Do your listen to your body?

@asja1388 (131)
April 20, 2010 5:36am CST
I'd think of myself as being a healthy person, but I have a weakness which is coffee. I just love the taste and the smell of it-I could easily drink up 5 cups a day...Unfortunetly my body doesnt like it and punishes me for doing so... Last year I was drinking about 4-5 cups a day which led to a terrible pain in my hands. Each movement was a real agony...When I told my mum and husband they assumed it to do something with my coffee intake.. they were right, once I stopped the pain was gone... I stopped, started to drink a cup of day and this year I was back to my 5-a-day..this time it was my chest...I got pain when i was reaching for something, when i was bending and at the end even standing up was painful... Now I know chest pain can be due to different diseases and I got a shock first off all to be honest. I checked the internet and one of the causes it was stating was coffee-phu what a relief, I was almost sure this was the reason so I stoppped and pain is gone... The problem with me is I just drink black coffee without milk and sugar-thats how I like it best. I assume that when I am drinking too much coffee my body looses balance as I dont drink milk(I have lactose intolerance) and just not used to eat much cheese and yoghurt-Always have to remind my self to do so... I think we should listen to our bodies and try not to ignore it as long as its not too late... What do you think? Do you listen to your body?
1 response
@Grat15 (439)
• Singapore
20 Apr 10
Hi asja, I have the same experiance like you. I love black coffee too. It start with just a cup that when i was in high school. Now, i drink 5 - 7 cups a day. I will get a headache if i am not drink it. To balanced i am also drink a lot of mineral water.