Is anyone else sad about Ugly Betty ending?

@ladym33 (10979)
United States
April 14, 2010 11:37am CST
Tonight is the last episode of Ugly Betty. I am going to truly miss the show. I like the show it's always touching and makes me laugh, and Betty is the kind of person that everyone should be. She really has a councious and you don't see that on television a lot these days, and I love the Mark and Amanda relationship. I also love the family dynamic. I am very sorry to see this show go. How do nyou feel about Ugly Betty ending? Will you be watching the series finale tonight?
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9 responses
@xebazuel (51)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I never got a chance to watch the series. I've been thinking about seeing if netflix has it--the series always looked interesting to me, but my schedule was so hectic. I hate it when a show you love ends. Especially when you have characters that truly seem human and are inspirational. I'm sad to see this is the end of the series because I was just looking to get into it. Will still check it out.
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@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I do know the series is on DVD we got it from the library so I am sure Netflix has it.
• United States
14 Apr 10
Then I'll definitely be watching the series soon. First I'll see if they have it on instant. If not, I'll just get the discs.
@juryse (752)
• Philippines
13 Aug 10
It's really sad to know that Ugly Betty ended. It's one of my favorite TV shows. I love how Betty thrives in the modelling world. I like the way Betty and Daniel work together and their friendship. I'm gonna miss this show.
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
I have watch Ugly Betty show in our country although I don't watch it regularly still I am fascinated with the story of how she got a strong character than most of the other character in other shows. She really take everything in stride and she always see to it that she will not surrender to every trials that come in her way. It's a beautiful portrayal of a beautiful person from inside. She may never be called beautiful in the physical aspect but she got a valuable heart and that's all that matters. Her personality shines.
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
18 Apr 10
I can't believe that they would take this show off the air but keep garbage on like the jersey shore and all these other reality shows. These reality shows are nothing but junk and there seems to be more and more of these then regular scripted shows. I will have to watch it on the computer because I won't be home to see it.
@Triper (71)
• Portugal
16 Apr 10
At least the end in the USA version is better then the stupid Portuguese version _ Serious, portuguese transformed the original version on a 100% drama version story, omg, it was a so epic failure. Is bad a good show ends but everything has to get an end, at least ends while is good.
@dsrp82 (676)
• Brazil
24 Jul 10
I dont like the american version of betty, I love the original colombian one
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I kind of lost interest in Ugly Betty this past season. I do really love the show though. But after awhile I got tired of everything always going wrong on the show. It seemed like no one could be happy for long. I kind of hoped that her and Daniel might get together eventually. Unless that is where the show is heading for the finale. I did watch some of the last episode where she was getting her braces off. I've been going to the gym too now for the last two months. We go in the evening, so I've been missing a lot of my shows.
@kel1483 (986)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I plan on watching the finale tonight. The show has been taken off the air atleast one other time and then they brought it back, so it's nice that they brought it back so the show is getting some closure. All shows must eventually be taken off the air, but it is still kind of sad. I don't think the last couple seasons were as good as the first few, though.
@olisaur (1922)
• United States
14 Apr 10
I've never been an avid watcher of the show, but I do love it. I'm really sad that it's coming to an end. I don't have plans to watch it tonight, but if I have spare time then I'll definitely watch it.