how to make people like you?

@jobmoone (442)
April 13, 2010 7:53am CST
its hard for me to be a friendly one. I always ended up being alone.
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15 responses
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Don't loose hope. We are living on society. a physical society wherein it include of different kind of people with different kind of culture. You always can cope up with the people you think compatible with your culture and the way you live your life. You always need accompaniment in your life to share your problems with and to share your blessings with. Don't be alone! No man is an island. Try approaching other people.
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@busybee10 (3186)
• India
13 Apr 10
One person likes us means it is great. Because we may have so many good things which has impressed him hence,he likes us. To make people like us is really something unique,because it has many good qualities which pulls them to us. We become a magnet. Good manners,talking politely,talking lovingly,helping others at the time of real need,helping blind people to cross the roads,and also school going children,because some parents just leave them independently.Giving a helping hand to elders who find difficulty to cross or for any other help. OHHHHHHH so many R there which I cannot describe. Acquiring all these qualities will surely attract people to us.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Well first off you can't MAKE ppl like you..they either will or they wont....That said, just be yourself BUT also do things like mind how you speak to others for example dont use a "stand-offish" tone and dont critisize too much..people tend to not like that especially if they dont really know you... Let me ask you you find yourself nervous around other ppl or ppl you dot know? Do you not trust ppl? If not, why?
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• United States
13 Apr 10
Its hard for me too. I have tried to be nice to people and end up getting crapped on anyways. So I just have found better things to do with my time. I mean I have my family but they seem to always have something they are doing. Why would you want to make people like you? If you do that then you are a welcome mat that everyone can wipe their feet on. You need to find people who have the same interests as you so you have something in common to talk about. I know in school I never had many friends, I grew up on a small farm and didn't really have time for friends. But now I'm much older and nothing really has changed. I have my dogs and my life and I keep busy and when I feel like socializing I go out. Make the best with what your given. I can honestly say I've never tried to make people like me, if they don't I just figure its their loss. Just hang with the ones that do. I'd say if thats what your set on doing, try volunteering to help people out. Thats the best way to make good friends. The more people you help the more friends you make. good luck
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• Philippines
13 Apr 10
first, you should gain rapport. you can do that by matching the other's gestures or body posture but not too accurately to the point where you are mocking or mimicking the other. you don't want that. next is accept their vision of reality. you don't really have to agree with everything that they say. just respect what they believe in and they'll respect you for that. then keep a good smile flaunting as you talk to them. not an overpowering smile, just a regular one. it'll make you seem approachable and friendly. last is, be yourself. remember who you are and never give up any of your beliefs and known morals just to earn a friend or an acquintance. your beliefs are much more important than them and you should keep that in your mind.
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@megamatt (14292)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I have found that it is not worth my time to make people like me. If they are going to like me, they are going to like me. If they are unable to like me for whatever reason, then that is just the breaks. There are a lot of people in this world that expect you to change for them and things have to be there way. Therefore, I do not really feel like those people are worth their time. I think if people like you, then will come, if you continue to act in a way that you are comfortable. Otherwise, you really will not have any friends if you act in any way that is not like how you truly are. They will be friends with someone who is most certainly not you. Therefore, the friendship is just a lie. It can be frustrating if people do not like you for sure, but sometimes it just takes being yourself.
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@missweety (626)
• Latvia
14 Apr 10
How to make people like you? There are some simple tips First of all, try to be yourself, don't show off, don't joke if you are not sure if your joke is funny or will be understood! Just be relaxed, don't stress when you know that you are being watched by some nice guy/girl or famous person from school/job! Even if you are not feeling secure and safe, try to pretend that you are calm and not worried even if you feel that your hands start to shake! You have to control your feelings and actions that you do! there's one saying - if you are not that person then fake it! I don't mean if you are not somebody else, I mean if you are unsecure, fake that you are confident because confident people are the ones that other people want to be alike. So, be friendly, be confident, think before you say something...and just be happy!!!
@setroc (853)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
i really dont know how to, well just be not very friendly either..putting it more kinda cold..coz im not rude or anything, i always end up alone too, hahaha
@drkraven (521)
• Romania
13 Apr 10
It s not a matter of beeing friendly that doesn t bring you friends just acquaintances. The type of people that would enjoy your company will let you know that. Those will become your friends and around them you can be named "friendly". I for one dislike over"friendly" persons since they try to act like they know you for some time and usually push the limits :P
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@setroc (853)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
yeah i agree
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@prinkish (104)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Also, always wear a simple smile. This will surely make people like you!
@prinkish (104)
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Firstly, be observant n their actions and know their culture.
@bagputza (504)
• Belgium
14 Apr 10
Ohhh what do you mean been friendly ? I guess with my friends i am always ready to help them if there is nothing scheduled beforehand , i try to listen to theire problems and try to empathise ( i dont know if this is the word , i am sorry for my bad english , but i am here to improove that too , so feel free to correct ;-) ) , try to cheer them up when down , but this is also not for every people i know , familly and closest friends , but i am also always open to meet new friends , but i would really need to spend a good piece of time togheter , so i cann feel comftorble when NEW GUY/GIRL that i get to freshly meet , but thats because i am pretty shy around new people ...and try to analyse what type of discussion he's/she's into , what jokes makes him/her trully laugh(in wich we try to figure out her/he's humor type too :D ) and try to adjust my qualities around this person , after analysing ( i guess :P ) Have a nice Evening dear Jobmoone
• India
13 Apr 10
First you have to understand them and make them undeerstand you. Think from their perspective and try to help them in their critical needs.. and try to make them in humor situation and make your environmenet funny and naughty....
• Philippines
13 Apr 10
Confidence, jobmoone. Carry yourself with confidence. Try not to be insecure about yourself. Everybody likes confident people :) Be like able. Be courteous to people. Say hello. Greet people. Smile :)
• China
14 Apr 10
i have two best friends,they are my senior classmates.i do not know clearly how to make friends ,but i supposed that we share with each other and give advices to each other especially when we are in dilemma.
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
13 Apr 10
There are many things that need to be focused upon when it comes to socializing.. Here are a few things that you can do! 1. Be a good listener.. 2. Smile, always! 3. Be interested in others.. 4. Respect them. Try working upon these my friend and I am sure you'll be a social animal in the shortest time... Good Luck!