Cornrows (cornbraids) in Straight Hair
By EvrWonder
@EvrWonder (3571)
April 11, 2010 12:23pm CST
I am Caucasian with very long (over four feet) of straight hair that is not chemically treated and all the same length.
Recently I got corn braids in my hair.
First, we did a mere 14 braids (because that is the way I wanted it) even though that is not the traditional corn braiding.
I liked it. Was fun and felt good.
Well I took them out, then went into the shower and used a ton of conditioner as I combed out my hair.
I did a hot oil treatment and then a couple days later I got a full head of traditional corn braids. We put in 40 the second time. It was awesome.
In the meantime, I learned how to properly care for my rows.
The problem I experience was that because my hair is straight as a board, I found that after a week and a half, hairs began sticking out of my braids. I cut a few long ones off but after just over two weeks I took them out entirely. Meanwhile, the braids should of been able to stay in for at least four weeks.
Frizz wasn't the problem. The hairs sticking out of the braids was.
I couldn't keep cutting them off, so I did re-braid a few but there were many.
I opted to just take them out.
The whole idea was because I have such long hair, that I must do something with it daily, obviously and well, frankly, it gets boring..
The verdict is this, afterall.
Usually, since I work outdoors a lot, is that I french braid my hair.
Now, when I braid my hair, after about three to four hours, tonnes of hair is sticking out all over.
When I took the last corn rows out, went into the shower and combed out, I did loose a lot of hair, naturally but also, there is some breakage when one gets braids, even if they are not tight. Mine were tight but not too tight.
Obviously there was enough breakage, along with cutting some of the longer hairs over a weeks time, now my hair is not all the same length anymore. When I french braid it, I get a mess within a short period of time.
What I have to do now and probably for the next year or more is put in a pony tail and then put in small elastics each inch and half way down, all the way to the bottom, so to avoid the mess look.
I am a bit annoyed with this. I am sad my hair has received a negative effect after having corn braids put in.
If I had known this was going to be the end result afterward, I would never of done it because it wasn't worth it.
We live and we learn I suppose but if anyone has beautiful healthy long hair that is all the same length, do not get corn rows.
If you do, do not leave in for more than a week as you may regret it.
I have a wedding this summer to go to and was thinking once I was about to take out the last ones that maybe I could get it done again for the weeding and to have in for the rest of the summer time but not now.
Has anyone else ever experienced such luck after having had corn braids put in?
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5 responses
@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
11 Apr 10
I have a certificate for braiding in fake hair and dreadlocks and I am studying to get the hang of cornrows. Cornrows can be risky if you don't braid them right and you should allways make sure someone braids them that knows what they are doing. Braids that are too tight can irritate or damage your skin and cause breaking. When hair pops out a lot of people advice to use wax to stick it to your braid.
I got synthetic hair extensions once and I was allergic to them, plus they were way to tight causing me a lot of pain and blisters and having to take them out in less than a day.
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
Hi there cyberfluf, thank you for your speedy response and congrats on your training.
I had a hair dresser do my hair who has experience braiding. I already educated myself before hand so to assure that things went smoothly without a hitch. As for the wax, this is a good idea and had read about that. I did use a gel that worked somewhat okay for awhile. If I do it ever again, which is not likely too soon, I will opt for the wax.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Much appreciated.
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@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
11 Apr 10
I was thinking that in that case I would have put some gel on it. My scalp would never put up with a style left in for a week or more. It would get sore, I am certain.
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@cyberfluf (4996)
• Netherlands
12 Apr 10
It's good to hear you educated yourself beforehand; not all people do that. It's a shame that even though you made sure you know everything there is to be known and that even though you had an educated and experienced hairdresser, the style didn't work out they way it should. If you ever try it again I wish you the best of luck and hope it will stay in without any trouble!
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@shaggin (74021)
• United States
12 Apr 10
I love long hair. I think its awesome that your hair is straight to. Mine is curly so I have to straighten it with a flat iron every morning to make it straight. If it rains or my hair gets wet from something it automatically starts curling back up and then I look like an idiot. I layered my hair so it has not been all one length for many years. I dont like corn rows. I never did. I kind of think they look skanky but lol thats just my opinion. If people have very thick hair it looks ok but if your hair is really thin then the rows are just so skinny to your head and it makes your head look funny. Good luck with whatever you choose to do from here on out. Hopefully if you do the corn rows again you have better luck.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
12 Apr 10
I remember when ironing your hair was popular in the 60s. I was a teenager back then and my mother wouldn't have let me iron my hair. She was afraid I might ruin it some way. Do you use a cool iron on your hair? Also, do you actually iron it yourself or does someone do it for you? It just seems like to me that it would be hard to iron your own hair. Kathy.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
13 Apr 10
Shaggin; Thank you for your response. I have a lot of hair. Thin hair isn't an issue here. I thought the rows looked good, they felt awesome.
It is funny how curly haired people want straight hair and will flatten it and straight hair people would like curl hair so will perm it..
I am not sure if I am going to get my hair re done in braids anytime soon. This was one experience I am still over coming.
Cyrus; I have never had to iron my hair as it is naturally straight as a board.
I assume that you were speaking in response to Shaggin. Interesting question.
You must have curly hair then. Thank you for commenting.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
14 Apr 10
EvrWonder: No, I don't have curly hair. Mine has always been straight as a board, too, as you say, but I've always been proud of it. I used to get perms a lot years ago. My hairdresser has noticed that I'm getting natural curl here lately, though, and it has something to do with the fact that I'm getting older. It might be hormones. I don't know. Kathy.

@GardenGerty (162496)
• United States
11 Apr 10
My hair would never get all one length, although my daughter is well on her way. She wears her hair up most of the time in some kind of a twist. Hers is straight, mine is wavy. I have had it cut really short a couple of times in the last two years, but am on my way to growing it back out. I am hoping it will get long enough to pony tail before the weather gets unbearable. I have thick hair, even if I am an "old" lady. It has always had a mind of its own, and I have always looked somewhat fuzzy. It gets thicker and wilder in heat and humidity.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
12 Apr 10
Thank you for your response.
There are some neat products out there to tame frizz.
Good for your daughter. The tie up twist should help her gain length, eventually becoming very long.
TO help hair grow faster than otherwise, one a can take Silica Gel.
Pick it up at the health food store.
It comes in gel caps.
take three, three times a day to start.
Always take at least 30 mins before a meal.
Within the next morning of the first day of taking it, there is a remarkable difference.
The hair will feel much better but your nails will grow also. Great for teeth and bones too.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
11 Apr 10
I've never had cornbraids in and probably never will. There was talk about it years ago but then again we were told that it may ruin the hair, so I never went for it. Sorry you're having such a negative effect with your hair after the cornbraids!
Wow four feet!!!!!
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
11 Apr 10
Unhuh, four feet plus and growing!
I know. I do get it trimmed so to keep it nice but really, this is getting to be very long azz hair!
None the less I am not ready to wack it all off yet.
Smart on you for not going for it.
I thought it would be easier for me to manage, less hassle but as it turned out, It was more work to maintain the braids than otherwise.
Really took a lot of time in one day, each day. If I didn't fuss with them to keep the hairs down and out, it would look a mess.
There was some good that came out of it though.
It felt good and looked awesome for the first bit and I learned to make some cool silk hats to protect my hair in the wind as also wraps to do my hair in before I laid my head to sleep at night.
Thank you for your response.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
12 Apr 10
Hi EvrWonder! I never have had corn braids and I wish I could help you with your problem. I just wanted to say I bet your hair is beautiful, though, since it's 4 feet in length. I'm trying to get my hair to my waist or longer. I've never had it this long before and I've always admired it on other people. Right now, it's about midback and my hair grows fast. My hair is straight, too. However, my hairdresser has been telling me here lately that I'm getting some natural curl in my hair. I don't know why this is. She said it has something to do with it changing due to the fact that I'm getting older. My hair is chemically treated, btw, because I get color once a month. I'm 58 years old and I have been getting color for several years. I just don't want to get gray headed yet, lol
. My mother always got color and I was just taught that it looks better. I've always been proud of my dark hair, too, because I have some Indian in me. This is a reminder for me never to get corn braids and I sure hope some of these other mylotters can help you with your problem
. Kathy.

@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
13 Apr 10
Hi Cyrus; Thanks for your response.
I used to go to the hair dresser every few months. She had a beautiful head of long gorgeous hair, naturally curly. I'd ask her how she got her hair so long (to wasit). She said she doesn't do anything to it. I asked her how I could get my hair to grow longer and she claimed to keep coming in for a trim every three months.
Finally, I just stopped going. My worked allowed me to simply french braid my hair. Every morning the braid would go in and that'd be it. Nothing special. I began to trim my own hair so to keep any split ends off. The result after about five years was some very long azz hair as I have now.
Due to the braids, I am afraid my only option is to continue to tie it back and omit the braid, just use tiny coasted elastics ever two inches, all the way down. I use one scrunchy at the top and then four small elastics all the way down.
It will take about a year to get it to all grow back out where it broke I think,. Then I can wear a french braid again without all the hairs sticking out along the length of the braid. :(
Thanks again for your comment. I understand why you would color as many people do for the same reason.
I would like to lighten my hair and was thinking about using a new treatment using Henna. It will wash out. I wont use a dye that has to grow out.
Thanks again,
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@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
13 Apr 10
I just counted my elastics and am using five sometimes six, including the scrunchy.
The distance between each elastic is running five inches today.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I would be afraid to trim my own hair. I might gap it up sure enought and I would have to end up going to the beauty shop, anyway. I remember when I used to get mad at my hair and end up cutting it, lol
! Not all of my hair. Just a particular tress that would worry me. I would get in trouble once I got to the beauty shop, too
! I think if you do a good job with it, it might be okay. I remember when I had bangs a long time ago, I used to cut them sometimes. That was back when the shag hairstyles were popular, and they always looked good. Otherwise, I was taught to let a professional trim my hair. Kathy.