Sarcasm among close circles.--How do you handle this?

@kalav56 (11464)
April 12, 2010 2:09am CST
Teasing banter is different. But if someone highlights some trait of another person and if we are in such company [say among friends] what is your reaction? Do you laugh when someone in your close circle is mocked at? Do you laugh when some one passes a derogatory comment at another one? Do you join the crowd and hit at the other person? Do you spring to their defence? Do you keep quiet? As a corollary, if you yourself are made the object of ridicule, how do you counter this? Please share your thoughts.
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8 responses
@marianna45 (1399)
• Romania
12 Apr 10
Sarcasm is that state of wickedness which interfere with the joke. Comes at the end, a gibe, not less funny than a regular joke. At least for others, not for the person who is targeted jokes. The first idea that comes to my mind is that sarcasm is used as a way to expose exactly what you think, with however, if needed, alibi that "I was sarcastic ..." (a kind of "joke") So theoretically, is a defensive approach in the sense that we say what we want, we hiding under the cover of this process. Man gets angry very quickly and say things are tough and cruel, putty that they are true. So what we want to say nice, gives a tone like a grin on the face and tell him in case of emergency, take the place nice man sarcastically, enveloping the whole thing an air c "less offensive" than it sounds . A kind of passive aggressiveness that stings less. Sarcasm well used, is not harmful, but must be done by an intelligent man, otherwise sounds like an insult, I usually respond to sarcasm with sarcasm, and say I take it more as a joke, if not hurting me, of course.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
When thIS is not personal, then we take it for a joke.When Bernard Shaw was sarcastic about society or some traits in certain characters we enjoy the wit and humour becuase itis only a representative of something larger. I find that sarcasm has a bit of negative tinge when it is directed at close people. Normally, people do not do it with close loved ones.As Sudipta had pointed out, real close friends would never make one another a target.Your first sentence is definitely true .It si a state of wickedness interfering with the joke, thereby making it "not funny".
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
Oh! THis is a point which at times has struck me too, whether shy people , who lack personality resort to this sarcasm in order to shift faults and get over their jealousy also at times.Is that what you too felt?
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• Romania
12 Apr 10
Do not confuse arrogance, which I hate very much, and which often is the prerogative of shy people, without personality, with sarcasm, which often helps shifting faults, of course, if done more in jest, more seriously.
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@malpoa (1214)
• India
12 Apr 10
Hi kalav, This just happened a few days back. Me and my husband were attending a dinner party and there, this lady who happens to be my husband's childhood friend started taking a dig on those who do not drink and smoke. Her husband drinks and smokes, mine doesn't. Her take on the issue was that those who do not drink and smoke are given a good certificate by the society and that it wasn't true. She thinks those who do not do that are worse off in character that those who do. She was putting it up in such a way that she totally forgot or wanted to directly put into the face of non drinkers and smokers that they are perverts!!! She herself drink and smoke. Neither does she dress to cover the modesty of a woman, she even goes late night partying with male friends and without husband. I am no one to comment on that, as it is her personal life and let her live like how she wants...But commenting such things in front of people whom you have known for is just ridiculous. I just kept quiet through out the whole episode.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
This shows how idiotic and conceited people can be.I am sure this lady belongs to the so calle d "upper society".I wish you had just told her " why ?Is it your problem?"
• India
12 Apr 10
I’ve never really come across such a situation where among friends, there was any kind of sarcasm. We’ve of course grouped together against other individuals, gossiped thru the day and bit*ched our hearts out (like all normal individuals) but we’ve never been really sarcastic against each other! A wayward comment maybe in the heat of the moment but nothing serious to take offence or maybe within that small group, we all knew each other well enough! Regarding myself, I’m not very good in replying back instantly and sarcastic duels are enjoyable only if you can reply back immediately… I prefer looking the other way as if I’m too thick to comprehend LOL
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
No wonder you are my friend.I am good in replying back in so many other issues but if it is some spiteful remark or derogatory comment I would only get hurt and not reply. Unfortunatley ,my face is transparent an d I cannot hide my feelings too.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I do not allow sarcasm from so-called friends. If they are real friends they would not stoop to such tactics. I defend the person being mocked. If, for example, someone says my friend Sally has big feet, I tell the person, "not as big as your mouth, which you cannot seem to keep your own feet out of!" If anyone were to be so foolish as to ridicule me (I think most people know better than to try that), I would probably say "Thank you for feeling you had to share that" but then I would never extend friendship to that person, and if they ever needed a favor, I would politely tell them they should have thought of that before they said such and such. As you say, teasing banter is different.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 Apr 10
You have been an inspiration and I guess you know that by now. You had told me about how to handle such stuffs once and since then I am much at peace.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Awwww, shucks, mimpi. You make me blush
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Apr 10
Hi Kala..........Well when it comes to mere teasing I am always game...But when things go out of hand,I am always the first one to intervene so that things dont go out of hand..I can be gentle and firm and am a no nonsense person.I always jump to the defense of weak people and if people try to be over smart I can put them in their proper place ,firmly ,and gently ......And not many will dare to make me an object of ridicule.....he..he...
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
That is good for you and good to know that you keep people on their toes. This "mere" teasing just gets out of hand at times and when people take advantage of it, there should be intervention.I too spring to the defence of the oppressed at times. Thank you Roase for the partiicpation.How is the summer in Kerala?
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
Then let us hope for a normal monsoon this ear.Last year it was bad in Bombay.
@Roseo8 (2947)
• India
12 Apr 10
Summer.....well I just was describing it to Mimpi in her discussion......Its very very hot and humid here....and this time our government has been generous enough to avoid power cut so far.......Instead they have increased the power tarrif exhorbitantly from first of April.......So now people here sweat more,not because of the heat,but at the mere sight of a working fan or an A/c.........
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@allknowing (142450)
• India
12 Apr 10
There is this tendency to talk ill of a person who is not around. And whether you like it or not there are not many who do not indulge in it. As long it is a pass time I would not pay much attention to what is being said but if there is a possibility of serious repercussions on account of this gossip I would certainly step in and ask that, that be stopped. We all know even kings gossiped!!
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
Probably there was some ambiguity in my statement.I did not mean gossip actually.What I meant was that when in a group, a close person of 4 people A,B,C,AND D A says something about B , what should the reaction of the others[C AND D ] would be? If you were the C or D how would you react? If you were B himself how would you react? Do you approve if you are B and if C and D also join the group and make you a laughing stock? [Have I gone too much into the alphaboet?-sorry.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
15 Apr 10
There is a fine line between friendly teasing and hurtful comments. I had a friend, years ago and our relationship consisted of teasing and fun put downs. Neither of us used to take offence to the comments as this was how we related and it was a laugh most of the time but I used to get tired of it before too long and the words would begin to sting. I don’t like that particular way of relating but my friend does and that is how he still relates to most people apparently. I don’t think it is kind to laugh at anyone, no matter what, I do enjoy a laugh and I would say that I have a decent sense of humour but I feel very uncomfortable when the joke is at another’s expense and I instinctively want to jump in and defend the individual. Call me boring, but I can’t help it!
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
15 Apr 10
It gets too much at times.I too do not like to have fun at some else's expense PAula.Some people have this weird attitude and htye would of course feel thta their intentions were absolutely pure .
@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
I dont like it when someone mock's someone specially if its my friend, well even if what he or she's saying is true, to make fun of the weakness of others is not acceptable at all, i will ask the one who said the said act to at least be considerate of others .Specially if we are all friends i think understanding is much preffered than to make fun of others .Now if the said person ignored my plea in some ways i think to ignore or to just stay away for the time being will be the kind of action that i will be doin. I dont want to be a part of a group that make fun of others just to have something to laugh at
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
12 Apr 10
wELL SAID SETSUNA.It is better not to be a participant .I also do not like it if some one clsoe is beign mocked at .Thanks for adding your views to the post.