Do your kids have a Facebook?
By katsmeow1213
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
United States
April 15, 2010 6:52pm CST
I finally caved and let my son get his own Facebook page (he'll be 13 in a month). Within a day he already had 26 friends, most of them from his class. It's so hard to believe so many kids this age already have Facebooks! We didn't have any of this stuff when I was a kid, and if we did I doubt I'd be allowed to have my own Facebook! One of my friends let her 6 year old son create his own page!! That's a little too young in my opinion. I sure am not in a hurry to get my twin 7 year olds on there.
What do you think about kids having their own Facebook pages? How old was your child before they were allowed to create a profile on a social network? What is the youngest age that you'd find appropriate for such a thing?
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20 responses
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My oldest son (he's 18) has one. He had a Myspace page when he was 15 and I was fine with that. The friends he had on it then and now on Facebook are school friends and family. I don't have a problem with my kids having pages. I think I am going to set up one for my 13 and 11 year olds. They want to play Farmville so I see no harm in it. Of course I think it depends on the child too and how they handle themselves, etc. Ultimately it depends on how mature your child is, if you can keep tabs on what they're doing online, and what they want the page for.
Have a great day and happy myLotting!!

@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Yeah those Facebook games are addicting.. my son has definitely gotten into a few already, plus he likes chatting with his school friends on there.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
16 Apr 10
Dearra was asking about having a blog on Yuwie and I told her not until she was 14. She does like to write. Right now she's having too much fun on Wizard101. You can't post your real name or other information on that site though, lots of child type protections.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I've never heard of Wizard101... probably not something that's popular around here.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
We currently only have the 1 computer, and my son has been hogging it up a lot since he got the Facebook, so I doubt I'll get any of them involved in any other sites, at least until we have a second computer. I do want to get a laptop eventually. Our Wii can get on the internet, but it's limited.. not much the kids can do on there.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My son is 10 and he has had his own facebook page for about 6 months now. He does not add anyone except family to his and he does not chat on there. He only has one so he can play games like Restaurant City and Fish World. I have several cousins on my facebook friends list that are younger than he is. They are 9, 7, and 5.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I think that's mostly why my friend set her kids up each their own account, to play the games. But still I think under 10 is really just too young, in my opinion.
@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My 15 year old has one and it is his lifeline! LOL I would much rather that he be on facebook (I'm one of his friends there btw) than be texting or something. I can easily monitor things. And it's not an extra bill like a cell phone would be. He can have private chats there of course but all his "friends" are ppl that I know. Our youth leader at church does all her communication thru FB as most of the kids and parents are all connected.
My soon to be 12 year old daughter has one too. The same things apply to her. I am able to see who her friends are and check out the content of their profiles. I had her drop one girl who used foul language. She knows that I check up on her and our computer in in the middle of the dining room visible from several other rooms. I don't think I would have let her have one before this year. She's in middle school and many friends are there but I don't think elementary kids would really be able to handle it.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My son does not have a cellphone, and won't for a long time! I can't afford for him to have a cellphone... if I could afford it I'd probably let him though, as long as he used it properly.
I am on my son's friends list, and I also have his password so I can log in and check out what he's been doing and who he's been talking to. Actually whenever he leaves the computer he usually leaves his Facebook up and open with chats open too. I had to give one of his friends his e-mail address yesterday because he'd walked away and the friend was asking him for it, lol.
@missliss08 (766)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Even though you can set it so only friends see their profile, if they play games, or other various apps their activities can be posted for anyone to see, and on their friends walls too. I think Facebook is safe if monitored by a parent, however my kids are nine, and six, and I would not at this time allow them to have their own Facebook page. Thirteen I am not sure, I guess I will have to wait and see. Lots of my sons friends have them, like I said he is nine. I am not comfortable with it at all. One came over for a playdate, and he wanted to sit on my computer on Facebook the whole time. That to me is disturbing.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Whatever happened to the days when kids would actually play with each other on play dates? I brought my kids over to a friends house once to have a playdate with her kids and they spent the whole time on the computer or playing the Wii. I miss the days when they would actually play with toys instead of electronics!
@missliss08 (766)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Yes I agree, and time is limited on game systems and computers at my house. Unfortunately it does not make them very popular with other children. You kind of have to give in just a tiny bit, and I mean a tiny bit.
@xasasa (321)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old who are too young to have one. If I let them them have a social networking page before 10 it will be to play games and be in contact with family out of state. My rule will be that until the age of 16 I will have their login password and that will only be if their pages and pictures are clean and nothing is blocked from me.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
By the time your kids are old enough to have their own profile.. Facebook will be old news and we'll be onto something new... who knows what it may be though.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My oldest is 7 and she's been asking me to get her own page. She only wants it though because she wants to have her own farm lol. She sees me playing farmville and fish world and she wants to do that. A few kids from her class have one already too. I think for your son he is old enough. I think facebook is a lot better than myspace too. At least I think so. On facebook really the only people that can find you either know you're name or have friends in common. You can't search by age or location like myspace. I told my daughter if she did good for soccer this year that she could get one at the end of the season. She's really shy, so I wanted her to try sports this year to help her. She'll be almost 8 then and really only will play the games so I guess I'll let her lol. Anything she does on the internet will be closely monitored until she is 18, whether she likes it or not.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Yeah I'm totally monitoring my son, I have his password and all that so I can log in and see his messages and such. He's not the type of kid who'd do anything wrong online anyways. He just likes the games, and using the chat thing to talk to his friends from school. My husband is more against the whole "kids having profiles and cellphones" and stuff like that than I am. At first he went a little crazy when he saw my son's profile, but I told him that I set it up and have the pw and everything else, so he was allright with it. His main concern is that my son doesn't add friends that he doesn't know, or that we don't know.
@3SnuggleBunnies (16374)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Nope my oldest is 7 and she doesn't have a FB account! Though I do know several people who's kids do and they are about the same age. I don't think it's appropriate and I don't know what the point in the page would be since she can't really spell much yet anyways I'd have to do all the tping for her. We did try being e-mail pals w/ some of my online friends kids but that only lasted a few messages. Oh well! But what I don't like is how FB tells you to befriend the kids. I know it's so & so's kid but I think that's weird to have a friends little kid as your "friend".
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Facebook won't actually let you set up an account until a certain age... probably 18 but I'm not sure. When I set up my son's account and put in his actual birth year it said he was ineligable to set up an account, and that's all the information it gave me, so I put in that he was born in 1990. I assume all young kids who have an account have had to do the same thing, so FB doesn't actually realize these are little kids. That's unfortunate too, because I've seen a few things on there that are a little too mature for the younger kids.. but if FB allowed us to put in their actual age they could set it up so innappropriate things could not be shown on their homepages.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Apr 10
My GD is nine - ten in December and I was horrified to learn that her mother allows her to be on Facebook. But of course she is not my child and I know when to keep my mouth shut. I am sure that my GD will tell my son (her Daddy) when he returns from seeing wife and children in the middle East. she should be playing and not spending this amount of time on a computer. I am in total agreement with you on this. Blessings
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
Kids don't really play much anymore these days... unless it's with an electronic gadget. Call me old fashioned, but I'm not big on letting me kids spend hours upon hours in front of some electronic. Only my oldest is allowed on the computer, and that's only for a couple hours on days that he behaves. They all have their video games but usually don't play them.. normally the only video games they play is with their dad whenever he's home, which is basically just on Sundays. They don't really get to watch much TV, but we do a family movie night a couple times a week.
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
16 Apr 10
p.s. you should set up a Facebook account for yourself, then you can send your GD messages on there and keep an eye on what she's doing, to give you a little peace of mind.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
16 Apr 10
I think that, as usual, you are carrying pout excellent parenting methods. Family movie nights is a great idea. I am not sure that I will have the time to monitor but I will tell my son and I know that he will monitor her activities on Facebook. she has swimming, tennis and music lessons and this is more than enough for her to do. Blessings
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Well, it is funny that I should come across this discussion this evening. The reason that I say this is because I just got a request from the little girl down the street to be her friend on facebook this evening. She is nine years old and she is the same neighbor girl that I have complained about from time to time because she doesn't know how to listen. So, my daughter, who is seven years old is now asking for an account. To a certain extent, I think that she is too young to have an account, but I also know that I would have all the power involving what kind of content she could put on her page because I have all the pictures on my computer, so it would have to be done on my terms. I am going to make her wait a while though.
@Dark_void23 (129)
• Australia
17 Apr 10
Hello katsmeow1213
I honestly dont have any kids (i am still a kid myself) and i dont have anything like that, that means i have no facebook, myspace, twitter etc, i honestly dont see the point in having pages/accounts for those websites.
@whitestich02 (1056)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
my cousin have a facebook. kids very very like facebook because it have many games like farmville, cafeworld and others. more games in facebook is very useful to the children like typing maniac and others.
@whitestich02 (1056)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
and also this is the way to communicate with his/her mother or father. and also this the way to find some friend.
@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
16 Apr 10
We don't have kids, but if we did, we would allow them to hawve a facebook, only if:
-They set their page to private, only their friends could view it
-They accepted us as a friend so we could monitor their actions
-They only accepted people that they knew in real life
-They disconnect from people who bother them
-They don't connect to people they know would bother them
-They report abuse as soon as it happens, and block the person
-They don't abuse others
-They don't put inappropriate content on their pages
-They don't get into apps that cost money
@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My daughter has one, and part of the agreement is that I monitor her, she has to get any pics approved. Be careful, there have been a lot of viruses spresd through facebook. As far as how old should kids be, I think that depends on the kid. Some are more mature than others.
@shymurl (2765)
• United States
16 Apr 10
My oldest son 12, and my daughter 10 have one. they just got it this year. They only have friends and family members on it. they will use chat only to talk to them. They have it really for the games. I have their login info and their statuses update on my facebook so I know whats going on. I wouldn't let them have it younger then 10. I think it would have been cool if we had stuff like this when I was their age, but then again my mother probably wouldn't have let me have one LOL
@nautilus33 (1827)
16 Apr 10
~ hello. no, my kids don't have a facebook because they are still too young for it!~
@ada8may21 (2404)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
Exactly that true before in our age, we dont have this socializing network. The only way that we can socialize is to attend to any club or organization and participate to any activity.
I have a son his only 8 yrs old and turning 9 yrs old this year. Its just last year that he keep on convincing me to make him an account in facebook. At first I really dont like him to have one, because it would take his time to study. So I make an agreement with him that he can only have an facebook account if his classmates has it.
Bad thing, his classmates has facebook account. I was surprised about but there is nothing I can do but to make him one and you are right if just how many days. He has 30 friend requests.
@Sunny0727 (53)
• China
16 Apr 10
my kids is only six month now , i will let him have his own facebook page when he can use it . but i only will allow him to add the family and his best friends . i also will forbidden him to add any other stranger and received any message from the others.