God had discriminate womens while creating.

@vine88 (1031)
April 21, 2010 7:10am CST
If God had created man and women. Then there is discrimination for women. He gave a little bid burden for women. He had not treated equally. I think he should give more importance for women. Because women means love, and love is God. Women means mother, mother means creator.... Man are free, in many ways...women have to be pregnant, feed babies etc Another burden for women is mensuration, monthly...He had not make that easy...He had to make in such a way...that blood should be sent out through urine..there's mistake or take less importance while creating women body..That's a discrimination. God give women a small heart. Little muscles. They are made in such a way, she must be depended to a man. Man are free in many cases. And here in Earth Man had been dominating women from the past history..
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33 responses
@bodnath (32)
• Mauritius
21 Apr 10
I think that women are created like this so that man can love them
• United States
21 Apr 10
Hey, I like that bodnath, just like He loves His people!!!
• Canada
22 Apr 10
So, you're saying that if women didn't have their period, then you wouldn't love them? "What, she's not bleeding and going through aweful times every month? Not my type..."
• Mauritius
29 Apr 10
Christoph: It's a big LOL for your post dude...it's not discrimination..it's about the starting point of this universe...apart from what is being complained about woman, we love them how they are....you are using big lines about periods without pondering over the fact that woman is not the one whom we keep by our sides to spend our life...A woman is a magnificent creation of God sent on Earth to fulfil divine purposes like sister, friend, wife and mother...now instead of focusing on the pain, it's more ideal to look at the status accorded to woman which is in itself divine..cheers
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
21 Apr 10
It is not discrimination. It is genetic and the way it is meant to be. It is the same amongst animals. A female cat or dog is smaller than a male cat or dog. But guess what? On average, women lives 10 years longer than men. Women and their feminism are challenging nature,as well as men. Women taking men jobs has created unemployment. Families on two salaries have created inflation Making it impossible for single salary families to have a decent life. Women have screwed the whole system And we are all paying the price for it. If a woman don't want to be a woman She should not get married and not have children. If you want children and be a good mother Your only role in life is to be a housewife. Having your children in nurseries or with nannies is simply not good enough. You are wrecking your children life.
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Apr 10
You said pretty much what I did but much more succinctly and with fewer words! I especially agree with the part about the employment and economy. Nothing seems to work when we try to change the natural ways that things work, especially when it comes to people!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
21 Apr 10
As a women, I heartily disagree. We have been given the ultimate gift. To make and nurture life. There is no greater gift.
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• United States
22 Apr 10
I love being a woman. I wouldn't want to be a man. I love nurturing my children. I also like to clean, wash clothes, cooking is blah, lol I don't like it that much but I do it. We all have things that we don't like or want to do in life. Men bear the burden (normally) of supporting the family. That in itself is a huge responsibility. One I personally would not want. Yes, many women work outside of the home, but a lot also don't "have" to work outside of the home unless they want to. Men rarely get this choice. Women also have the choice if married, to work only part-time, how many men are able to do that. So, the duties are equal. And as children grow up women find they have less to do as they become older, while a man still has his work and contacts.
@kittenclaus (1393)
• United States
21 Apr 10
He didn't discriminate! Eve ate the forbidden fruit. So all the things we must suffer we can blame on her.
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• United States
21 Apr 10
I have to say something here about blaming Eve. Yes, kitten, she took the first bite, but did you realize it was Adam who was suppose to protect and guard the garden? He allowed satan into the garden in the first place, so the blame is equally on both, which is why all mankind have suffered, not just women..
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@xasasa (321)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I do not feel that God has discriminated against me. In my eyes women has a very high order of importance. Man cannot exist without there being a woman, the only man that has existed without needing a woman is Adam. I would say that a woman can do anything that a man can do. A woman can work in almost any profession that she wants to. A man cannot do everything that a woman can do. A man can never be able to experience the wonder of carrying a child in their tummy and feeling that child move and kick. I may have little muscles but probably if I found a gym they would not be so little! LOL! But I can tell you that God did not give me a small heart, and I'm sure he did not give any woman a small heart. I do not know how a woman can have a small heart and love her children more than life itself. And man dominating women.... Well they were jealous because they knew that they can never be completely equal with a woman so they took her equality away.
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• South Korea
21 Apr 10
dont worry even though we have that disadvantages..i hink thats what make us special... like were not strong compare to men..the reason for man to take care of us... and You should be happy we can be pregnant...even though its hard only women can do that...only hwe can produce new life again.. and without women I think man couldnt live alone... they need us... and i think its only fair coz man also has to work for their families.. they should always control their emotion even though they wanna cry... or if not there will be a rumble... they should look strong even though inside they feel really hard... we both have our purpose as a man and women,..and its totally equal:)
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• United States
21 Apr 10
I agree with all three of you..It is so good to see the positive side of being a female, too many times people don't look at us that way..
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
i agree with both of you.. each of us has a purpose.. and i think God had created humans "perfectly appropriate for the two different genders". yes, guys do really have advantages or "more" stuffs.. but we, women, also have "more" stuffs than men do. those "more" things that guys have, correspond perfectly to "less" things women have.. and vice versa. that's why we humans are really not perfect.. we all have different flaws or disadvantages.. and it can be seen in "different" things.. :)) God never discriminated anyone.. he loves us all.. :)) that's why he sacrificed..
• United States
21 Apr 10
yeah agree with you. my mom told me that before well teaching me how a real man should treat females, one last thing she said to me, without females there wouldnt be males. and i think pregant women are the prettiest of all. she can be ugly and get pregrant and be pretty. and think if us men could have babies there wouldnt be none. we would like little babies. lol. and also what you said about men, yes we are suppose to control all of our emtions and not suppose to let weakness be shown. here's a story true of course. my friend pat who's a female. had a flat tire, this woman had the flat off the car, and the spear tire back on and the flat tire in the car within 10 min. i am standing there watching her a cop stopped asked if i was going to help her. i was like nope hell she's faster then me. i do know females who can handle their own. and they have jobs that makes more then most men.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
22 Apr 10
Of course men and women are equal. Equal does not mean the same or identical. We are equal as human beings. To say we are not equal just because we are different is the same as saying that people of different races are not equal because they are different. We are all equal. As a woman I have never understood why so many men think they are superior. We are different but that does not mean we are not equal. Every one is different. Not all men are strong and the strong ones discriminate against those who are not strong but they are just different. Men and women can be strong or artistic or both. There was a theory around in the past that women were just receptacles for men's seed and that men were the only producers of life. Some men still believe that. I have no idea why they feel so threatened by women that they have to discriminate and suppress them. In many animal species the male plays no part in rearing the young and the mother does everything including hunting and protecting. We should just accept our differences and respect each other but I wonder if that will ever happen.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
22 Apr 10
ooooooooooooops ! i am tired of hearing, man and women are equal. Ya they are equal in the books and in the laws of government. The human rights? Do you have a real human rights, can you know everything, which are happaning in white house, which are happaning in country..no..they hide... you have no rights to know... something like that.. Man are brave ...they have muscles...if man and women given to fight then man will win...so they are not equal.. women cry...just for little problems...but man never cry... they are more brave, courageous.. If women are more powerful , then why women are not allowed to fight with man in wrestling... so.. women and man are not equal in physical...mentally you can say that....but i don't know about that.. If you see the past..it's the man ruling the world...the king..he's male...look at the presidents of the worlds... and primeinister of the worlds.. all are man...women you can count on your finger... Till now..women were dominated by your so called gentleman, your husband...man is not allowing women to raise up... The words "women day", its a great proof of women being dominated by mans. It's a day, you can think about you... -vine
@vine88 (1031)
• India
22 Apr 10
Gods are even man. He really discriminates women.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
22 Apr 10
Ya, women were discriminates from the Government also...You have to think deeply..they think women are dependent to man..in divorce laws give half of the property and income of a man. Why women needs mans income. They are week so they need money...government shows loves towards women..they can't do anything for their living..so laws give money to spend rest of the life...because of money there are many divorce too.. it shows they are not equal to man, in many expects. -vine.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Apr 10
There is a reason He made us that way. Men dominate, sure, but they are able to because then women can raise the children in a good way. They can take care of them and educate them without having to worry about how to feed, clothe or shelter them--the man takes care of that. That's how it was supposed to be and it worked pretty well until we women got bored and let the media tell us we were supposed to have it all. Now look at all the children suffering--crime, neglect, hunger, cruelty growing up without parents and being raised by strangers.
• United States
21 Apr 10
dragon makes a good point, women are the ones that form the next generation..Though I believe every child needs a father in their lives, it is the mother who teaches them right from wrong and makes them out to be who they are as an adult..
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
21 Apr 10
Carmelanirel, you are so right! Children deserve to have two parents. I know that single moms and dads can raise well adjusted, healthy children but all too often it is too big a job for one person and the child doesn't see how a healthy relationship should be. (this is assuming it is a good marriage so don't people start jumping on me!) Men are just as important in raising children as women are. I think we should learn to work together and appreciate our differences instead of denying that there are differences and fighting them.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
21 Apr 10
I have read one question, i don't know who writes, he/she said: Is it women only who takes care of their children, wash kitchen, wash clothes, cook food etc. I amaze, are there any rules for women, for those kinds of works.Women must do. Because of the baby, women must leave their jobs...because of children they were not free... -vine
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@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
21 Apr 10
have to disagree with you. maybe in the pass yes and still some countries. i know lots of female who dont count on men, and some i know are stronger then some men i know. but my mom, rip mom. taught me. men are suppose to treat females very well. women have one of the greatest job creating life. and being able to get life. to me as a man, i treat my wife likes a queen. i will pitch in and help around the house. the only reason my wife depends on me is because of her eye sight. i belive all women shouldnt depend on men, they should be independance from them even if they are married. my sister is a good sample for this. as well my sister in laws too. being a women might have that monthly thing, but women are great and should be treat great by all men, all over the world.
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@piya84 (2580)
• India
21 Apr 10
Hiii there Yes it is true that nature has give more responsibility to women than men.but i think we arent annoy with it anymore.You see now a days men equally participate in bringing up children and even some women are making choices of not having baby at all.So in this era women are far more free than past. I know these conditions exist in developed countries and still there are many countries where women are oppressed.I hope they will catchup with developing countries soon.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
22 Apr 10
Hmmm??? Don't most women outlive men??? I do know women who do not depend on men. They totally support themselves. As far as having children,one of the two had to carry the child.Isn't the woman the better choice for this especially in the early days when hunting for food was necessary for the survival of mankind. Alot of women's problems stem from mankind. As mankind gets smarter,men will learn that trying to dominate isn't wise after all.We all have our talents and gifts regardless of gender. God isn't out to hurt women.Oh, one last thing. I know the men will agree with this. Don't the men always have to do just what their women says???Speak up men!! Aren't the women really running the show???? Hmmmm?? Maybe us poor men are discriminated against as well.The truth is we are different but things are fair.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
22 Apr 10
You are quite right, we are different. Different but still equal as human beings. Do men always obey their women? I think not. I know some who do and I have met some who beat their wives just for offering an opinion. We are all different but it is a shame that we cannot learn to live together in peace.
@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I'm not sure why we get to carry that load-my mother, who's catholic says it's because of Eve's sins..I don't think so. I think that's just the way it all works. I have to say though us women aren't dependant on men...many of us have made our own way without men. I for one. I have two children. He left me for another woman...I've been raising them on my own without any support from him at all-he doesn't even see them. Women having a small heart? Nah-ours is wayy bigger than most men's..we are the emotional ones. Men dominating women? Only if they let themselves. Not all women are like this, sure maybe some of them are...but most I've seen are pretty self-sufficient.
@Draeke (322)
• United States
21 Apr 10
I believe male and female have been designed for specific but different tasks, to work together as a team for survival. Just like any team, the players have specialized tasks that they are better at than others, so they are placed in the position to take advantage of that. if you have all the players with the same abilitys there is no balance, you need to have balance for survival and success. You must also remember that todays man has evolved over the thousands of years that we, as a species, has existed on this planet. A lot of the social taboos were pressed upon us by growing up of our species and others in the society, others preconcieved notions. We as a species have, in the past and a bit now, dominated the 'weaker' or 'less civilized'; by slavery, social opression, and downcasting are examples of trying to dominate the masses by point of view. To re-iterate, i believe man and woman are equal, just a bit more specialized in different areas so they can work together for mutual success. Draeke
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• United States
21 Apr 10
Yep, a team..One gender is not whole without the other...
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@maikeruk (405)
• Germany
21 Apr 10
haha with those burden that you consider that the women have, they empower themselves. I dont think that women are a "weak gender" try to carry a baby as a man... believe me most of the people WONT do that. is not a sexist situation here is just that you see everything from the efficiency point of view i think and there are more features behind that that make women even more reliable than men. :-) the ironic thing about women is that for example in the past they were just limited to do house stuffs... cooking, taking care of the kids and so on and now they are going for the feminist i do the same as the man and is forgetting or putting aside all those skills of the past. if the women wanted to prove that they are better, they would definitely take those skills of the past and merge with present skills to be a complete woman they will definitely kick our butts..
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@dio123 (1788)
• India
29 Jun 10
No, it is not like this, God created men and women equally. Has given equal responsibilities to both of them. It is only us who created the discremination. Getting pregnant and give birth to a child might be considered as a precious gift by God. As god has given women the power to give birth to a new life and in this way only the world keeps going on.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
Women was really held punished when women was tempted by the snake to eat the forbidden fruits in the Garden of Eden, Did you guys remember this story in the bible, God is Just. When He created man He also created Woman. As a woman today I should be thankful that God created me, And I should accept why women received this pains like in pregnancy because this is the task that God gave me. This is His decision and the man should worked for the livelihood of the family.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
23 Apr 10
I don’t think that women have been discriminated by God. Men have at times discriminated us but not God. We were all given our own unique qualities and as the times have changed, more and more women no longer need to be as dependant or protected by men. We may be physically weaker but have more communication skills than men, as an example. God created us to be equal and to compliment each other not for one to dominate the other.
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
9 Sep 10
no he is not. He create the balance, there is weak and strong, small and big, beauty and beast. all things that he created just to test us as a human. r we thankful enough to be given anything by him
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
I dont think the ability to get pregnant is a burden, in fact it is a gift. geez.
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
22 Apr 10
Women are a lot easier on the eyes. You can go out to the club, and have guys buy you drinks every time. You can take half of a mans life earnings in a divorce. I say women got a slightly better deal at the end of the day.
@vine88 (1031)
• India
22 Apr 10
cb,, i don't have any desire in that...i know you have that desire..because the words are coming from you.. remember i am husband... -vine