All about disappointment!

April 13, 2010 10:44pm CST
What makes you disappointed? How often do you disappoint others? Does disappointment helps you make a better person?
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6 responses
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
I don't often get disappointed. Although sometimes if I see some stupidities of other people, it makes me feel annoyed and disappointed to the person, but it's seldom. Disappointments of course won't make anyone be a better persons, but sometimes we cannot avoid them. It's part of life.
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Disappointment and failures were part of our life whether we like it or not we have to accept it because we are not in control of everything that's happening in our life. It's part of learning and growing to become a better and good person, it test our patience, understanding and acceptance and of course letting go and moving on. ANyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@tina256 (190)
• China
14 Apr 10
for me ,the answer is it depends on . but now i can reply you a detailed thing happed to me yesterday. my colleague make me disappointed for her rude action . she said something hateful to me in the public place .i can not stand . i just keep silent and let her arrogant . i just diasppint her ,for her sence of to be a lady like that .
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Oh, well that's too bad and I'm sorry to hear that happens to you, there must be some big issue for both of you as no one on her right mind to do such things, or perhaps there's just something wrong with her. That's what I thought based on what you mentioned. Even if it happens to me, I will surely be disappointed with her and don't know what I might possibly did at that time. It's nice that you able to control your emotions and you're such a decent woman. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@ghieptc (2522)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
I'm disappointed when someone did not do their promise. I handle it with humbleness and forgiveness. It is good to have a second chance in a person.
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Well I guess everyone on that situation will surely disappointed especially if that kind of promises was a real big deal for you. It's nice that you can easily take that way and forgive the person. Because for me there are those times that I can't seem to accept when someone made a promise and didn't make it for quite unacceptable reasons. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@ridwan08 (1183)
• Indonesia
15 Apr 10
life is never flat,every moment we have something that can make dissapointed.i thing it's normal,according to me,we must manage our emotion to face dissapointed with mature attituded and cool it's gonna be ok.
@emerillus (467)
• Philippines
14 Apr 10
I get disappointed when there is something I expect that didn't happen. I guess it makes me a better person by not expecting too much on something, but sometimes I can't help it. I sometimes felt like a child who was robbed off his lollipop or something. It makes me feel bad.
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Yeah, I agree with you. Well I guess we all feel the same thing especially when we really anticipate that things to happens and it didn't and it take us a quite long time to wait and work hard for it. It really felt bad and sometimes feel like all hopes gone depends of course of what you expect. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
14 Apr 10
too much happen can make me disappointment such as told lies, not commit ext, may be i'm one of much person who is often disappointment by others, i think i can earn a learning from disappointment
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Yeah, we can all learn from our disappointment one is not to make too much expectations and to have a realistic expectations towards others and of course learning to forgive, let go and move on. It's not easy but we have no other choice we have to accept it or we'll live on misery. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!