Profile Picture, is it yours?

@rene12 (794)
April 11, 2010 3:32am CST
I really find people who are good looking here in mylot. I am a guy so I am basically attracted to women but that's it. I know my limitations but aren't we curious if that picture is truly his/her picture? How about you? Is that you in your Profile pic? Com'on don't be shy
1 person likes this
10 responses
@tjen_anni (317)
• Indonesia
12 Apr 10
Perhaps only 10%people here who use their own picture..I just don't like being exposed..:D
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
10%? I guess only very few people want to be exposed.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
but I like your profile picture. It moves!!!!!
• Indonesia
15 Apr 10
:D Thankyou...btw how do you put emoticons here rene?
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Apr 10
It's either me or my evil twin, I forget which...
@dawnald (85147)
• Shingle Springs, California
12 Apr 10
• Indonesia
12 Apr 10 are funny..
1 person likes this
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Why would you take you twin's picture? . Anyways, it not like we would even notice who's who
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Apr 10
My avatar is mine as in I took the picture, but it obviously is not a picture of me. I will not put a picture of me or my family on the Internet. It is too dangerous, and you never know what people are going to do with your picture. I would rather use my photography to represent me, because it is of things that I like, and I am kind-of proud of how much I have improved since I started taking pictures. I am definitely far from a professional, but I do think that some of my pictures are quite good for an amateur.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Most of the people here think that way. Scared of identity theft or something? but we cannot take the attitude of being cautious because it saves us sometimes :D Maybe I am one step closer to being endangered
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
All of us started from amateurs so don't worry, you will be a professional someday :D
@KompitaPita (2051)
• Bulgaria
11 Apr 10
Hi, Rene. The pic from my profile is not mine, but you can view my profile page and there are some pics of mine. This girl from the pic is looking like me (well, not too much) and that is why I liked this picture when I see it in internet and I add it to my profile. Do you like it?
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
There is somehow similarities :D
• Bulgaria
13 Apr 10
@zhelles (155)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
Hi RENE12! :) As you can see my profile picture is not a picture of myself or any type of human being. teehee... It's because I want to keep my identity as a secret. :) Besides, my profile picture is something I'm interested with. So, you can see a bit part of my personality in it. :) I think! :) hahaha
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Ohhh... so you have a BRIDGE personality? just kidding :D I guess you like architectural designs that much :D
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
It is a philosophical joke, don't mind it :D
@zhelles (155)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
You got it right! :) I do love architectural designs. :) hmm. . . a Bridge personality? what do you mean? :D
@lady1993 (27224)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
I don't really think many people would post their real pic here-- i've even seen a profile pic [girl] and the gender was boy..? my picture is..i think it's a drawing..
@marguicha (220158)
• Chile
11 Apr 10
Why wouldn´t they? My picture is mine.Probably many people like to play with their computers while getting an avatar. But there´s no reason to avoid placing one´s picture here.
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
We have freedom when it comes to things choosing what they like but there are also many who have their own picture as their profile pictures. I understand that because this is an earning site, it would cost a lot of problem if we gave to much information but hey, it's only a picture right?
@twinklee (894)
• India
11 Apr 10
Hi friend! As you can guess my profil pic obviously isn't mine, i luk cuter than my profil pic how abt urs?
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
11 Apr 10
My profile pic is mine and I think nobody would want to steal my pictures LOL :D I treated mylot like other peer sites like facebook, friendster and others so I placed my picture but I noticed that only few has their picture placed on their profile avatar like you do :D
@marguicha (220158)
• Chile
11 Apr 10
The picture in my avatar is mine but I´m afraid I´m a bit too old for you to be atracted to me My granddaughter´s picture could be of interesit to you as she is about your age and very pretty. As a granny, I can tell you that you are a very nice looking boy. Take care!
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
hmm... you caught me offguard there, I was speechless . Thanks for the appreciation :D
• United States
11 Apr 10
I use my real picture for the profile. I just always do and I don't really have a good reason for it! I guess I feel like I can connect with others if I can actually see them. That way I can picture what they look like when I am talking to them. But I know most don't use their own picture and I don't know why!
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I also think that way too. Sometimes I think that I am talking to someone with the same interest while replying to discussions. Maybe some people like us think that way :D
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
i really don't like to expose myself in social networking sites.sometimes there were people who amaze by my looks,hehe. well,we have a choice if we want to put a picture of ourselves here in my lot.i'm just the one who among the group that don't like to be seen our real profile pic is one of the korean actresses.she is lee yo won from the "queen seon deok".she just look really nice and cute in this picture and i love the colors in i decided to make her my profile pic.