Does God exist?
By mezulu
@mezulu (166)
United States
April 16, 2010 2:13am CST
This is a serious question, and therefore I only want to see serious answers. No answers like "Yes!" or "Yeah because the bible says so!" I want to have a serious discussion about YOUR beliefs on this matter.
I am agnostic. I believe in a Creator, but I do not believe in God. I do not believe that ANY religion is correct. I do not believe in Heaven. I do not believe in Hell. I do not believe that God hears your prayers. I do not believe that there is a force such as Fate.
I do believe in reincarnation. I do believe in the soul. I do believe in good and evil, right and wrong. I do believe that how you live your life has an impact on your afterlife.
16 responses
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Apr 10
I know God exists because there have been many points in my life where I have felt His presense. I will try not to make this super long but if permitted I will share a few experiences that I have had with God.
I am a Catholic and was raised as one since my childhood and always believed in Jesus. I never had any doubts growing up I just knew He was the savior and sacrificed Himself for us.
As I grew into a adult I have had a lot of Godly moments in my life. One about 7 years ago my friend wanted my mother and myself to go on this retreat. I had never been on one and was not interested so I would always give a excuse when the retreat was coming up. Finally one night after Mass my friend asked me again he wanted to sponsor us and before I answered I heard this voice in my head that said I needed to go on this retreat. My mom and I went and had the best time we ever had it was a beautiful and amazing time with God. Two weeks later my Mom became sick with the flu and in the middle of that she had a stroke. I had to put her in a nursing home because I could't take care of her on my own. A year later she passed away. It was also a amazing year because I knew time was running out I took each day I saw my Mom as this could be the last day. The last thing we did together was that retreat and it is a memory I cherish to this day seven years later.
Also the day I did get the call from the nursing home at 5:30am they told me my Mom was having trouble breathing and they took her to the hospital. I knew this was the day I had been dreading. God was with me all day long. He kept talking to me and giving me comfort. My two priests came down and my deacon came down to be with me and my Mom. I had so much support from the time my Mom was sick until the day she went home to be with The Lord.
I can feel God around me a lot. The most recent was during Holy Week I felt Jesus all around me. On Palm Sunday when I was holding my palms and this was the first I could actually feel Jesus holding my hand. It was the best Holy Week I ever had as I kept feeling Jesus around me.
I also feel God through the small things in life in nature, when I am with my dog and having some quiet time. Even she will do things that will remind me about God and she helps me slow down when I am rushing through life. My friends as I mentioned before my deacon who is my guardian angel sent to me by God. He is more like a big brother to me and is always there whenever I need him.
I sense God through music, movies, tv shows etc. God is everywhere and it is my faith that gets me through even when I get lazy and don't pray everyday or think I know better than God. He has never left my side and yes there have been times when I get mad at my situation and take it out on Him. Even when I know He only wants the best for me again He never leaves my side. I am not worthy of His love yet He loves me anyway and I feel it all of the time. The Holy Spirit is alive and well in me and guides me. He still tries when I get stubborn and don't listen. I trust God fully and am looking forward to the day when I will get to go Home and look at Jesus and His True Beautiful Face and just say thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you for letting me share and sorry for going on a long time. I hope I answered your question. I can't make God come down for you to see Him but He is here spiritually. And even though you have doubts He still does love you and if you ever want to get to know Him the door is always open. He doesn't hate non- believers or people who haven't decided what they want to believe yet. Or what religion is best for them.
These are just some of the ways God lets me know He is real. There are many more and many more to come.
Peace Be With You
@gfxonline (35)
17 Apr 10
peace be with you :-) if you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes
praise god!
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Apr 10
thank you and thanks for reading my post kind of got on a roll there. As you can see I do like to talk about God.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Apr 10
If you want to have a serious discussion I need to understand your point of view a bit better. According to the way you see things, what is the difference between a Creator and God? You believe in a soul and what is a soul? How do you decide what is good and what is evil? And why should anyone else accept your definition, if there is no Supreme God?
I don't mind a serious discussion bit I need to know more about your choice of beliefs. How did you decide what to believe and what not to believe?
Thank you!

@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
20 Apr 10
Thanks for supplying a bit of background on your point of view of things.
Does God exist? Yes, He does exist. Why do I say that? Because we are such incredible beings. We are beautifully designed. We have such immense potential. I can't see us coming from something lower than us. Something superior made our existence possible. The universe is so immense and has such marvelous design and precision. Again someone more that it made it's existence possible.
I can only speak for myself. My conclusion is that a powerful being put things together. And when I read the Bible, I can see how much this being loves us. He communicated and answered most of my questions. Again, I can only speak for myself.
@mezulu (166)
• United States
17 Apr 10
I began thinking the way I do a long time ago, when the tons of research I have done on almost all religions led me to see that none of them make even a bit of sense. There is a major difference between a God and a Creator. A God is an entity that has been the victim of Personification; we have made God seem human. This is a flaw because God cannot be human, if God created humanity. A Creator is a force that is beyond our understanding. This makes more sense to me, because I seriously doubt that the human mind has the capability or capacity to understand the entity that created existence. In my opinion, the difference between good and evil lies within justification. If you can justify a deed beyond your own opinion, it is good. If you cannot justify a deed past what you believe, it is malicious or self interested. For example, stealing bread to feed your family is generally not considered evil, because it is serving a greater purpose. However, stealing bread because you don't want to pay for it can be considered malicious and self interested. Ultimately, the difference between good and evil is intangible, and shifts in the eye of the beholder.
I never once said anyone should accept my definition. In fact, I hope that you don't just blindly believe what I say. If I wanted you to just believe me without any evidence or reason, I would sound an awful lot like a religion.
I want each and every one of you to sit down, do some research and do some soul searching, and decide for yourself.

@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
16 Apr 10
Does God exist. For me He does, For me, I prayed about it, asking with Faith for an answer, and my Faith brought me the answer I seeked, along with confirmation from the Holy Spirit.
I imagine if you prayed about, you to would receive the answer you seek. But, based on this discussion, I do not think it matters whether or not he exists. A control mechanism, yes, but that was brought on more by Men, then God. And perpetuated by fools no less. Control through fear, is just rebellion in building.
I do not believe in Fate either, I believe in the practice of Agency. I do not think God knows what I am going to do, only the possible outcomes of every action I can take. I believe he has a plan for us, and i believe our actions can altar His plans from time to time. I would quote 2 Samuel, and the fall of the First King of Israel, Saul.
I am sure there are other examples, I haven't finished reading the Bible yet. It is amazing how some people claim to believe in God, and yet, have never even opened a Bible in their lives, and make a mockery of those that do. I believe in live and let live, and do good, and good will be done unto.
Your Religion, your God, your believes(so long as they don't hurt others) are only important to you.
With Appreciation.
@mezulu (166)
• United States
16 Apr 10
I agree with everything you have said. You are an example of what a Believer in God should be-knowing that the decision to believe cannot be forced on someone; its a choice we all have to make for ourselves.
I've read the bible, and I can see why it is so convincing to so many people. There is a lot of truth to the things said it that book. Regardless of whether or not it is accurate, it is important to lead a good life and to treat others with kindness.
@mezulu (166)
• United States
16 Apr 10
If I am understanding you correctly, you mean that God exists in the minds of people. I actually agree with this. God was invented by people as not only a control mechanism, but a security blanket to get you through your problems. In my opinion, anyway.
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
16 Apr 10
Hi vine88! Are you saying that all will cease to exist for me once I die and cease to exist? Once I die, the sun up in the sky will still be there, with or without me.
The concept of God, or at least my concept of God is that He always existed (always exists) and He created us.
@myla04 (15)
20 Apr 10
hi! yes i do believe that God exist! and will continue to exist. without him we will not exist. just looking at the wondrous balance of the earth the sun stars galaxy and the universe with that very wonderful balance we know that there must be someone who is taking care of this wonderful balance.and that is God
@gfxonline (35)
17 Apr 10
yes god exist..i believed in god and i have faith in is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of god.without faith it is impossible to please him,for he who comes to god must believe that he is,and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.for we walk by faith not by sight.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Amen I love that last line it is so beautiful and so true.
Peace Be With You
@Galena (9110)
16 Apr 10
I believe my Gods exist because my life experiences have led me to this point.
I have personal experience of beings I believe to be Deity.
and because it's based on personal experience, I don't believe that anyone else should base their beliefs on MY experiences. because they should experience for themselves.
• India
17 Apr 10
God is love.if love exists ,god exists
@hazelsweetme (199)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
God exists. The earth and other heavenly bodies exist even without us. We die today but there would still be a day tomorrow. God is not in mind alone. God is the start of existence. Though man would vanish....the creation of God would still be there that proves the existence of God. Only God can create a morning...that's a big proof of the mighty of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Every religion has some truth however religion does not understand God. Let's think now. If God exists then He can be foundright???Perhaps instead of wondering, you should search. You seem pretty intelligent. Hmmmm???? Where would one find God????Perhaps you need a starting point.You can learn alot about someone through their actions. Really look around you. When you understand this world and God's actions, maybe it will help you decide where to look. Good luck on your journey to discovery. Sometimes people who search find what they search for!!!
@rumshie (186)
• Philippines
16 Apr 10
as for me, I BELIEVE IN GOD. (I'M A CHRISTIAN-CATHOLIC and loyal to my religion but of course, open to all religion's opinion/belief).
but there are times when i also quetstion GOD'S EXISTENCE.
I mean did someone see him already??
If he exist then how come he let the evil ones rule our
world (as of today)?
how come He let us suffer (problems,earthquakes,hunger,killings,etc)?
but of course, i don't really need the answers
right now. :)
I BLEIEVE IN HIM (and that's fine)
and my life's fine (i mean, it goes with the natural life. UPS & DOWNS)
so i don't need the answer as long as im in peace already.
but if there's someone who can give me the answers (correctly)
then that would be better.
@dimitarivanov (228)
• Netherlands
16 Apr 10
There's a Creator of all things. Why? Because when you look around everything - space, human race and all, you see patterns. Everything that's been here, the whole universe is created for a reason (which we do not know yet but we have to assume it's the truth) and there are laws that command it. This is a sophisticated process, thus the Creator of all this is what we consider to be God. Also there are the need for justice, the ability to distinguish good and bad, which are qualities that so far we know only humans to possess. We may not understand why the universe is created, what is out there and why but we see there are laws and patterns that rule everything around us. That's a mark of intelligent touch, isn't it? And at least the fact that we exist, and we look for Him, proves there's a Creator, after all...
@MeritSelket (68)
• Germany
16 Apr 10
which god??? which creator???
that is my question
I belive there were some....lets say "creatures" who are responsible for our excitense....and ofer the time they became gods
@ztobias (21)
• China
16 Apr 10
Just imagine how unique we are, how could such a advanced being just appear on this wonderful planet without any wills or plan? Sometimes the truth is hidden from someone but showed to someone else by a kind of force that we cannot control. Maybe this is the thing we called destiny.
The thing is that we are all parts of the Creator who come from far away(The word God means, 'they who comes from the sky'), because we were all created by the his breath ,and it then becomes our souls. Perhaps whether we believe or not is neither determined by ourselves, nor them missionaries, but a much higher will, the fate. All we can do is just open our mind and heart, to feel the power of the creation, and strive to understand the true meanings of our existence. The truth is out there no matter what we believe :D right?
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
16 Apr 10
god is what ever you want him to be. i'm not a religion person, but even when you talk to psychics, they talk in the angels that you read about along with god. so he's there somewhere. don't ask me why i'm calling god him, i wouldn't have a clue about why i do.
but as the saying goes "god work in mysterious ways" when things happen and we cant explain it. i do believe in we meet people, do things etc for a reason. so that in our next life what we don't fix here will carry on in to the next life.