What is the worst thing you are going through right now?

United States
April 21, 2010 2:59am CST
I have an assignment to finish. I had to choose a topic which my professor is tough. Yet I thought I would be able to work on it. But now I am stuck and thus getting tired in life. What about you?
5 responses
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
Yours is just a tip of the iceberg when it comes to the realities of life. It is a part of the education process; I believe every person who was a student before experienced this. Mine right now is finding a job. Imagine, J-O-B, a necessity for anyone who has no established business to call their own, and this I do not have. And bills are piling up on me, well I guess I have to look harder. Just do your best and do whatever that catches your interest from the topics at hand. Peace!
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
What is your course in college anyway? Maybe there are MyLotters here who are willing to extend you a helping hand.
• United States
22 Apr 10
I totally understand this. I will be soon joining the race. One more quarter left and then I am out of school. But I know it is not easy to get a job at the momen. I don't know how I am going to pay off the education loans.
• United States
24 Apr 10
It is a silly course I am taking to imply to financial aid people that I am a full time student. It is called recreation for women. My topic was how beneficial, yet harmful was television viewing for women. I got some citations, but my professor believes it is a tough topic and that perhaps I will not have much to write about it. But I kind of solved the problem. I might ask the mylotters about this specific topic very soon in the future.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
The worst thing i'm going through right now would be going back to school and quitting work. I was earning money but i had to go back to school to finish my studies so that i can have a better job so to sum it up, it's not that worse. :)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Oh that wouldn'T work. I'd fail the subject or lose the job. I know, one has to go. I can't keep it up.
• United States
22 Apr 10
Oh, did you think of continuing work while going to school in the evening? I heard that works. It would be tough for me though.
@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I worst thing that's happening to me now are the same things that I experienced before with my job. There are problems in my work place again but out manager doesnt care about us anymore. I get to stay in the office for 12 hours but I get to be paid for only 6 hours. This has happened a long time and until now its still happening. If only I have another choice in where to work for, I would do that. But I dont have it now so I have to suffer.
• United States
22 Apr 10
Oh my god, that is so harsh and unfair. Isn't there anyone above the manager? Did you ever try talking to him about a raise?
@mezulu (166)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I am not going through anything particularly terrible at the moment. Just trying to see if I'm going to be able to pay my rent and my phone bill this month. I'm sure things will work out though; they always do =D
• United States
22 Apr 10
Yes, this is another problem I am also going through. I wish there was no money in the world. Then we would have been free of paying bills.
@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
21 Apr 10
well the fact that I had a meeting at 9:30 and i came at 10 and I was unable to contact my supervisor for that and the meeting was with an external person of the company :-(
• United States
22 Apr 10
I am sorry to hear that. Was your supervisor taking a day off?
@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
22 Apr 10
nop I got the delay, he had to go to the meeting alone :-/