Christains are decreasing in America.
By vine88
@vine88 (1031)
April 19, 2010 3:27am CST
Survey finds, Christian were decreasing from 1990 to 1010.
America becoming less christian. And other religion are increasing in US. Why they are not interested in Christianity.?
For more info visit
1990-86 %
Religions2007 (in percentage)
Atheist or agnostic-16.1
Now the Third largest population in religion in US is Muslim. It's increasing double. 0.3 to0.6 percentage.
It will increase more i believe, because they are against family planning.They are allowed to marry as many as they want. I don't know what's rule in us for Muslim.
As Muslim don't like America, But Muslim are growing there very fast. Soon there going to be Muslim President in Future, who knows. Just like barrack Obama ...
I don't know where's America moving... America is busy in fight against terror... or Fight against Muslim... how can they fight with Muslim...because is going to be the second largest religion in US in future...
This much for the talking of Muslim religion.
survey shows, People of America are not interested in Religion. Why? 16.1% is atheist there. They don't believe in God. I think this percentage is increasing.... 16 percentage is a very big percent...I know these 16 are from the christian family bad..
SO where is America moving? it moves to NO GOD.
Now it's time to beware for Christians of America. They have to think about this? They have to find out, why things happens like this.. why they are not interested in Christianity...
I think, first America should avoid, migration, called green card,They called green card lottery. They gather peoples from all around the world..They all are not christian. They carry their own religion with them to US. By this they are increasing other religion in US.
Second , they should, filter Bible...make it fit.... to new thoughts for new people...of US.
Hello , Christian friends, it's time to think, to save Christianity in USA.
If not now, it's too late for the future.
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28 responses
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
19 Apr 10
do you know what USA is?
More than 15000 ago the Asians first migrated to those lands. Later many immigrations had been going on. Later after 1493 many Europeans were settling there. and the population increased due to high birthrate and immigration. America has a history of slave trades, a lot of slaves from west indies and later from Africa also increased population. There was only about 3 million people while it became United States of America in 1776. So as a country America didn't exist before 200+ years.
There were no women liberation, women were not allowed to vote, there were no inheritance rights for women. There were Muslims and other religions as well. Many of the slaves were Muslims and they were tortured brutally. That was America. There were Muslims The consumer society rapidly became and they lost the moral values.
So stopping immigration doesn't make sense, which indeed make to forget their history. However I am not against in stopping the immigration if there are any social issues. America promotes number of children, because the population is less.
To increase the number of Christians, Christianity has to be great. Educate the people about Christianity. In fact if anyone know more details about Christianity and Bible he will of course leave Christianity. Now people started thinking.
9/11 was a tragic event. But the continuous blaming against Muslims caused many people to think and learn about Islam, which made many of them believe in Islam. Now there are lot of Muslim Americans, even though the immigration is stopped the growth of Islam will never stop. Islam always has it value, people will understand it themselves and they will follow it, because it has the answers to questions like "where did we come from", "what are we supposed to do", "where we are going to" , "what will be the future", "is there any ultimate justice", "what is the aim of life", "what is the way of life".
Do you know people are learning and finding the truth. If you want to save America by increasing Christianity, kill all the Muslims accusing terrorism and stop all Christians in learning Bible and Quran. In this way the future of America will be so bright.
Do you think the decrease of Christians make the future of America trouble?
What does the increase of Christians has to offer to USA?
2 people like this
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
19 Apr 10
Thanks vandana, What do you actually mean by "Pity you are at the other end of the world. :(" ?

@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
20 Apr 10
In what ways do you feel that the 16% are all from Christian families?
The war on terror, should not be a war on Muslim, it shouldn't be a war on anything, it should be a pro peace movement. That is my opinion.
Islam, and Muslim are the same. The war, is on the zealots of this group. America does seem to be moving away from Christianity. And, the more that happens the more problems that seem to come up...imagine that.
With Appreciation.
1 person likes this
@Harley009 (1416)
• India
20 Apr 10
To clarify the words...
'Islam' is the name of the religion.
'Muslim' is the one who follow/do Islam.
Islam means submission, i.e. submission to God.
Muslim means one who submit, i.e. one who submit to God.
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
20 Apr 10
Thank you very much Harley, I was unaware of the the difference.
I appreciate you bringing enlightenment and better understanding into my life.
With Appreciation.
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
19 Apr 10
I saw in your profile that you are in Netherlands, not in the US. How do you know so much of what should be done in the United States? But what really shocked me in your post, friend, was the idea of filtering the Bible "to make it fit". I am not a believer but I respect the Holy Books of any religion. I would not dare "edit" any one of them to make them as I wish. I agree it´s time to think. It´s time to think about respecting other people, other cultures, other beliefs. Maybe then the words of Christ will be heard louder. You are throwing a lot of stones in this post. Are you free of guilt? Is anyone of us?
Take care. Let´s think for a while.

@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
19 Apr 10
I don´t know how old are you as it doesnt say in your profile. But being young does not mean being more educated.
Old knowledge should not be cancelled but incorporated to make a more complex world. Where did you get the idea that older people did not know how to think? I have taught some youngsters at the University. Some of them thought that all old knowledge did not exist (as knowledge). It was as if they had come to Earth aboard a UFO.
Many times they had poor grades because they "discovered" something that was part of our knowledge for years or even centuries. In order to create, one must be humble and learn what has been done first. When young people learn, they will stop using the word "should". Change is ofter subtle. Beware!

@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
20 Apr 10
I come from a family of scientists. I´n the black sheep here: Im a writer. My father was a connoted scientist. He was named as a source of inspiration for the work that earned an argentine scientist the Nobel Prize. I belong to an upper class, as culture goes. I dont think the University has all the answers: I think that University must teach to explore and to seek. There is no universal truth as there is no complete objectivity. The eye of the beholder is always the eye of a unique subject.
I believe in the new generation too. As I believe in the old one. As I believe in our common grandmother, the ape Lucy.
I teach language and literature. I have a long love story with language. I have seen language twist, shake, rock n´roll along the years and decades. It happens with everything, it happens with mankind. My truth might be different from yours. I have learned to respect other truths: it keeps me away from all sort of fanatisms and gives me the posibility of seeing grays.

@vine88 (1031)
• India
19 Apr 10
The new Generation is not like you. your son and daughter is not like you.
New generation were not interested in religion. In Bible, the saying of bible..the 16 % were in this category.
Bible should made, fit to every one.
bible is just like old generation. New generation needs new bible.
So this new generation first became Atheist. 16% shows that data. you can't change them.
New generation, of Muslim religion also not interested in their religion. They don't like their own religion.
These old peoples, to the younger generation, look like idiots for the simple reason that the younger generation knows more, it is better educated.
Science is progressing in leaps and bounds. Every generation comes with the latest developments, canceling all old knowledge as false, as mistaken.
This things is happening. People are changing because they know how to think.
And all this old generation will die with their own beliefs and religion. The world is changing. It's a flux.
This above data shows the change. You can't deny. This is the truth. As far as i know.
(not only Christianity, but every religion in the world should be filtered, to make fit to new generations)

@Shatila90 (80)
19 Apr 10
I'm Muslim and we are only allowed to marry one person at a time here in the U.S it's not about that we have a lot of kids my mom had 4 kids and people in our culture thought it's too little compared to Christians the average Muslim family has 5 kids compared to 2 in Christian families, and no we don't hate America we just hate the fact that they have been trying to wipe us out for over 50 years but I think he big thing is Muslims are so attached to their religion not like others I have 3 Christian friends and one Jewish that convered to Islam and the number are growing 1 in 4 people in the world is Muslim
@vine88 (1031)
• India
20 Apr 10
Ys,shatila, thanks for your response.
You certainly belong to new generations.
All Muslims are not bad. whether they are in America or out side the America.
Do you think any difference done by government for Muslim in USA?
So you don't believe in bad aspects of Muslim religion?
Just like anti-familey planning, marrying many womens....
@divineathena (1746)
• United States
20 Apr 10
I am not sure whether you have been to United States, but what you are trying to portray does not happen here in reality. Also the statisticts you provided look a bit odd. There is no way that many Buddhists in this country. As a matter of fact, Buddhists usually convert to Christianity once they step into Canada or America. Otherwise, they decide to become atheist. You also have to be aware of the fact that in America keeping multiple wives is illegal.
I would also like to let you know that when it comes to surveys about religions most Americans run away from it. This is especially true for Christians. No one likes speaking religion openly in this country because we are logical enough to understand that if we do it others would not undertand it since it is a country of multiple cultural and religious people.
Nothing bad will ever happen to America. This is because we are neither over closed minded nor shamelesly open minded. We logically think about everything and accept people as they are. And because of this once anyone comes to this country they fall in love with its environment. This is the beauty of America.
What you read online or in newspaper is a mixture of sugar and salt which the media distributes to people to keep their business going and satisfy hate filled hearts of those who want this country to be divided. An example would be the owner of Fox news, Ruper Murdoch. I wish America never gave immigration to at least this terrorist.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
20 Apr 10
Well, you don't like to believe in news.. online news...surveys...
I certainly know, the population of Christianity is more less what is stated there .. may be 6 0% only.
Because pope will not allow to publish this kinds of results. They force the government to hide the surveys...
this has been doing from the past...
Christianity is controlling the government...
it's time to think...
@divineathena (1746)
• United States
21 Apr 10
So what if population of Christianity is decreasing in America. Why don't you mind your business in Neatherlands? The countries in Europe need proper education. You need to discuss that with your fellow eurpeans. Half the European countries' college degrees are not even accepted in the United States. So take care of that before you can talk about America and its social condition.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
19 Apr 10
I think the number of Christians in America are under represented. Many of the illegal aliens are Christian. Many people in Mexico and South America are Catholics. I think there will be a Brown Catholic President before a Muslim one. And Obama is a CHRISTIAN. 

@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
19 Apr 10
One more thing. As things get worse worldwide and in America (natural disasters, crime, etc.) and the Rapture does not happen; many so-called Christians will be "falling away" as mentioned in the Bible.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
19 Apr 10
In all honesty does it really matter which religion in the U.S, North America or anywhere else for that matter, has the most members? IMO no it doesnt..what IS important as far as I'm concerned is that ppl are kind-hearted, compassionate, decent ppl who care about others regardless of the differences...It shouldnt matter if the number of Christians is decreasing..what should matter is whether or not the number of decent ppl is increasing...
@marguicha (225137)
• Chile
19 Apr 10
I agree to that with all my heart! And that should go for all the world.
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
19 Apr 10
There may be several reasons for decline in Christianity in America.
The Church has not found means to deliver its message to its youths.
Scandals that hit the Church badly
Secularism is on the rise while Christianity is on the decline
I believe that it has to do with birth rate as well. You ll find families coming from other religions who have a large family while Christians for some reason or another has fewer children....
@jingbautista (2456)
• Philippines
16 May 10
Whew, this is new to me. I always looked up America as one of the biggest Christian nation. However, there are a lot of negative stories I have heard about this nation as well. Abortion, homosexuality, and immorality, witchcraft, and a lot more. Huhu. This is a sad story to hear, but then, this is reality as well. Well, as the day is coming shortly, then somethings are changing at a rapidly increasing rate.
@vandana7 (101376)
• India
19 Apr 10
Vine, I think every religion has plus points and minus points. Basically, every religion is good! And has something unique to offer. The followers of the religion, rather the caretakers of the religon however embellish it with so many rituations and customs that have no bearing with what exactly is the religion! Any religion is only about live and let live, and hope by believing in supreme. Whichever way it is said. As educated people we can question our religion as we've started thinking. But our questions are crushed down by the hardliners, who think belief is something that can be forced. Love, and belief cannot be forced. They have to just come with some acceptance. Hatley pointed out correctly that when we take extraordinary pains to learn another religion, we might even be drawn towards it. This is because we ourselves take pains to study it, and rationally accept the contents, trimming away the superfluous. Within our religion, we might not be able to do that. I dont think religion and nationality should be linked. As to immigration, I do believe that America needs to tighten its immigration policies. Out here, people are having more children because they are confident their children will find employment abroad! That is wrong attitude. We dont want resentment to be building up, which eventually leads to unpleasant developments like holocaust. Hope people in my country face the truth. Food is truly going to be short in coming years.
@climber7565 (2566)
• United States
6 May 10
I think you live in very confused environment and state of mind. You love to instigate through this type of religious personal concerns, while clearly showing you have no clue of what you are trying to say or maybe you know it in your mind but can't express it. Hope you can soon get your facts straight and thought sorted out.
@TheMetallion (1834)
• United States
19 Apr 10
No matter what religion one subscribes to, in the U.S. one is permitted only one spouse.
Do not confuse the U.S. going after certain terrorists with the U.S. being at war with Islam. Nor is the growth of Islam due entirely to immigration. For one thing, there have been Muslims in the U.S. for as long as there has been a U.S. For another, native-born citizens do convert.
People have always brought their religion with them from all over the world, including their religion. Guess what? That's the source of the U.S.' strength.
@divineathena (1746)
• United States
20 Apr 10
You are so right. I sometimes read the European news online and they make the whole war on terrorism sound like war on Islam. I wish more people were educated about America. They definitely do not understand this country.
@phynx15 (248)
• India
2 May 10
Thanks for the good news. It is a good news because, I am sure that true Christians never fall back. Even if they do, Jesus is there to call them back. Like the disciples of Jesus scattered after the crucifixion. Jesus gathered all His true disciples back to Him. Jesus is not like other God that leaves His believer when they leave Him. He is a good shepherd that leaves the 99 sheep behind and search for the single lost sheep and rejoice when He found it.
The decrease in the number of Christians reveals that many wolf clothed in the sheep skin are taking out their sheep skin and showing their true colors. This is a good sign because these people confuse the non-believers of the true color of Christianity. As Jesus said, they will be a lot persecutions and sufferings in the last days like the suffering of a woman to give birth, many fake or so call christians will deny Jesus and become Anti-christ, against Jesus, so there is no surprise in that. For Christians, this world is not our home.
As the Bible says, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. All those nations that have supported Christianity and have sent out true missionaries have prospered to become the super powers of the world but those nations that are against the Lord will still perish, it is the words of the Lord. America will soon lose its power when it forgets the Lord. But there are lots of people in America who are truly Christians and pray for the Nation, only the Lord knows how many are there. And don't say about modifying the Bible, it is the most dangerous thing to do. "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelations 22;19. All scripture is written by the inspiration of God. There is nothing wrong in the Bible. Anyone who alter the Bible will be judge by God. take care.
@witrius (8)
• United States
19 Apr 10
Well, it may just be that the number of Christians in America is decreasing because of Christians migrating and other religions moving in. Also nowadays many people and most of my friends are atheists. This is due because of the high advancements in science.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
20 Apr 10
Yeah, witrius,
So people don't like to stay in USA. why? tell them and find out why they become atheist?
why they don't believe in god?
Christian have to think about this?
Why people have not interest in Christianity in America?
Is there any thing wrong with the biblical teachings?
You think science is killing religion. Science keep on going to kill religion. Is science really push science backward?
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
20 Apr 10
You may want to look at a current statistic because I can tell you right now that those numbers have certainly changed since then.
To me, whether or not people want to believe in God is their choice, and I will not judge people who do, but I don't want people to force me into believing that there is a God, when I am not sure if there is. So vine88, understand that most people in America can choose their beliefs, and they don't have to be Christian if they don't want to. The beauty of living in this county is that you do not have to be forced into a religion that you don't believe in.
Also, some of my cousins, some of my friends, my boyfriend and I are all Agnostic, so we are certainly that 16.1%, granted that percentage hasn't gotten higher by now. In fact, I know a lot of people who are Agnostic and Atheist, and guess what, we love it! No one tells us what to believe in, no one says, "You have to believe this!" It is more like, "Why do you think that there would or would not be a higher being?" or "What is out there in the universe?" Oh, and there doesn't have to be a right or wrong answer.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
21 Apr 10
God is not everything.. And god does not only exist in christianity.. So what if majority of americans does not believe in christianity anymore.. Does it hurt?? I dun think it makes much difference anyway.. lol =D
But the reason i can think of, as to why ple dun like christianity, is the way they are always trying to spread the religion around, and be preaching with a bible in hand.. haha =D
It's very IRRITATING!! lol =D
@piya84 (2580)
• India
20 Apr 10
Welll sigh Atheist population is increasing everywhere and its going to increase further in USA as well.I dont think so its muslim who consist of second largest population in USA.They are atheist.
Apart from it there is no need to worry about increasing musims population.They use family planning but they do have more kids than other families that i agree.As they socially develop this will decrease automatically.So there is no need to worry about it either.
America is always a land of immigrants and it will be always.Its better USA citizen stop freaking out by such a numbers.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
20 Apr 10
I believe that one of the reasons that there are fewer Christians in the United States today has a lot to do with the mobility of people. The United States has always been a melting pot of people from all different backgrounds and seeing that there are some religions that are becoming more dominant in the United States simply shows that the mobility and immigration of people is a trend that is still continuing today.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
19 Apr 10
You cannot save people from themselves or who they choose to believe in or not. Statistics are usually from those that decided to participate in such actions. So show accurate are they to begin with? If you do mark an answer then is it really any lower or higher? S U am not a fan of stats on anything if the entire or every individual is counted or close to being counted. good topic though.

@phynx15 (248)
• India
2 May 10
Thanks for the good news. It is a good news because, I am sure that true Christians never fall back. Even if they do, Jesus is there to call them back. Like the disciples of Jesus scattered after the crucifixion. Jesus gathered all His true disciples back to Him. Jesus is not like other God that leaves His believer when they leave Him. He is a good shepherd that leaves the 99 sheep behind and search for the single lost sheep and rejoice when He found it.
The decrease in the number of Christians reveals that many wolf clothed in the sheep skin are taking out their sheep skin and showing their true colors. This is a good sign because these people confuse the non-believers of the true color of Christianity. As Jesus said, they will be a lot persecutions and sufferings in the last days like the suffering of a woman to give birth, many fake or so call christians will deny Jesus and become Anti-christ, against Jesus, so there is no surprise in that. For Christians, this world is not our home.
As the Bible says, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord. All those nations that have supported Christianity and have sent out true missionaries have prospered to become the super powers of the world but those nations that are against the Lord will still perish, it is the words of the Lord. America will soon lose its power when it forgets the Lord. But there are lots of people in America who are truly Christians and pray for the Nation, only the Lord knows how many are there. And don't say about modifying the Bible, it is the most dangerous thing to do. "And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." Revelations 22;19. All scripture is written by the inspiration of God. There is nothing wrong in the Bible. Anyone who alter the Bible will be judge by God. take care.