What you see, what you hear just leave it here.

@mackiejp (374)
April 14, 2010 12:35pm CST
Whether we like it or not this phrase is often use at places and situations where immorality and anomalies are present and rampant. I have witnessed immorality, but I tried to hide behind the layers of secrecy so not to hurt both sides (the people behind the anomalies and the victims). It is more like a battle between telling the truth and telling a lie. But I chose not to tell at all. Supposing that you were in my shoe would you do the same thing I did or just bring it out in the open, regardless of who you can hurt? My fellow myLotters I know sometimes I have committed a serious mistake and I apologize for I chose to hide myself in silence.
2 responses
@rene12 (794)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Being in the middle is quite hard and sometimes it makes you isolated. The good thing is that you know and see things that either both sides cannot see. That would be good but it can either stir up or solve things. If you want to gamble, then you can just tell it. I really don't like arguments and if I were in your situation, then I will choose not to tell it too. I will end up beaten at the middle of their clash, am I right? Yes I am selfish coz I don't want somebody to be hurt and ending also hurting myself.
@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
I would still choose not to tell...for the benefit of the many. Thanks for sharing your good opinion here...
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
hehe.. im really guilty about this.. definitely, we respect the moments the times we have share for each other... but there are levels.. or category we may call.... for lover -- its not nice to keep it.. reason there are lots of feelings to be consider.. for single.. then let it be///.. but for gossip.. much better to keep it-- because it may spread any the -- sometime we're just human we tend to exaggerate or less for white lies.. but pretty sure for fun -- like we always here from bora with love.. what you see and here.. leave it here.. happy my lotting!
@mackiejp (374)
• Philippines
15 Apr 10
Good point!...I am making myself blind so not to see things going on even if it is visible, and be deaf not to hear what they are uttering though it is loudly spoken, I would still choose to never spill out no matter what happen...:) Thanks for sharing...:D