Is Obama setting black folks back?

United States
April 17, 2010 7:08am CST
I am not sure but it occurred to me while writing my last post that Obama may be hurting, or back tracking the steps he just made in this country by becoming the first black president. Will it hurt the momentum that the debacle he calls a first term is going so bad? Do you think people will say he messed up because he is black, or not to put another black man in office because of him? I am hoping that we are grown up enough to see it is the man messing up not the race, but the truth of the matter is there are wackos out there who may not see it this way. Just a tidbit for thought, what does everyone else think?
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8 responses
@Arioch (190)
18 Apr 10
As an outsider to America, Obama is the best president you have had for years. What he says actually makes sense. The fact his own people (well americans) blame and victimise him speaks for itself. Well look at it another way how many incompetany white guys have had the job?
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Apr 10
It doesn't matter, though he does seem to be the most incompetent president in MY lifetime (& that includes Jimmy "misery index" Carter!). I don't care what your media tell you, IT'S NOT ABOUT RACE! (Can you hear us now?? Yeesh!) The sooner you get that, the sooner we can discuss this honestly. Maggiepie Post topics in Open Mike if they just WON'T be comfy anywhere else!
• United States
19 Apr 10
LMFAO, much of what he says makes sense on paper but what he does and what he says are two very different things. He made lots of promises that he has slithered around with his words, one reason so many of the poor people (all colors but a large amount of black ) who feel he used their predictions as a means to get their vote and then ignore them, (some people voted for him because he was black and feel that he sold them out, even people like Danny Glover have gotten up and publicly said this), it is a common game played by all politicians it's just that this time it seemed to be every group the man spoke to not just a few of them, but yes when you hear him talk he sounds great.
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@Arioch (190)
18 Apr 10
Incompetence that should read thank you
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
17 Apr 10
His race has nothing to do with it. He is doing a horrible job. But I know there are people who will say that he is screwing up because he is black, or that he is slipping in the polls because people are racist. And unfortunately, it could affect the way people vote when race is an issue. It seems people need to have a reason, or something to blame it on. With Bush it was because he was Republican. Notice how quickly the shift happened- no Republican stood a chance to win an election since Bush made such a mess of things. That is why Obama was elected- he was not a Republican. Now they'll blame it on his race, or maybe the fact that he is a Democrat. Either way, few people will come right out and say that he is just doing a horrible job without blaming it on his race or some other detail about him. Granted, he was given a tough, almost impossible job.
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• United States
19 Apr 10
I wish people would stop blaming the situation he went into sooner then later, I mean they did with Bush eventually. He started out with the WTC day and everyone felt "poor Bush" until they realized that to strike back in spite was not a good strategy (something I am sure we all learned in Elementary school and forgot at the time). Not to mention when in a hard situation it is how you preform that is important. That said yes, it is sad but people will look for the easiest thing to blame the issues on be it color, affiliation or size of feet, it doesn't matter just something they don't have to back up in conversation.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Hi Opinionated' Sadly, I'm sure there are some that will blame is color for any mess-ups. If anyone stopped to think about many of our politicians have skrewed up and it really doesn't matter what color you are. It all is a matter of opinion, really. I disagreed with so so much of what Bush did and yet there are many that thought he was great. Unfortunately, I think you might have a point tho. I hope your wrong.
• United States
19 Apr 10
I hope I am wrong too.
• United States
17 Apr 10
Given what he inherited I like your definition of "messed up". This country was a complete mess when he took office, and we are not starting to actually recover for the complete disaster of the last 9 years. When you look at the last 30 years of economic cycles you will see that our country is doing better than it should be. It took us six years to get through the Reagan Recession, and this repression was much worse than that!
• United States
19 Apr 10
Ok, but the point is he sunk us deeper into debt in one year then Bush did in 8. The bail outs where a joke played on the American people with their own money as though it where a Monopoly game and the children of our children will still be trying to pay it off when we are all gone. As for inheriting disaster let's face each President inherits something bad. Nothing is ever perfect it's what you do when you get in that makes a difference, that's why so many on all sides are upset with Obama he just isn't cutting it. As for if we are doing better I think that may be one of those things that is different do to ratios. I find it hard to believe that the change in ratio status hasn't change the perceptions. Let's face it there are many more million and billionaires on those statistics now then ever before. Why? Well look how Hollywood has grown, look at the computer biz, and even the government themselves who are making a higher percentage now then ever before, even seats that 20 yrs. ago where unpaid are now earning in the 6 digits. Perception I believe has changed drastically, yes.
• United States
20 Apr 10
You are incorrect in blaming Obama for all of our debt, and that which he has inherited. What many people don't understand is that Bush used the treasury like a credit card. He passed spending bill after spending bill, and never once paid for any of it, just like what many people do on their credit cards. Eventually, you have pay for the money that you spent, and that bill has come due. This is FACT, if you do some research you will see that this is what happened. Look at the Reagan recession seriously and you will see that getting out of this should take a lot longer than two years. It took six years to fully get out of that, and that was nothing in comparison to the Bush repression. Yes people are making more money, but that has nothing to do with this discussion. The recent quarterly numbers out of Wall Street are pointing to people spending more, and buying more. This is a good sign for the economy, and is a step in the right direction.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Apr 10
President Alinsky has spent more in his first year that ALL OTHER PRESIDENTS SINCE THE FIRST--combined. So don't bother blaming the current debacle on any SINGLE previous President. Normal recessions come & go, no matter who's in the White House. And anyway, please tell me where is it possible to borrow & spend one's way out of debt?! Never mind whether it's national or just one's own! WHERE? Explain, please, how that works! "Oh, Honey, I lost my job & I can't pay the mortgage--tell you what, now we have time to take that vacation, so let's borrow some dough from someplace, drive to Vegas & blow it! If we lose, the kids can pay it off!" This "President" has no logic in him at all. Instead of passing out over a trillion dollars to receivers without any oversight, clear-set goals or even decent financial advice, he should've sliced spending & cut taxes, gotten out of the way & let the market recover, as it always does! Instead, he's caused millions to lose their jobs, countless companies to stop hiring, & even taken over numerous private institutions & industries. Bush never did that!! The man is either a complete financial idiot, which belies his cleverness in a few other areas, OR...he's deliberately bankrupting our country. Them's the choices. Pick one, but don't pee on my shoe & tell me it's raining. Not when our grandchildren will be paying off HIS debt--oh, & since it worked SO well, he wants to do it again! Unbelievable. "Bush's debt" would have been nearly gone soon, had not Nerobama put it on freakin' STEROIDS! Maggiepie Post topics in Open Mike if they just WON'T be comfy anywhere else!
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Obama is messing up because he is too inexperienced. It has nothing to do with his race.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
20 Apr 10
Everyone I know sees it that way. It's not about his race, but his policies, his lies & broken promises, & his tactics! Maggiepie Post topics in Open Mike if they just WON'T be comfy anywhere else!
• United States
19 Apr 10
I know that! But will other see it that way?
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• United States
20 Apr 10
Unfortunately it is something I have heard but in truth and this is in by no means meant to be racist but it has been mostly Mexicans and other Hispanics that I have heard say this. I live in an area where race can be an issue at times but not many white folk have said anything. Now if that is do to the fact that it is taboo for whites to say things about other races but is not taboo for "minorities" to do so? That may be a very big part of it or maybe it's just how the others see it more. No clue. That said just because people say it's not going to happen doesn't mean it won't.
@arakawaii (270)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
In all fairness, I know he's not making any big progress in the US but I guess he's really trying so hard, he's being unexperienced may really affect America... But OBAMA is one person should america be proud of...
• United States
19 Apr 10
Why should we proud?
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
18 Apr 10
Just due to the law of averages, knowledge of human nature, & maybe simple logic, doubtless a few people exist who will tie his misbehavior to racism, but not I. There are a number of non-white folks whom I believe would be fine in that office. They're all sensible, all lovers of the Constitution & of America, & Conservatives, every one. Any of them could replace President Alinsky in a heartbeat, so far as I (a white-looking person) am concerned. It's not Nerobama's color I dislike, it's his arrogance & his policies I can't stand! Maggiepie HAVE A TOPIC THAT WON'T quiiiite FIT INTO JUST ONE CATEGORY? POST IT IN Open Mike!
• United States
19 Apr 10
More then a few.
@will897 (12)
• China
18 Apr 10
Obama is only the u.s. president .He can have some affect on the policy but not all.And we should think the U.S. can make progress,not back,right?
• United States
19 Apr 10
We should yes, but is that reality?