved it when he went on Sean Hannity and made an azz out of himself. It's because of people like him that Michigan's in a mess.
• United States
12 Apr 10
What are you referring to, Fortunata? Show us a link, please.