What attracted you to your lover/partner or crush?

April 19, 2010 3:40pm CST
When I first met my guy I was attracted to his personality he is diiferent than the other guys I met the way he talks and acts really attracted me to him but I really liked him when I saw he was a man of his word if he promises something he always does it and fast and he really understands me what about you guys?
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19 responses
20 Apr 10
I met my partner in a rock music chat room and we started chatting about music. The first thing I noticed about him was his startling blue eyes, his profile picture was not the greatest but those eyes just seemed to draw me in. It was three months before we actually met in person and his eyes really were that blue. LOL
@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
How I wish I can find the man that really meant for me in the near future. What attracts me in a guy I think is their attitude and there appearance too. I think if we have chemistry and we share common interest I think it is a big factor to be attracted to him.
@vjenkins86 (1478)
• United States
19 Apr 10
My boyfriend actually pursued me first. We knew each other in school and he evidently had a crush on me but I barely paid him much attention. Years later, we started talking again on facebook and time progressed. I began being attracted to his personality, his wit, his generosity, his bravery and who he was as a person. I realized that I could be myself around him which was new for me. I felt comfortable and whole with him. It wasn't until later that I became attracted to him physically.
20 Apr 10
That's cute :) mines was love at first site I love cute love stories ;)
@marguicha (225685)
• Chile
22 Apr 10
My husband had many qualities. I suppose at first I was attracted by his good looks. He was very handsome! But what did it was his generosity. I don´t mean to give money; I mean the generosity of giving his time, himself to others. I had not seen that in anyone else and he didn´t even notice it: he thought that was the way it should be done and thought no more about it. Besides that he was wise and patient. He put up with me during all his life. And that´s a rwcord.. He was my husband for almost 40 years. I stil miss him.
@markleob (1902)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
i was attracted to my beloved girlfriend because of her attitude plus the physical beauty she possess. she is beautiful inside and out...
20 Apr 10
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw that's so cute
• Nigeria
20 Apr 10
am a guy but i will say her outstanding personality really attracted my attention and to top it all her beauty is that of pure natures breed that can't be compare to any other.
@salja1 (49)
• Trinidad And Tobago
19 Apr 10
Hi Shatila90, What a great question!! I was never initially attract to my guy! He was pursuing me and then I figured, for this guy to try so hard for me, I better give him a second look. And I thought well he was nice, but still no chemistry. It came though, after a lot of time, after I realized I loved him. We are together 16 years now, and my heart still races when I see him wearing a color I love to see him in, or a pants that fits just right...so many little things. I just love the fact that I still anticipate his presence and get a chill now and then to his touch. Never too old for a little fun!!!
19 Apr 10
Wow 16 years that's great I wish we can be like you guys
@Capsicum (1444)
• United States
20 Apr 10
I like this question too... I takes me down memory lane. I met my hubby in school knowing him for so long as one of the nerds.But something happened in my senior year to see him in a whole new light. He was big and buff though ,it was clear he was no weight lifter but a sweet farm boy. I decided he was worth the changes ,I would be making to be with such a sweetie.We have been together ever since.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
I was attracted with his perseverance and honesty - that time, and of course he's got great skin and looks neat all over. Oh I can remember when we first met, I never really gave him too much attention, it was just a friendly meeting and he was asking me about financial stuff. I couldn't even remember what we were talking about, then when I went home and did my thing he asked me through sms if we could meet again and I declined because I went out-of-town the day after. He constantly messaged and called me while I was there, still I wasn't interested at all, when I came back, he asked again if we could go out, we did and still nothing. I didn't realize I fell for him until a few months after, we were just friends, he never mentioned wanting to court me, we were just hanging out then that night he told me he was going to watch a movie with a common friend of ours and I got jealous! hahahaha... It was then I realized I was falling for this guy. After a while, he noticed me being jealous and trying hard to hide it. Then eventually he asked, 'why don't we try this thing, perhaps there's something there?' to which I said "yeah, sure, why not?" and that was it, we're official.
@pratheep87 (1227)
• India
20 Apr 10
I was attracted by my partner love and care. My partner was first to propose to me and i found a true love and care from her heart. This is the main reason she attracted me. Feel the love Cheers
@piya84 (2580)
• India
20 Apr 10
I was attracted towards this guy as he is smart ,he grooms well and he has got great attitude.I agree at first it was all about physical attraction.Latter other things like nature and how do oyu maintain your anger all does matter.
@Rakshas (223)
• India
20 Apr 10
A good question.. I was attracted to my guy because he was really a trustworthy person..He never played games with my feelings as other guys do..He never shared any personal stuffs with anyone(Friends or colleagues etc)..And the most important thing I feel safe with him everywhere..
@vjsham (59)
• Malaysia
20 Apr 10
i loved him because we "faught" all the time.. We started understanding each other more when we faught..he was the first guy who "scold me", "faught with me" and "been himself" to me...
• India
20 Apr 10
i was attracted to my girlfriend beacuse of her beauty the way she spoke her smile and so on.
@rjvb26 (2518)
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
This is a very nice question, you know.. not all people think of this because most of them only looked at the person's outer appearance. Anyway what i love with my wife is that she is very simple and a very loving mother and wife. She is very responsible and a dedicated mother.
@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
20 Apr 10
My boyfriend is sweet and smart and adorable. He's geeky and not afraid to be himself. Once I got to know him better I learned that he's caring and patient.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
the first thing that attracted me the most is the way the guy wear his clothes, i want someone who look smart with their clothes and they look clean. i also like to see their eyes as i know eyes is the window to our soul so im trying to check if they are trying to tell a lie or not.
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
The fact that she's very down to earth and being cute doing that makes me want to want her more. I don't like people who put their heads up high without noticing that their feet is way above the ground. It just makes me wanna pull them down hard back to the ground.
@ada8may21 (2404)
• Philippines
19 Apr 10
The poem of Elizabeth Barret Browning "How do I Love Thee", she mentioned all the things the she fall in love. On the other hand, I am inlove with my boyfriend but I dont know why I love him. I just feel it when are still dating. For the question what makes me attracted to my boyfriend? I dont know, what I know is I love him so much.
20 Apr 10
hello shatila90... yup, my friend I agree with you...Relationships started on physical attractions which caught someone's attentions. In my case, I'm really attracted to someone who handles clothes well that reflects neatness of his whole personality. The way he handles conversations is a very great factor for me. Being professional in all aspects is a common sign that he is a man with honor and respect not only in me but also to the people surrounds us, these are the qualities of a man that I'm attracted to for now that I'm mature enough. But before, during my childhood days, a guy with good looking, kissable lips, tantalizing eyes, tall, dark and handsome , hanging out with friends such as sun bathing , playing games, watching movies together, going dry picnic, going to bar as long as he has time for everything a teenager could possibly do, That attracts me.