Is There any Bright Hub Writers in Here?

April 12, 2010 5:06pm CST
Is there a bright hub writer in here? Can anyone enlighten me on the revenue-sharing model of Bright Hub. According to the FAQ section they pay 2.60 USD per one thousand views which is a little lower compared to Bukisa. (pays me around 3.22 per one thousand views) What I want to know is would it be easier to get page views in Bright Hub. In Bukisa for example, I have 103 articles published and I've only managed to generate 17,000 reads equivalent to nearly 60 dollars in a year's time. (although it's residual and it can increase by multiples of 10-15 USD during the next few months) If I can generate at least 2,000 reads per article then without question I'll send in my application. I've also scanned some articles at Bright Hub and one thing I notice is the point system, I'm guessing it's page views but I'm not really sure. Plus, Bright Hub seems to have an aura of professionalism as compared to Bukisa. I'm up for the challenge so a few cent differential won't be relevant. I also write as a citizen journalist for Digital Journal and the biggest monthly pay I received from them was 61 USD. If Bright Hub is really good as advertised (they claim that they handle the traffic generation) I'm actually willing to let go of my current writing gigs in order to move to a bigger stage. What do you think? Any Bright Hub writers who can "bright up" the matter? Non-BH writers can also help me in decision-making... Thanks,
2 responses
• United States
2 Jun 10
I write for Bright Hub, but I am only just now starting. I don't know exactly how the revenue share works, but I do get paid $10 per article as well as revenue share. I'm not sure what the points system is about either..I can't seem to find any information on it. I am having a hard time getting enough writing gigs from them, so I applied for another channel and was accepted. Maybe this will help me to meet my earnings goal this month!
16 Jun 10
16 Jun 10
Bright Hub pays a higher level of rev share on articles in the Self Publish channels, but no upfront fee. In the Editorially Managed Channels you get $10 up front plus rev share ($15 for certain article opportunities once you reach Senior Writer level). There is a cap on new writers set to 5 articles, until they have published at least 3 articles, been with Bright Hub for over a month and hit a performance rating that is very easy to achieve for any self respecting writer. What with Bright Hubs expansion into many new areas of content and the fact they get millions of page views per week/month, this performance rating is not something that should prevent a good writer from progressing with Bright Hub - Editorial content. Once the cap is lifted, and it was for me after a month, you are free to write as much or as little as you like depending on what the Managing Editors have open in their content plans. I personally write over 20 articles a month on Bright Hub and love it. Julie
@sblossom (2168)
8 Sep 10
Hi, Julie I'm glad to know you did very good job at the site. Frankly at beginning I didn't trust the site and almost want to give up. However from what you said i think it is worth trying. Later I would try to post a couple of articles I already have posted in other sites and see if i can get some readers. If i can make it works it means i would have another income. good news.
@ip5217 (1655)
• Philippines
22 Sep 10
I'll definitely keep this on my list. Once I establish a stable passive income with my existing sites (bukisa, triond, factoidz, and mylot) that's the time I can start venturing in other sites. I would say it's harder to maintain if I have a lot of sites to think about.