I have become a birther
By Opalina143
@opalina143 (1240)
Morristown, New Jersey
April 15, 2010 10:41am CST
yes, that's right. I have become a birther.
I no longer believe that Obama is a U.S. citizen.
Therefore, since Obama is not a U.S. citizen, I do not have to accept his authority. I do not have to pay taxes. I have decided not to pay them.
I refer to the example of Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin, who is apparently a birther hero.
(see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ea9JVnck_-E where he asks for support)
Lakin is a military man who has decided not to go to Afganistan. He is doing this because he has decided, as I have, that the copy of the birth certificate the president posted, and the testimony of the health board of the state of Florida, and the reports of various news agencies, SNOPES, FactCheck and others, who have examined the document, and the testimony of the doctor who delivered Obama, and the other information is bogus. He wants a copy of the original document, and do I.
I don't care that it is illegal to transport an original birth certificate across state lines in Hawaii, I just want to see it.
So I am not going to pay my taxes.
I expect to be supported, as Lakin is. I intend to post a video on Youtube asking for money and letters to the government asserting that I do not have to pay taxes.
Oh- and since theft is a federal law,and the federal goverment is headed by Obama, I am going to go on a shoplifting spree as well.
Looking forward to your support with bail money and letters to the judge !!
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9 responses

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Apr 10
My husband is a Vietnam vet and feels the same way about this man. 

@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Thank you! My father's retired military. Lt. Col. Army. Ranger. Corps of Engineers. He didn't particularly like Clinton. He would never pull a stunt like this. You respect the office. He is the Commander in Chief. I would say I don't know how this man became an officer, but, unfortunately, my family has met many a dumb officer.

@sconibear (8016)
• United States
15 Apr 10
I have a copy of Obama's birth certificate right here:
looks pretty authentic to me. 

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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
15 Apr 10
this could work out good if we put some thought into it. Just think if obama get re-elected we won't have to pay taxes or follow laws for years yet (may have to vote for Obama in the next election)...then we just need to find someone else to win after him that we can call "not legally qualified" so we don't even have to do it then. It could go on and on....LOL think of it...no taxes or following laws forever.
I hope you know I am just joking.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 Apr 10
Let me know when you have your website up so that I can more easily donate to your cause in addition to spreading the word to everyone I know that we no longer have to follow any federal laws and why. Unlike the cowardly Lt. Col., I believe that you are indeed brave for taking this stand as you aren't trying to get out of being deployed overseas.
I'm going to have to speak to my husband about which federal laws we will choose not to follow until the president proves his authority to us, too. The possibilities really are endless. 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 Apr 10
No, starchaser, I'm a female...been one all of my life. 

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Thanks for the BR! BTW, my husband is voting for building a still and making moonshine. Apparently there's a market for it down here. 

@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
15 Apr 10
Um...ok...having a bad day?I am going assume you are being sarcastic (at least about the shoplifting and stuff).
I agree that there are some questions about Obama birth. Too many people keep claiming he was born in Kenya and have for years. Not just anyone...but members of his family...members of the Kenya government and news reporters in Kenya. I won't say he was born there. But it does make you wonder why they would say it and have been saying it BEFORE he ever ran for president if it was not true. They could be lying...but who knows. I would like to see someone of importance look into this and get some answers. But even if he was born in Kenya..his mom was still a US citizen. I do wonder why if he was born in Kenya his mom got him a Hawaii birth certificate. He was still a US citizen without it.
As for the rest...not paying your taxes...civil disobiendence is legal...but be prepared for them to come after you for it. Be prepared to take to consequences of civil disobeience.YOu will go to jail.

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Now, Lil, do you really think that the kornspiracy theorists would believe ANYONE who spoke up? There may also be a confidentiality issue at play. If you're privy to someone's personal information in relation to your official position, I don't believe you're allowed to blab to the media.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 Apr 10
"I would like to see someone of importance look into this and get some answers."
Thank you! I have been asking why no one in the legislature has had any interest in this for over a year now. The only logical answer is that the folks on Capitol Hill have seen the proof that Obama is eligible and are satisfied.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
15 Apr 10
I wish they would share it with the rest of us so that we can all move on from this topic and on to more important things.

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Don't wear yourself out with one cause only, though.
Eventually, you might have the option to join in another band of merry Americans claiming the US President intentionally killed thousands of Americans in a gigantic cover-up.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Well, that sounds interesting Mr. Fish. Who exactly did what US president kill and cover up?
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Apr 10
The truthers don't ring a bell?
Granted, their conspiracies cover a lot more ground than just claiming a president isn't eligible.
@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
16 Apr 10
1) As others have said, Lt. Col. Lakin is a coward. I have no idea how he became an officer, let alone a Lt. Col. You take an oath to serve your country. Don't like the president? Tough luck. My dad didn't like Clinton. He never tried to pull any dumb stunt like this.
2) If Obama's mother was from Kenya, then maybe, maybe you'd have something. She was born in Kansas. She had no reason to be in Kenya. She stayed in Hawaii when Obama's father went to grad school across the country. That's when they got divorced. So... just, no.
3) Don't want to pay taxes? Say goodbye to money for roads, schools, police, fire departments, the military, garbage collection, et c...
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
16 Apr 10
I agree with you completely. My post was meant to be sarcastic. Thanks for the reply.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
18 Apr 10
You may choose to keep your tongue firmly in your cheek and your head planted in the sand. However, Terry Lakin and MANY serving you and me and risking all have done exactly what he has- and they (HE) are true heroes who truly love our country and respect it. THERE IS NO EXCUSE ON EARTH for a "president" not to submit ALL HIS VITAL RECORDS as proof positive that he is Constitutionally eligible to hold the office of Commander-in-Chief. ANYONE following orders of a usurper is rendered TOTALLY UNPROTECTED BY THE RULES OF THE GENEVA CONVENTION.
YOU, like the traitor, may choose to ignore, disrespect and spit on our Constitution, but our military cannot afford to do so.
The are subject to criminal prosecution and worse if they follow a traitor.
We do know a good bit about the usurper, who is a self-confessed British citizen at birth, making him at least a dual-national, with NO RIGHT TO CLAIM THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT OR NATURAL BORN STATUS. ADD TO THAT his Indonesian citizenship, which precluded American citizenship AT ALL in any category. Any "citizenship" he may now claim comes ONLY FROM MARRYING Michelle Robinson. AGAIN, he cannot thus be "Natural Born", the only category of citizenship that allows ANYONE EVER TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR THE OFFICE OF PRESIDENT. The usurper has no respect for the office, our Constitution, our country, and YOU. Why should anyone in his right mind risk his life for such a person? It is a fact that his father was Never a US citizen, thus he cannot QUALIFY as the child of 2 US citizens no matter where he was born.
He is counting on as many "Americans" as possible to remain ignorant and uninformed so he can continue on his arrogant, freedom destroying way.
This I guarantee; you will be very sorry for not caring for the truth.
See Atlah.org for the upcoming Columbia/Treason Trial.