Update--How much does a 1.5 Liter bottle of Coke cost in Your Country?

April 20, 2010 7:01am CST
Last 2008 a fellow mylotter posted the same discussion. But for the sake of updating the data, I would like to ask the question again. Maybe this will show us how our currencies have inflated over the years. Also it would be fun to do some math from time to time right? Here in country it would be P41 (philippine peso). Another thing how fast can I drink a 1.5 liter of coke? Just give me two hours and you might just see it all gone.
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7 responses
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
20 Apr 10
Hi, abitcurious. It can cost between $1.00-$1.79 here in the United States. The highest that it could also go up to would be, $2.50. It also depends on where you purchase it from too that makes a difference.
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• Philippines
24 Apr 10
$2.50? wow that really costs a lot if you convert that in our currency. Coke in can will cost a lot here if you buy it in a convenience store.
@picjim (3002)
• India
20 Apr 10
As far as attempting to drink a bottle of coke is concerned i rule it out at my age.A glass is sufficient for me.A 1.5 liter coke or Pepsi costs around Rs50/-.That is around 1.1U.S.$.I bought a 2liter bottle of Pepsi and it cost me Rs55/-that is around 1.2 U.S.$.Well my child and his friend made the contents of the bottle disappear before i could realise it.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
are you sure we're not neighbors? I might be your child's friend. But Philippines is too far away from India. I forgot, P41 is $.92. Thanks for converting yours.
@picjim (3002)
• India
20 Apr 10
You're invite for a bottle of Pepsi or coke as the choice maybe.Wish you were my neighbor.
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
YEp I'll send you a virtual glass of it... There... It's really hot and humid here so I guess Coke and Pepsi are raking in money big time.
• Indonesia
21 Apr 10
In my country it costs around Rp. 10.000 or US$ 1 and it will last about one or two days. We prefer buying juice to coke because it tastes better. Yes, it's more expensive, around US $ 1,89 for 1 liter of juice. When it come to juice, it will only last 3 or 4 hours
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Yes I agree. Juice is better. But here in our country that costs double so we end up with sodas instead.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
20 Apr 10
hell0! well, a 1.5 bottle of coke costs about $1 in my country which makes it the most expensive softdrink here :)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
Really the most expensive? We have local sodas here that sell better than coke. But coke has a deep pocket for publicity funds so they still rake in more than the local sodas.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Really living in Philippines is cheaper than other country.
• Philippines
20 Apr 10
Not quite since the average daily wage is $8.43. you earn a bit more than a bottle of 1.5 coke. How much does 1.5 coke cost in your country?
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
wow! you are a "cokeholic"..hehe.. it's 45 Philippine peso in our area.. kind of higher than your price.. Well, I am not that addict when it comes to soft drinks, a glass a day is enough for me.. and oh! i only have once or twice a week of it..
• Philippines
16 Jun 10
And so they say. Love the stuff.
• India
20 Jun 10
Hello here in india, the price of a one litre bottle was 50 INR earlier, one US$ is about 48 INR,but price goes down, now it is just 35 INR.. Thanks for sharing. Welcome always. Cheers. Professor