how many language can you speak and want to learn

@wxx8899 (111)
April 18, 2010 11:46pm CST
hi,mylotters. i sometimes practice my english in language exchange community,where i see many people are learning their second or third language there.there is a list for everyone that which languages you are learning and which language you already master.i see many people there master 3 or 4 language there and are learning 2 or 3 language at same time. and for me.i am chinese,chinese is what language i master but i learn english for many years and japanese for about 2 years i want to learn some spanish in future if i have time how about you
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12 responses
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
19 Apr 10
I can speak Bahasa Indonesia, English and two native language Sundanese and Karo. I learn English at school so its very text book, but I try to improve it. I am really want to learn Spanish because it sound very sexy and I wanna go to Spain someday. Its very hard to find a place to learn Spanish here, so I had to be patience.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
nangisha here in the Philippines many foreigners are studying different language, like the SPANISH language, well as you know Spanish is once our major language when the Spain colonize the Philippines for almost 300 years but then we adopt English Language when America colonize us and we also learn Japanese when the Japanese during World War 2 colonize us, now many koreans are going here to the Philippines to study English because we Filipino are very good in speaking English and we are very careful with sentence construction if it sounds good and right or not, the best topic in my English Subject is the Subject-Verb agreement this topic really help us build good sentences
@zhelles (155)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I can speak 2 languages: Filipino and English. But I know some short phrases in Spanish, Japanese, Chinese and Korean. Right now, I'm learning French on an audio book. :) I had this interest in French because it sounds so cool and romantic. :) hahaha. :) Why not try it also. :)
@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
I can speak two languagaes fluently (english and tagalog). i must admit that there are things i still need to learn when speaking and writing english language... if given a chance, i would like to enroll myself into english, mandarin, french, japanese and spanish classes... i took up a japanese subject when i was in 3rd year college... i got a grade of 1.75 :) studying japanese language is kind of hard but i am very much willing to learn...
@sachii315 (488)
• Japan
19 Apr 10
Hi wxx8899! My native language is Japanese (Nihongo), since my mother is a Filipina she taught us Filipino (Tagalog) and her dialect which is bisaya. I also could speak English but with a slightly Japanese accent. It's really hard to remove my accent in speaking but my writing skills are good. I really am interested in learning Chinese and French but these are very difficult languages since they involve tones. I am also a member of a language exchange community. Speaking to English native speakers helps me hasten my language skills and widen my vocabulary. Happy mylotting!
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
i'm only a bilingual i can only speak Filipino and English, other i can't i really want to learn Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, French and Spanish i think this language is so interesting
@mlynch43 (13)
• United States
19 Apr 10
I speak English and a little Cebuano. I want to learn more and Tagolog.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
I can speak chinese, english, Tagalog. I wish to be able to speak mandarin and Cantonese, to be honest. =)
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
19 Apr 10
I can speak three languages.English which is a universal language,hindi my national language and Punjabi my mother tounge.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
19 Apr 10
I can pick up languages pretty quickly if I'm exposed to them for a while and keep using them on a regular basis, but I tend to lose them equally quickly. I speak English as a native language. My second language was Spanish, which I studied for probably about 7 years, and then French, which I studied for I think 5. I know more French than I do Spanish, though, because for the last year I stopped taking Spanish and took just French and so most of my Spanish vocabulary was replaced with French vocabulary. I always wanted to learn Arabic. I think it's such a neat language and I'd love to be able to read, write, and speak it. Also I want to learn Mohawk (the Indian language) because I've learned a bit about it and it's so interesting how they form their words and look at the world and everything. I've also wanted to learn German because I live around a TON of Mennonites and Amish and their children only speak German until they're about 5 or 6, so it would make it a lot easier if I could speak German, too.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
Well, I can speak Filipino and English, and I'd learned just a bit of Spanish. That's what I want to perfect - Spanish. I'm considering taking lessons if any would be available in the near future. I also want to learn French, but I think it'd be quite hard, so yea. :)
@mezulu (166)
• United States
19 Apr 10
My native language is English, given that I live in the United States. I also speak fluent German, as I have been learning and speaking the language for seven years now.
• United States
19 Apr 10
My native language is English and as of right now I do not speak any other languages but I do want to buy Rosetta stone and learn Spanish at least. I took four years of it in high school so let's hope I still remember some of that! Good luck on mastering the languages!