Could Lakers fight in NBA Finals

April 21, 2010 1:06am CST
Lakers is 2:0 in firstround now. can he brought himself in NBA finals this year? suns ,mavericks,nuggets ,who can stop lakers? I think lakers will attend NBA Finals if the sub can make some contribute to the team. farmer ,brown ,warton,if they can perform like last year,the final will be 23 VS 24.
5 responses
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I think the SPURS can. That is if they beat Mavs. Mavs might be able to beat lakers :P
• China
24 Apr 10
so you think Mavs and spurs are both stronger than lakers. The Mavs is the ordest team in NBA,spurs follows up. I dont think any of them can beat suns.
@kielogs (188)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
I think they would really have a hard time going through the Western Conference Bracket especially with the series tied with OKC. Hopefully if my predictions are right, they would go through Denver and Dallas to make it to the Finals. They would be pretty much tired then to match up with Cleveland or Orlando.
• United States
22 Apr 10
I don't have a problem with the Lakers but they are so overrated as well as Kobe. I am hoping that Denver can go to the finals or even Dallas..but please no LAkers
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
The Mavs and the Suns have the chance of beating the Lakers. In recent playoff series with the Lakers, the Phoenix Suns has proven that they can beat the Lakers. Also, the Mavs has a formidable lineup this time, with Caron Butler joining the Cavs, Lakers will find a very difficult time dealing with it.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I think it would be the Lakers against the Cavs that would reach the finals as both teams are very hungry for the title and their standings in the season sez so... It would be a great match up between Kobe ang Lebron but in this championship, Lakers has an upper hand than the Cavs. The Lakers has been in a lot of championships and holds a lot of title compared to the Cavs, i mean the experience is theirs. Anyways, im expecting to watch a great fight between these teams!