Watching horror movies is not good?

April 17, 2010 11:31pm CST
Do you believe that watching horror movies does have negative side effects in our health? Some people believe in can cause sleeplessness, nightmares, fear and anxiety, do you think it's true? Do you often watch horror movies, does you experienced some negative effects on you?
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33 responses
@ypyanyan (956)
• China
18 Apr 10
 horror movies  - horror movies always attracts many people's eyesight.
it is mysterious for people .
every people want to watch it and are afraid of it .
yes, I believe it . if people who has not a good psycology .I suggest that they should not watch horror movies . it has no negative side effects in my health . It can not cause sleeplessness ,nightmares ,fear and anxiety for me . but one of my roommates is timid . she want to watch it .but she can not be stimulated . when she watched the screen which is full of blood .she can Shriek. then she were afraid of everything.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, it all depends on the kind of personality of the person, I think those people who likes adventure and dare to take risk, those were the one who loves to enjoy this kind of movies while those who people who are rich in imagination and likes day dreaming those who are more prone to this negative side effects. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@zim1fW (284)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
The negative emotions you express while watching horror movies has negative impact in your mind and body. And if you do that regularly, you may notice your mood becomes unpredictable. Unless you relish watching horror movies (laughing at it instead of feeling the fear), horror films will have a negative impact on you in the long run, at times slowly and gradually.
• China
19 Apr 10
Yes,I agree with it.when I watched a horror movie,I always sleeplessness for a cauple of days and have nightmares.It was terrible.and I am fear when walking on the street alone at night.I often keep away from horro movies,but sometimes I just want to see it.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Yeah, it's the same thing with me, but I can still manage to walking alone on the street as long as I know its safe to be walking alone at night. I also experience sleeplessness and nightmares after watching horror movies, so often I make sure I have some company. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
18 Apr 10
I suppose there could be people who get these symptoms. Movies with extreme violence are what I need to stay away from because of similar symptoms.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, there are those people and one of it is Horror movies with extreme violence and killing does makes me feel bad and scared does it makes me feel sleepless at night and makes me awake in the middle of night and thus affect my work. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 10
I love watching horror films, and don't believe there's any harmful effect on me. I suppose if you watch them but don't enjoy them then the anxiety could make you unwell, but if you like horror films then I don't see what harm it could do you.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well you've got your point, its the same thing when you watch a comedy movie if you didn't enjoy that movie, you will surely get bored when it supposed to make you feel happy and good. It's really good that it doesn't have that negative effect on you. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@doormouse (4599)
18 Apr 10
i've been watching horror movies from about the age of 8,and it has never add any effect on me,if anything i think the effect is positive,as now i don't get affraid of anything,movies of real life
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well good for you then, I guess that kind of effects depends on the person, in your case it did good on you and perhaps for others it can't be good, since we all differs when it comes to the ability to cope up and understand. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
I believe so that watching horror movie or even a dramatic movie could affects one emotions depending on the person. I have a friend who can't tolerate watching horrific scenes, and if she caught a glimpse of the scene she just can't sleep at night and sometimes it bothers us cause she wanted us to accompany her when she needs to go to the bathroom.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Oh, wow! I did have a kind of friend like that before, she can't go to the bathroom all by herself after watching horror movies and most my friends tease her and makes her scared more, which is not good I think. Yeah, watching horror,comedy,action,drama or any kind of movies did have emotional effects on us, such as when we watch comedy, it makes us laugh and feel good inside so the same thing with other kind of movies. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day.
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18 Apr 10
Hi, Good question, I don't beleive they have any negative effects - they certainly don't with me anyway. Obviously if people are experiencing this kind of thing they probably shouldn't watch them, however I think it's good for people to do things that scare them every once in a while. Keeps life interesting. Thanks, Ian
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
LOL, well in that reasons I might agree with you because its indeed makes life more interesting and thrilling. This kind of negative emotional side effects doesn't apply to everyone,I think, its all depends on the persons personality. I sometimes watch horror movies with friends, so its make my night more interesting and Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
20 Apr 10
Hi careguarden. Well if there is any truth in it then I am in very bad health
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Well my friend in your case its not applicable I guess, because it didn't have that negative effect on you, unlike me and to others who experience the same thing. Remember we're all different from each other and we can't say that if this thing won't work for you it won't work for others or vice versa. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
18 Apr 10
I think it only applies to those who like to exaggerate imagination. I'm a fan of horror movies, and so far I do not have a problem .. but I don't know, if next, one day I watched some horror movie for 24 hours, may be there effect to my healt
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Those people who's imagination were vivid and clear experience this kind of emotional troubles after watching horror movies, while to those who are not more into imagining things were likely avoid experiencing this things. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
18 Apr 10
I don't watch horror movies for that very reason...they make me restless and anxious. I haven't watched a horror movie in so long, I can't tell you if they still give me nightmares, but they sure did when I was a kid. So I stopped watching them.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, it's the same thing with me, when I was a kid I often have nightmares because of watching horror movies and listening horror stories from my father who's very good at story telling. Even when I get older, when my friends and I watch horror movies, I often awake at night and sometimes scared, that's why I didn't watch horror movies, I didn't find it entertaining. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@dr9rim (247)
• Australia
18 Apr 10
i guess it could be true. not necessarily will have that exact effect and negative problems to everyone, but it could happen to some people. every individual is different after all. but no it doesn't bother me. i'll have nightmares once in a while but i kinda welcome it. helps me write and have ideas
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, you're right, it doesn't have the same negative emotional effects to others since we're all different. Well its good that somehow it doesn't affect you the same thing with others. Yeah, dreams can be very good source of ideas in writing. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@werty009 (404)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
i don't like horror films but i watch them when friends are around but me when im alone i don't watch horror movies cause my favorite is war movies
@Galena (9110)
18 Apr 10
I find war films much more distressing than horror films. war is so hateful and ugly and empty.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
War and horror movies is the kind of movies that I avoid to watch, yeah it can be really distressing, killing makes me feel sad and horror movies makes me feel bad. So better watch comedy movies. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
face fear - horror movie
i guess, it's true that there are negative effects of horror movies. i remembered last time i watched horror film with my friends and it was last full show by that time,i have to ride transportation to get me home.i was alone and as i was riding a PUJ,i came to see the side mirror and as if i'm imagining something or someone is floating and staring at the mirror.i find it difficult that something is troubling me.but i know,it's just the fact that i watched some scene of that in movie.but sometimes,it's hard to cope/move on that there was nothing of it in reality.but,i can't focus my mind straight until i finally got home,and come to think of it,it's midnight already.and sometimes scenes from the movie can't get out of my mind.even when i go to sleep,i still can remember it.although watching horror movies feels fun,sometimes you can't control yourself not to be frightened.that's why sometimes i really don't like watching horror kinda feels crazy,can't sleep nicely.
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• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well I do experience that kind of feelings my friend,lol Its a bit funny because I am old enough and supposed not to be scared since its just a movie, but when I am alone in my room and its dark it makes me think and feel that I am not alone and someone is hiding and creeping inside my And it did scares me and sometimes keeps me awake. So for me, horror movies is a big no! Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@wainaa (70)
• Philippines
18 Apr 10
i am not a fan of horror movies so yes, these movies will do you bad than good. horror movies will just disturb your train of thought. spending time on worthwhile movies like those that teach real life lessons are better than feeding your mind with unreal, horrifying, ugly and weird thoughts.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well, you're right, I also believe on the same thing since that's what I also feel and experienced watching horror movies and I can't understand to what makes other feel good and excited watching that kind of movies. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@wainaa (70)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
maybe they lack something that they see in horror movies? those who watch it want an unreal thrill. anyway, i couldn't care less. LOL. i stand firm on my opinion. there's more to lose than gain in watching horror movies. i'm glad you share the same thought. :)
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
18 Apr 10
I think that these type of movies could harm you if you took them literally. Or, if you have a sensitivity and get heart palpitations or anything onlong those lines you really need to be careful. I think films are supposed to take you away from your own reality for a period of time and these type movies certainly do and keep you going until the very end.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, you're right and that's why I avoid watching horror movies, when I want something that keeps me away from reality its on watching comedy or romantic comedy because it makes me feel better and good and thus makes me dream and keeps a positive look in life. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
19 Apr 10
Hey careguarden! I am not a fan of horror movies and never have been! But, unfortunately my boyfriend is! I hate watching horror movies and have never watched them until he brought them home and I watched a few with him and boy was I ever sorry! The were gory, disgusting and yes, I couldn't get them out of my mind! I can't say for sure that I had nightmares, but they definitely upset me bigtime! I keep telling him not to bring them home, but he still does! I try to stay out of the room while he watches them, but sometimes I am tired and want to lie down and the damn DVD player is in the bedroom! So, sometimes I am out of luck and unfortunately see them anyway!
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Hello my friend, well its the same thing with me, too bad that your boyfriend enjoy watching horror movies, but if you watch with him it couldn't be that Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
19 Apr 10
I like to watch horror movies.. because i like it.. and i don't believed in that horror movies is not good for watching.. i think horror movies have some adventures and also some suspense so i like to watch them..
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Well I guess you don't believe that it has negative emotional effects because you enjoy it and you like watching horror movies, but for those who find it horrible and scary like me, then it has negative effects. We're all different from each other so we can't say its true or not. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@artistry (4151)
• United States
19 Apr 10
...Hi careguarden, Yes, I do believe that they give you nightmares. I watched a movie at night, by myself, a long time ago, it was not a true horror movie. But it was about a man killing women, and I went to sleep later. Well that night I had such bad dreams, it seriously scared me. My sub-concious had taken over and my dreams were affected. Since then I am careful what I watch. Some people don't have a problem watching them, I do. Take care.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Yeah, its the same thing with me artistry, that's why as much as possible I avoid watching horror movies even though the actors were my favorite because I am careful with my emotional health and I only watch movie to entertain me and makes me feel good and of course to inspire me. So scary movies is a big no for me! Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@mjcookie (2271)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well, I LOVE horror movies even when they creep the hell out of me. That's the very reason I love them because they keep me thrilled LOL. I admit that there are times when I imagine spooky things that really make me restless and sleepless but I eventually get over them. I still love thriller films.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Well in that case that's fine with you, since you can easily get over those creepy and horrible creatures in your mind. For me, I find it quite hard and so I would rather avoid those kind of movies because there are many things that I need to focus and give attention and that kind of destruction is not good for me. There are many real things that give thrill in my life. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!
@Acirem (55)
• United States
18 Apr 10
I haven't experienced any negative effects. Probably because I kept to the realization that "it's only a movie" I admit I do get some chills watching a horror movie. But I remind myself that its only a movie.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well, for me even though I remind myself that it's not real but still in my mind it appears real, I don't really know. Well I guess I need to learn to focus on other things. Anyway thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day!