What would you have done? AGAINST Store Policy to help a Stranger?? Huh??

United States
April 20, 2010 7:54pm CST
I was in the grocry store today and the line was long as they only had 2 registers open so I was getting a little annoyed. The elderly lady in front of me was counting out her change to pay and came up 52 cents short. Without giving it much thought I handed the cashier a dollar to cover the balance. The elderly lady's face lit up and she was so happy that she didn't have to try and figure out what to put back. Without missing a beat, the cashier told me it was against store policy to "allow" me to pay for the balance and tried to hand me back the dollar. Well she got a hard stare and I told her you must be kidding...she told me it wasn't allowed and she could get in trouble for it. I have never been more shocked in my life so I requested the manager to come over. He looked sheepish and told me that the corp office had a policy against panhandlers and so one couldn't pay for someone else. I just stared harder and he didn't know quite what to do. I grew up near New York City and believe me I have a hard stare! And the poor older lady was so embarressed to have caused a fuss that the manager did something on the register and suddently no additional money was needed. So the company actually "lost" money on this ridiculous situation!! How is my giving a senior citizen a helping hand of my own accord, panhandling? Now if she had been begging outside of the store, that would be understandable since many people are offended by that. Needless to say, I will be writing a letter of some sort to the upper mgmt since I cannot fathom how one could make an elderly person feel so bad as they did. And then I also felt bad for adding to it. A simple act of kindness should be a given but sadly it's not. What would you have done? Made the elderly lady put something back when she was only getting the very basics?
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13 responses
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
21 Apr 10
Absurd. I can see if the lady had been begging, but it obviously wasn't anything like that. I guess instead of handing the dollar to the cashier, you could have handed it to the lady. I'm thinking that a letter to the store's corporate offices might be in order.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
22 Apr 10
Hooray, there are reasonable people out there!!!
• United States
22 Apr 10
We think alike. I called them today to get an address and somehow got passed thru to the regional manager who actually wanted to chat with me. That was abit surprising in a good way. It appears that the cashier and the manager simply didn't know what panhandling really was...and they were trying to do things right. Not sure what would have happened if I'd not been next in line behind her. She only had a few items, all very basic. And I got a warm hug from her and I think I made her day so that was what made it worthwhile. The Regional fellow meets with the individual stores monthly and he's going to be sure to review the policy again and make sure that everyone understands that the cashier should have taken the dollar and given me back the change. Hopefully it won't happen again but if it does I will hand the $1 to the person not the cashier!! Take care!!
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@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
21 Apr 10
Hi TallyGirl... I think you did the best by giving the elderly lady a helping hand. It is human and as it is human, it has become quite rare. I am glad that there are helping people around... All this seems pretty natural, but what happened after that isn't natural... It is inhuman of the store staff to prevent you from helping her. It is so unheard of, unbelievable and makes me wonder where is humanity leading to! I promise you that I would have done the same- would have helped the elderly lady! Keep up the good work... Have a great time!
• United States
22 Apr 10
Thank you for your kind words. The way I look at it, we're all going to be old someday and they are due respect. I didn't want to see her embaressed as she tried to figure out what to put back, eggs? milk? bread? chicken? She really didn't have alot and I had seen my own mom do something similar growing up. It all did work out, I got a warm hug from an elderly lady who likely felt special and that made my day. I got alot out of being able to lend a small hand to another. Talked to regional manager and they are going to review the situation with the staff so nothing like it happens again. And he also is sending me a gift certificate which I didn't ask for but he felt bad since I have shopped there for years. I think it was a misunderstanding that should never have happened. Take good care!!
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
22 Apr 10
My heart aches when I read about someone going through a hard time and it aches worse, when it is about elderly people or about children. She was thinking about putting back something, how awful! God has created a few good people and you are one of them. I also have been through this.. No I didn't see my Mom act that way- for she never lacked anything ever. I personally have experienced such situations. It is history now, thankfully... The regional manager did certainly act maturely and his behavior suits his position. I hope they are seriously planning to review the situation and will amend their rules. You deserve the best possible gift from humanity, not just a certificate, Miss... Congrats!! Keep up the good work!!
@lmurdock (56)
• United States
21 Apr 10
This is typical of our society today not knowing how to apply common sense to the rules. Obviously the woman wasn't panhandling. I certainly would have helped someone in need, as you tried. I suppose you could have handed it to her and said, "Here, grandma." What is it to the store what you do with your own money? I would escalate this because it is a matter of doing what is right. It's time we all do what is RIGHT because rules are being shoved down our throats. This makes me ill (not with you, with idiotic corporate policies and/or managers and employees without the common sense to interpret them in a meaningful way). Glad you shared your thoughts. I think I would have shared mine on the spot.
• United States
22 Apr 10
The elderly lady was so dismayed and upset that I tried to keep my temper in check so as not upset her further. Having talked to the regional manager today, it seems that the staff may not have know what panhandling was since they do have a policy about it but it certainly didn't apply in this case. He's going to review it again with the manager and the staff so that everyone understands. I think it all worked out okay but I was livid at the time. And I could just have easily handed the $1 to the lady with a smile and maybe that would have solved it faster than the cashier did with the manager's help. I stand up for my rights and those of others when I can and this case was really no different. I will still do the same thing if it happens again at a different store. I'd like to think that when I am old and grey, that someone might do something unexpected and kind for me too! Take care!!
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
That's sad. Don't people know the meaning of "help" and "generosity" anymore? It is so unfortunate that the very least in society are so discriminated by laws and policies like that. It seems like laws and policies are more important than human consideration. I am glad though that I live in a country where generosity and being helpful are still encouraged and practiced.
• India
21 Apr 10
Hi If i were there i would have certainly tried to help the stranger as per policy of the store, never against, policy are to be honored.. lol.. Thank you so much for this nice discussion, cheers God bless you. Prof
@caiye786 (95)
• China
21 Apr 10
So surprise to hear your experience .i never hear about any against store policy before .how can you stop a person from helping others ,i don't understand at all .as the old saying ,if i encounter such matter someday ,i won't go shopping there any more .i don't agree with the police .
• United States
21 Apr 10
It was the strangest experience for me. Most stores would have been happy since they got more money and the line kept moving. I called the regional manager and we had a chat about it. Turns out they do have a policy about panhandling but that is when folks are begging outside for money!!! He was appalled at the situation and is going to check into it. He also said he's going to send me a $25 gift certificate for helping him out by letting him know what happened. I don't really care about the gift certificate and I think mostly he wanted to make me a happy customer. It's the best grocery store near me so that's why I would still have gone there again and I did tell him that. Thank goodness the manager solved it without the police at least!! Thanks for sharing!!
21 Apr 10
That's outrageous, there is no justification in that policy at all. It is your choice as to whether you help someone out, not the store's and I would be inclined to let the store know that you are disgusted with their attitude. I have helped people out in the past and will continue to do so.
@replyashu (745)
• India
21 Apr 10
i would have tried to help that stranger according to rules of the store only not against that.......and that is the only righteous thing to do so.....:) enjoy TATA
• United Kingdom
21 Apr 10
I would say that this was a very good gesture on your part! It's nice to help people occasionally when they are in need. I think the store should be named and shamed! I guess this is a prime example of political correctness gone mad! It seems to me that the store in question cares very little for their customers particularly little old ladies and it's probably a good thing that you are going to write a letter and file a complaint, I would certainly do the same without doubt. Andrew
• United States
21 Apr 10
That was a very nice and genorous juster you did for that elderly lady. I probably would have done the same thing you had did. After reading your discussion i can't get over the fact that the cashier even had to say NO, but then again she was doing her job. If i was the cashier i would of just taken the money and not even worried about getting in trouble only because someone was helping out an elderly senior citizen. The time now is so rough and things are so expensive and im sure her social security isn't much. You always feel good after you did something good and i know you had to of felt good after doing something that nice for that lady and im sure she went home thinking about it that entire day. You did an amazing thing and i congratulate you for doing something so good.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
21 Apr 10
Well, my initial reaction would have been to have done exactly what you did. I would have given the lady the money that she needed to have completed her transaction. Then, when the cashier told me that it wasn't allowed, I would have told her then to take something off of the other lady's order and put it on my order. It wouldn't have gone over any differently, but the fact of the matter is that the lady didn't ask you for money, you volunteered it.
@newtalent (1112)
• United States
21 Apr 10
From the way that I see it, panhandling is asking for money, which she did not do. You donated the money buy pitching it of your free will. I would go to upper management, owners and address the situation with them. How would they have felt if they were her? I would probably go to the newspaper and have the article written citing the store out of spite and referencing the manager. I am that much of a, well, we cannot say that here. That poor woman, I would probably of left the merchandise there that I was buying out of disgust because I do not like to support bad places. I would tell the upper management what he did to get rid of the change. how many people did he do this with? I would make a big stink about it, lol.
@Soleil05 (136)
• United States
21 Apr 10
That really is ridiculous. Would it have made any difference if you would have given the money to the elderly lady first and then she would have given the money to the cashier? What a fuss over 52 cents!!