THUNK! The sound a cat's head makes against a window they thought was open!
By Wendy
@jerzgirl (9327)
United States
April 13, 2010 9:42am CST
I'm sitting here this morning, eating my breakfast, playing on Facebook when Tiki, my grandkitty, decides it's time to play now that she's eaten. She's tearing through the house, batting things around on the linoleum in the kitchen, running up the stairs and down, hiding in her "cube" and bounding out again when she suddenly decides she wants to sit in the front window.
Unlike the windows in the back of the house, the sills on the front windows are not deep. She cannot sit there unless the window is open, so she'll sit on the back of the couch and look out unless it's up and she can sit in the track of the window itself. Well, it's been chilly, so we don't have the front window open. She tears out of her "cube", leaps up on the couch and tries to jump into the window without first checking to see if it's open.
Exactly - that's just what her head hitting the glass sounded like! She sat there a second or two (kind of a kitty WTF moment) and then tore up the stairs to race up and down the hallway like a miniature horse before settling down to nap somewhere up there. I was still chuckling to myself about it thinking, "You idiot!"
She can be so funny at times, but I've rarely seen her do something quite like this. She's a pretty intelligent little cat who seems quite able to anticipate problems in advance, so this was a surprise to both of us. You could tell she was surprised! I guess she decided that it was time to disappear for a bit to recover from her humiliation. Silly little cat!
So, have any of your cats ever done something that surprised you because you knew they wouldn't normally do that? What kind of antics have gotten them in trouble?
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9 responses
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
14 Apr 10 older black cat does that type of stuff all the time.
he hits his own head so often,we've been joking about getting him headgear.
it's like he doesn't know his own head's dimensions.
nothing beats my calico.she ran into a stainless steel telescope tripod one time,from zipping around the house like a moron.
she bought herself a trip to the vet and 4 missing teeth with that move.
she learned from that one.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
16 Apr 10
i wonder about her depth perception sometimes..if you throw something black on the floor,she'll dance around it and paw at it like she thinks it's a hole.
she does walk everywhere now tho..i wish her brother would before he does something equally bad.he's another turbo cat

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Apr 10
OWIE!!! That's some pretty serious zipping!! DAMN! My Siamese used to practically knock himself out because he had lousy depth perception - he'd run from one end of the house to the other, under the coffee table and leap up over the couch and go up the drapes and just hang. Problem was, he sometimes jumped too early. THUD! He'd sit there a bit, shake his head, and when recovered would start all over again. The people I bought him from when he was a kitten had tentatively named him "Hiri Kiri" because of his antics. Shoulda been a clue, I guess.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Apr 10
hi jerzgirl oh how funny , bet she was embarrassed and had to go hide for awhile.cats usually are so darned smart as a rule. I do not
have a cat but my first roommate here had a black cat. he was pretty smart but the one thing that really startled him was my watch. the band was broken on it so I had laid it on my bedside table so I could check the time in the middle of the night. early one morning decided he wants to play with my watch and bats it off my table. then he looks down at it, seems to hear it ticking and he actually growled and pounced on it, i think he thought it was somehow alive. I had to laugh and he stalked off, curled up in his bed and turned his back on me. as if to say quit laughing its not funny I tried to kill that thing,but it wou ld not die. grrr.

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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Apr 10
Oh, Tiki doesn't like being laughed at, either. She'll get angry and start wreaking havoc, knocking things off furniture, scratching on things she knows aren't allowed, poofing up and refusing to allow her "mother" to come near her. She really cops an attitude when laughed at over something she did. Now, if Deb's playing with her and laughing, she seems to know the difference. She's really quite intelligent. It's almost hard to think of her as a cat at times! LOL
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I can't help wondering, though, what your roomie's Mr. Cat would have done with my mother's watch that told the time every hour on the hour. Since she couldn't see it, it spoke to her. I remember the first time Tom's cat heard the answering machine playing a message - he was standing next to it and just stared at it and then began sniffing it and looking under around and behind it for the person he could hear talking! Talk about a confused kitty cat!!!
@recycledgoth (9894)
13 Apr 10
Moomin is able to open the fridge door and help himself to the contents. We had to move the fridge and freezer around just to stop him from pulling open the door and scoffing food.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
13 Apr 10
Oooooooo - Moomin is a very naughty kitty! Ours will try to get in the fridge if we have the door open too long, but she's never tried to open the fridge door herself. The door to get out of the house - yes. She would dearly LOVE to escape, but there are too many cars and other dangers to allow it. We're working on fixing up a lead so she can be hooked up on a harness and allowed out the back door to the yard. We hope it works when we get it done.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
13 Apr 10
LOL--aww poor Tiki's head and "pride". Well my two cats are rather laid back and mellow and don't get into too many antics. But during the winter, Pyewacket did something that did surprise me. We had a lot of snowfalls here and every time it snowed, Pyewacket would jump up on my one bedroom window and try and chase the snow flakes as they were coming down, and by that I mean he'd be literally trying to climb up the window to the top section of it--he never did that before and almost as if he had never seen snow falling before
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@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
14 Apr 10
Poor little Tikki....LOL! I bet she was sooooo surprised when she did that, you
know cats hate to be laughed at mine especially always knows when I'm laughing at
her especially if she just did a stunt like that know? ROTFL!
Poor Poor kitty...give her some loves and hugs from me will ya??
too bad you didn't have that on video you know? Can you imagine??

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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
14 Apr 10
That is true - she doesn't like being laughed at one bit. She will even take revenge if she really feels the laughter. I didn't laugh too hard, but I did call her an idiot. LOL
If I had known what was coming, I might have tried to video it, but I don't think my phone does videos at all, unlike a previous phone. And, I don't know where my digital camera is, but I couldn't figure out a video on that either when I got it. Regardless, I'd have had to know what was coming to catch it.
What I would have REALLY loved to catch was when she tried to walk up the banister and slipped off. She grabbed hold of it and then wrapped all four legs around the baluster and slid down like on a fireman's pole. THAT was classic! She hasn't tried to walk up the banister since! LOL
@ElicBxn (63793)
• United States
22 Apr 10
my first cat was super smart!
She figured out how to turn door knobs (not the lever kind) and did lots of other clever things, but she was running thru the apartment and ...
well, let me explain - this apartment had 1, count it ONE window, so we hung a curtain rod and curtain in the bedroom that had NO window just to give us the illusion of a window
... she jumped for the faux window!
The kicker is that a few months later she did it AGAIN!
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
13 Apr 10
That is too funny. I was sitting at the desk one day and I noticed both of my cats were looking out the back window. I watched for a moment and noticed them getting into the pounce mode. They both were doing it at the same time it was awesome. Anyway they were watching some birds out the window. I guess they forgot the window was there cause they were concentrating on the birds but they jumped and THUNK lol they both hit the window and stood back all dumbfounded like...What just happened? They've done that twice and both times its still funny.
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@kaylachan (75686)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
13 Apr 10
When I was growing up, I had a window in my bedroom that you had to turn with a crank to open. My screen was slightly torn, not a big deal right? So I opened the window to let the cool ocean breaze get in. Mistake. I had decided to close it, when I did I noticed I felt my cat ET. Only problem was, sjhe'd broken through the screen, and was sitting on the sill... on the outside. Needless to say I had to come outside, and pull her down and bring her back inside, before I could close the window for the night.
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
13 Apr 10
I had a cat, the mother of the cat I have now, who didn't allow anything to stop her from escaping the apartment to find her "man". She literally slid open the window (a neighbor watched her) and then bent the screen frame IN HALF in order to get out. I couldn't lock the windows because my AC didn't work and I needed air to get in, but she knew how the windows worked and nothing was going to stand in her way. Very determined and very intelligent!