Do you agree that Practice makes perfect?

Guangzhou, China
April 12, 2010 7:40am CST
Hi my friends, do you believe that Practice makes perfect? If you belive so, do you usually practice so often? As far as I am concerned, I think I usually practice the things more times in case that I can manage it freely.So in my daily life the words "Practice makes perfect " help me a lot. What about YOu?
9 responses
@jobmoone (442)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
yes, but mostly I focus on how will I improve the quality of my performances. So, doesn't mind to me a lot how should I relates my self for any reward results.
• Guangzhou, China
12 Apr 10
Yeah, I am thanking you so much for your reminding. I think with a good quality, the practice will usually help us a lot.
@cintoy (1011)
• Indonesia
6 May 10
I don't think practice makes perfect as there can never be something called as perfect. what i believe is "practice makes permanent" as whatever you practice to do, will make you permanent in doing it. so the very first time, you practice. then in the end, it is no more practice. It has become you. it is permanent in yuo. but the result of your practice is not consider perfect. As what you are practicing will have different result with others and it is already not perfect. but the result is permanent in you. the more challenge you face in your practice, the better your result to be permanent in you. that's what i think. thanks. have a nice day
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I don't believe that practice makes perfect because I don't think that as humans we can actually be perfect at anything because we are prone to flaws. However, I do think that practice does help a person to improve their skills in any given thing. I think that is the reason that practice is so important in our lives. Based on this belief, I feel that practice for sports teams and also practice problems for school are great ideas because those are the only way that people can improve.
@myzire72 (1154)
• Singapore
12 Apr 10
Yes, I believe practice does makes perfect. Haven't we all heard that repetition is the key to mastery? I can think of many things that, with practice, will make it to perfection. One of the things is playing the piano. We always hit the wrong keys when we first started out. But gradually with practice, we not only hit the wrong keys less often, we also can play entire music scores without much difficulty.
@basqui (3888)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
What I really am good at is around computers, the long time of handling this skill is from being in front of a PC for almost 5 years now i think. I think that's me practice for what I know now. What i'm not having much practice for now is my guitar playing, I forgot some songs we used to play in the band. and even the whole band is really not haviing much practices now.
@Yula015 (71)
• Philippines
12 Apr 10
Yes I agree.We cannot do things better if we dont practice.When we dont practice first beforehand we can mess things up.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
12 Apr 10
Truly one can improve in anything if it is done everyday. Like mylotting, I come here almost everyday and I think I have polished up my English after having been in mylot for 4 years. I become more confident when I create my posts and the flow of ideas seems to be fast and easy flowing. Besides my typing improved a lot. So yes, practice makes perfect.
@adequee (204)
• Malaysia
12 Apr 10
I strongly recommend this to anyone who want to be succesful in everything they do in life.practice is a way we learn something over and over again,and if we do it frequently we'll be able to master the thing's that we learn succesfully,when we do it succesfully more than our limit/everytime and everywhere that what we call "PERFECT!". is it hard? for me it is very-very hard to do but nothing is impossible...
• Malaysia
12 Apr 10
yes it help me a lot, usually iam focus in my goal so i always serious when iam practicing.