Cyber School??

@sassy28 (834)
United States
April 13, 2010 9:32am CST
Is anyone doing this with their children. I am looking into doing it for my 8 year old. He has been struggling with school and I have not been impressed with the school. This is similiar to home schooling, but he does alot on the internet and has live classes with his teacher. They are also required to do physcial activities during the week and several other activities. I am thinking that with the one on one attention that I could give him, he should be able to get back to where he needs to be.
3 responses
• United States
13 Apr 10
I have cyber schooled for almost two years now and we love it!. I have two in it now and the third is starting kindergarten in the fall. We left public school because they where just horrible, non supportive of my child with learning disabilities and down right neglectful of my other girl who was two years behind in reading and a year a head in math all the while they told us she was just average. We didn't know how bad it was until we had her tested for placement. Since we started with the K12 program through our state they have both improved dramatically. They are able to work at their own pace and have not only caught up but have in some subjects passed their problem coarse. You can look at which seems to be one of the most prominently used curriculum in most states. Mine love learning another language, love, love, love the history classes which I have to say I am learning from as well. We love it and keep social by going to church and dance classes so they do not miss the social aspect and both girls have made it clear to any one who asks that they do not wish to return to public school. Good luck.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Thats for the input, I figure if he does not like it we can always go back. I know how you feel about the school not being supportive, we have been struggling with my son since first grade with his reading. They told me in March of his first grade year he could not read. I asked how has he been on the headmasters list all year if he can not read, and you are just telling me about it now. So we spent summer vacation going to a tutor. Around Christmas time during second grade his teacher tells me he is doing wonderful and is where he should be, so we quit with the tutoring and went on our happy way. One month into third grade his new teacher tells me he can't read and should not have passed second grade. We have spent this past school year with tutors and working hard with him. I am just so disgusted with the school right now, that I am hoping this will benefit him. We will keep him active with church and sports through the recreation center, that way he will keep socially active.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
13 Apr 10
oops, was suppose to be "Thanks for the input"
• United States
14 Apr 10
I know how you feel. This program (which does overseas I believe as well) is great. The thing that works best for my kids is that there is no pressure to get things done in a certain time frame. If it takes a few hours for something to sink in or we get a little lost "discovering" during science or history it's no big deal we can. This was especially important for my oldest who was floundering with math mostly because the school didn't give her the time she needed to understand basic concepts before moving on to the next. Now that we have gone back and learned the concepts at her pace she has much more confidence and can now learn newer concepts at a more normal rate, most of them anyway. Good luck and no it never hurts to try it out. The worst that will come of it is it won't be for your family and your child will have first hand knowledge that you care and love him enough to try anything. That there has more meaning then anything else, even if he doesn't get it until he's older.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
its my first time to hear cyber schooling. is this approved by department of education. and how much age it requires for you to be able to enroll in cyber school. and is cyber school cost more than normal school. thanks for the time answering.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
6 May 10
I am not sure where you are located, but I am in the US. It is a public school and does not cost anything. They start in kindergarten and go all the way through 12th grade. It is all approved by the education system. He will actually have a teacher that he needs to answer to and they have live lessons online that he will have to be a part of. He will have exams done online and other papers that are due have to be mailed in. I have to sign off on several tasks like his PE and some science projects that we will do at home. He is really excited about doing this. Hope this was useful information.
• United States
15 Apr 10
i have done online schooling before. it is deffinatly worth doing. it is also a lot less stressful to do than actually having to go out to a school every day. so online schooling is for sure a good call.
@sassy28 (834)
• United States
15 Apr 10
I am hoping that is will be alot less stressful. Will also save money on not having to buy all new school clothes and supplies.