the truth is coming out on the big ben case

@snoopyfan (1312)
United States
April 16, 2010 2:28pm CST
Now that we are getting more and more info we are learning the truth and it seems to look like Ben has gotten away with a very serious crime RAPE! We are now learning how this drunk girl ended up trapped in the bathroom with Ben and she said no. She was not let out until the deed was done. To make matters worse she then shut up very quickly which I am sure she was paid for her silence. Not enough DNA and the tape "accidently" was taped over. Not enough proof for the DA is the only reason he is not being charged. To much doubt add to the fact this girl was bar hopping as well does not help her case. Which now makes me believe the first woman who waited a whole year before opening her mouth. Maybe the money she was paid ran out so she decided to speak out. This is not the end of the story.After the draft Roger Gadell (sorry for the misspelling) will let Ben know what his punishment will be and trust me there will be one. The Rooney family is livid with Ben and stated in their press conference yesterday this is his last chance and he has a long way to go on the road of redemption! There has been in house talk of trading him. Keep in mind The Steelers just traded Santonio Holmes as the result of his personal conduct. The Rooney's are a class act family and always have been to the NFL. This is not the reputation they want to have or their players to have. I use to like Big Ben in fact I have been watching football since I was three years old and I am now 40. Grew up in California but loved The Steelers they will always have a special place in my heart. I will still root for them despite Ben being on the team. My love for Swanny & Franco Harris is much bigger both class acts and still are to this day. As for Ben I also just read this on Gather someone who knows a lot about his actions in a bar posted he drinks like a fish and says whatever is on his mind. He is very rude and insulting towards women when he is drunk. He has a serious drinking problem and better get the help he needs. Yes he is a talented QB. For me I am not impressed with how someone can throw or catch a ball. It is not what makes me like, love and respect the players in the NFL. I am going to use the following players as examples of what a great role model is. Walter Payton, John Elway, Troy Aikman, Peyton & Eli Manning, as mentioned Lynn Swann, Franco Harris, etc. All of these men not only have class on the field but off. It is a honor and a privldege to play in the NFL. I am glad we have a commisiner who takes it seriously. Even though he let the dog killer back but that is a topic for another day. I have no respect for Ben and will be looking forward to the day he is not a Steeler anymore and with his track record that will be sooner than later. I have a Steeler Superbowl with his ugly face on it and now I doubt I will ever wear it again. I wanted to believe in you Ben but just like all the fans you have let everyone down. I will never look at you in the same way again. Thanks for letting me vent and sorry for all the misspelling as you can see I am not a great speller.
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3 responses
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
17 Apr 10
I was a big Ben fan. Not anymore! After this rape I am no longer! I know he did it and those so called bodyguards helped him get this girl in the right place so he could rape her! I would not be surprised there was hush money involved with the the 20 yr old. I also think Ben pays his bobyguards and so called bodyguards big money to do what he wishes and to keep their mouth shut!I would not be surprise he did that with the bar owners in Geogia and they erased the tape! I keep hearing Ben loves to go to the clubs and now I'm hearing more and more of a drinking problem! If Ben doesn't realize he has got a problem he won't do anything and deny it! I'm not standing up for the scum but these things happen! I hope Roger Goodell(the correct spelling) will give him a big suspension! If not I'm sure the Steelers will! They are the second best owned team in the NFL,the first is the Packers(who are my team)! The Rooney's will do the right thing and if Ben screws up again, which in pretty guaranteed, the Rooneys will deal with him properly!
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
17 Apr 10
I feel the same way when the first woman accused him I thought she was a gold digger only because she waited a whole year. Now I am thinking her money probably ran out and she just wants more. Did you hear the cop who questioned Ben was the same guy taking pictures with him a few hours before the incident took place. He has now resigned. This whole think stinks to high heaven. I am very disappointed I wanted them to say that nothing happened after this second attack. As for the Rooney's they are going to go along with whatever punishment Goodell(got it right this time) dishes out. With more of the facts coming along this isn't good for Ben but this is what happens when you attack someone and get away with it. And no they won't deal with him when the next incident comes along. They will get rid of him and The Steelers will be alright without Ben. They have a great coach and very talented players. Everyone can be replaced no matter how well they can throw a football. Peace
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@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
18 Apr 10
I had thought the same thing when that woman made the accusation, one year after she said it occurred. Now, not so sure that first accusation was made up.
• United States
19 Apr 10
The DA also couldn't go further in the case because the women wouldn't press charges. It also should be noted that she was only 20 in a bar drinking, so there are a lot of people that need to answer for that one. Ben has put himself in bad situation after bad situation, and he needs to stop it NOW. He is a grown man, and needs to start acting like one. What is he did was wrong and stupid, and he should be punished for it. But, lets all be honest here, and understand that this happens often in college towns, and you never hear one word about it. He did something wrong, and even if he did pay this girl for her silence, it was her decision to do so. At least Ben didn't kill someone and pay off his family like Stallworth did!!!
• United States
19 Apr 10
By the way, how many people remember that Ray Lewis was charged (and many feel he did commit the crime) with murder, and he is still called one of the best linebackers in NFL history. Not the NFL player who killed someone and got away with it.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
20 Apr 10
I am not a Ray Lewis fan and I am one of the ones who thinks he did get away with it. We can also add the Brentwood Butcher who did get away with murder (OJ. I also agree with your comment about Stallworth he has no business in the NFL either. I wonder if some of these players Stallworth, dog killer, etc didn't make so much money for the NFL would they have been welcomed back. I feel Roger talks out of both sides of his mouth. He also got rid of all the evidence of The Hatroits and that cheating scandal went away real quick since he is best friends with The Hatriots owner. I know Ben didn't kill anyone and again I was on his side until more of the facts are coming out. I am very disappointed in him. He is not the person I thought he was. I do hope he will get the help he needs and maybe he can change. I am sure this girl was already paid by the time the cops tried to get her in for a second interview. This may be a college town but it doesn't give anyone the right to rape someone. She may have been drunk but still she was trapped and no one could get to her because his bodyguards were keeping watch. Not sure if you have a daughter but how would you feel if this happened to her. I know she is no saint by all of her drinking still she didn't deserve to be raped. It is very hard to prove someone was raped when they were drunk. The jury thinks she deserved it and that is stupid thinking. No means No. End of story.
@AmbiePam (96293)
• United States
18 Apr 10
He makes me sick. He really does.
@snoopyfan (1312)
• United States
18 Apr 10
I feel the same way and it also makes me sad. This was someone who I had respect for and thought was a decent guy. I am used to seeing guys like TO and Pac Man Jones even The Dogkiller didn't surprise me cause of his attitude. But Ben I really liked a lot. He was my favorite Steeler QB yes I liked him better than Bradshaw. Because I thought he had class of the field. Now more and more is coming out everyday and it just gets worse. I am glad the truth did come out now I and others do not have to wonder anymore. It will be interesting after his suspension how the fans will treat him. Will he hear a lot of boos or cheers in Hines Stadium. That we will have to wait and see.