Do You Believe in Faith Healing?

April 17, 2010 4:19am CST
HI everyone! Have you ever tried of faith healing? What was your experience? Did you ever get healed? I have tried years ago but years later found out that they were kind of a cult or something like a part of witchcraft and ever since I have been kind of skeptic about it.I don't want to be imparted by the spirit of divination or witchcraft. However as I have seen them do their healing sessions there was a medium and she was in a trance, I've seen them make people well who were not healed in the hospitals. One of the person I saw got healed was my grandpa's brother. Someone vodooed him because well when he was alive he was pretty clever in all ways of conning people. I mean to say is that if he could get someone to pay more he would do that. So someone got mad at him and resorted to vodoo. I remembered seeing him from this stocky fellow to deathly thin, who had a stinking breath you could smell 5 feet away. He complained of pin like pain moving around his stomach and had a very hard cough over 2 months. He went to different doctors and stayed in different hospitals but all the lab tests came in negative and he was discharged and sent home. My uncle found this faith healer and they brought him to them and I saw everything with my own eye! The woman tapped his back in the lung fie;ed region after uttering some kind of prayer in latin and we saw sand coming out of his back. Then he was asked to lie down and the woman operated on him with bare hands and there was nothing on her hands. She pulled out 3 pieces of fish bones from his belly. After that session he was well and lived another 11 years until he died of lung cancer from chronic smoking.
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12 responses
• United States
17 Apr 10
I know that God can do anything, but I don't really believe that He chooses to heal people through faith alone anymore. That story that you shared sounds a little unbelievable to me... sorry.
• United States
17 Apr 10
I can definitely believe something like that because I've seen some crazy things my self. If you believe in God and follow the bible then must know there are several mentions of miracles performed through sorcery. I don't think god would say "leave this stuff alone" if it wasn't for real.
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
I know it may sound unbelievable but it is the truth and that what was happened before my very eyes and other 7 people inside the house. I know what I saw and I even saw a scorpion being pulled out from s person's belly and after that the person was well again. I have learned my lesson ever since that things like this are not to be tried and that only God can heal and He will heal when he wants and how he want to heal you. Other than that is a pure imitation from the devil.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
17 Apr 10
Extremely interesting discussion and I thank you for sharing. I am with you on this. I believe strongly in faith healing. I find your Uncles expereince fascinating. My Mom is able to heal with her hands, in person or far distance. It is called Energy balancing. Amazing act of faith there. I also believe in collective thinking and the power that can have to heal and more. Again, I find your Uncles story extremely interesting. Some would calim not believable but I understand and am grateful for the faith healer to have been able to heal your Uncle so to live another healthy eleven years!
@manleyjoe (1597)
• United States
17 Apr 10
The power of prayer is great! Even in the bible it tells us that Jesus told his disciples that whatever they in the fathers name he would be faithful and give it.
@EvrWonder (3571)
• Canada
19 Apr 10
The power of prayer is a powerful thing. Hallelujah! Thank you for your comment.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
Faith healing is nothing but believing that God will heal our physical and emotional ailments when we ask Him so. If people utilize rituals and call it faith healing, that is total crap. We don't need trances to be healed.
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
Right... that's why I am skeptical about it now. I just believe in the ultimate power of God through prayer and worship not in any form of divination or rituals. After I have known about being imparted with evil spirits during trances and rituals I was horrified! I have been careful ever since.
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• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Hi candyfairy21, I do believe in faith healing; I never experience going through a faith healer though. I was sick before and I prayed and God healed me. The words "Ask and it shall be given to you" motivated me and still motivates me to pray to God for a speedy recovery. It was a miracle because I'm not that very religious. Maybe this is the way that God wants me to be. Regards with the faith healers, well I do not condone them. I believe that as long as you have a strong faith, you'll be healed.
@scja16 (322)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
To be honest I don't. Maybe the word Faith on the faith healing is not there for me. I am not the person who believe in the saying of to see is to believe though I know God always makes a miracle for everybody. I may not be the judge of everything so maybe if I encounter one then I might believe.
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
I believe that God is our great healer. I also know that a man's faith can be as much that those people who believe they will get healed really get healed. But honestly, I also had my own experience in one of those faith healers. About five years ago, I had this sudden pain on my lower left chest just below my ribs. I couldn't recall anything that might have caused it. It was bearable at first but after two weeks, I couldn't stand it any longer. My husband and I went to the doctor who ordered some x-rays but the results were negative. She prescribed pain killers but there was no improvement. After a week, we went to another doctor for a second opinion and another set of x-rays was ordered which, to our dismay, again yielded negative results. More pain killers were prescribed but the pain just keeps increasing. It came to a point that I'd be crying at night because the pain is too much for me to take. My husband was so worried for me but didn't know what else to do. I had to sleep while sitting because the pain I felt in lying position was killing me. Then my sister-in-law advised us to take a chance by seeking the help of an old woman who lived nearby and is known to heal people. Although my husband and I did not believe in faith healers, it was our last resort because we did not find refuge in the hospitals where we've been. The old woman performed massage of some sort which was very painful at first while uttering some words I cannot understand and I felt relieved. The pain never came back and I was thankful to her and to God for finally healing me. Up to this time though, I still couldn't explain how she did it.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
there are things we can't explain or understand but as for me I have learned that not everyone who can heal comes from the Lord. It is best to inquire of the Lord how He would heal you, there are many ways in which he heals either instantly, through a doctor or through prayers and repentance. I have also learned that some illness that cannot be cured by medicines have spiritual root causes when you treat the spiritual problem the physical problem vanishes too.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
I don't believe in faith healing. Because some of them are real quacks who do more harm than good. But I am not generalizing all faith healers, there are some who are able to cure. I think its a hit and miss thing. If its not that serious, there may be a chance they can be cured. But for chronic illnesses, I would rather put my faith and fate with western doctors.
@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
17 Apr 10
yeah.. i went to a bible study with friends and they claim that the lady could heal me. but i got really freaked out when she started to talk and i couldnt understand her. so i am like you i have doubts, but i guess we can never know
@reckon21 (3479)
• Philippines
17 Apr 10
faith healing is an interesting subject for me because other have claimed that they were healed by faith healing. I have some neighbors who are a true believers in this kind of healing. There are some illness that the doctors in the hospital have no idea how to cure or heal it. So many people look for alternative medicines and that's where faith healing comes in to picture. My late mother is also a believer and I'm not. The best way to explain is that some people were healed because they believed that they can be healed. Sometimes our body has it's own healing power you just have to aide it.
@cupkitties (7421)
• United States
17 Apr 10
Sure I think there are people out there with this power but most of the people who claim to have this ability I think are fakes like a lot of these church programs that make a big show of "healing" someone on public tv. In reality those people are all acting and the ones being "healed" are in on the game.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
17 Apr 10
It is said 'faith moves a mountain'. If anything in this world has to succeed then its said faith and trust is a must. Without faith and trust nothing works. even the best of medicines will work only if the patient has full faith in it. Its is believed that its the faith that cures a patient and not the physician. Similarly in ur faith cure, if the person who believes that such methods work then it will obviously work. If a patient takes medicines halfheartedly then its bound to fail. So the base for all cure is faith, whether allopathic ,Ayurveda or faith healing
• Nigeria
17 Apr 10
i believe in faith healing and to confirm it am a living witness of healing because i had a growth on my left part of my neck and the doctors did all kinds of test to ascertain the cause but couldn't find anything to assure them of a possible cure so i told myself to put faith on JESUS CHRIST and to my believe healed me as i continuously called on him and today i can proudly say am healed.