Do you sweat alot when your nervous?

@setsuna26 (2751)
April 21, 2010 10:03am CST
It happens to me all the time, when im feeling nervous and theres this deadline that i need to finish or if the person that i really like just entered the room i get too nervous i sweat alot than the usual. I try to calm myself but its as if im helpless when im feeling this way.I cant think clearly when im feeling such, is there a way to stop this kind of sweating due to what you feel?
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20 responses
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
Yes I do sweat a lot too when I'm tense or nervous. I sometimes also feel like I need to go to the bathroom or something like that. It's normal because our body reacts when things seem a little out of hand for us. In my case, I'm glad my officemate gave me an excellent antiperspirant since it's not so good to see your underarms sweating profusely while conducting a seminar or giving a presentation. :)
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
No matter how i convince myself that its not that scary at all there are really times that i tend to panic and be nervous over some situations lol. And the thing bout me is that even if the room is air conditioned already im still sweating just thinking bout the said event that is bout to take place. I remembered joining a contest when i was still in high school my presentation is great until i gave in to the pressure and forgot the last two lines of my speech. So much for the championship crown lol i settled for 1st runner up hahaha
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
Well, in my cases I only feel nervous when a teacher ask me to recite then I don't know the answer with fear of being humiliated or being the object of laughter. When it comes to seeing my crush I know to control my nervousness as most of the time I am calm and i could talk to them without my voice trembled but one things for sure when i am excited i am likely to trip or just fidgeting around then it is one of manifestation that I really feel so attracted to the person especially if their are friends around who continued teasing me. But so far i am very good in hiding my real feelings so most of the times they would really have a hard time guessing the real score. I have a niece and all of them sweat likes a pig, i mean they really sweat a lot even not feeling nervous it sort of hereditary in her father side. When they feel warm they sweat even the palms of their hands, feet almost the whole body. So it is entirely normal. In your cases as long as your sweating would not makes you look you just bath in sweat it is still normal. You should try to control your excitement as much as possible and observe if your sweating lessen or else it is just a normal reaction from your part and your not alone with that feeling or maybe you're just so your not only sweat when you see your crush but also blush that really now noticeable...
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
That kind of experience happend to me alot of times too. When my teacher asks me to answer something on the board where in fact i dont know the answer. And that very moment i will be the laughing stack of the class too. Hate that situation but in time i was able to learn that its just normal i mean if you really didnt do your part and listen or at least studies your lessons then you will have a hard time answering certain stuff. And i also told myself that people do make mistakes so if i tend to commit one then its just normal thanks for sharing
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
I am very pretty shy too but I tend to control it when it comes to class i could be a proud speaker or class leader but I know alone to myself i am super duper shy but I fight it and one things which could make me nervous when I am humiliated being caught by surprise where i have no escape. Yeah, mistakes everyone experience it is life lesson.
@youless (112425)
• Guangzhou, China
22 Apr 10
I seldom sweat unless I am doing the exciting sports such as playing the badminton. So when I am nervous, I will not sweat. When you are nervous, try to take a deep breath and perhaps it will be helpful. I love China
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Thats what im trying lately and im hoping that somehow it will be effective or at least lessen the effect of sweating. Its really irritating especially if your with someone whom you really care and then you sweat alot .How i wish i will be able to cure this kind of condition pretty soon. Thanks for joining and have a great day ahead of you
@junmae (1586)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I haven't experienced sweating when i am nervous. I just experienced fast heart beat that my heart seems to go out anytime. i am not the kind of person who perspire when nervous because i believe that there are really person who is just
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Yes most people experience the same thing like you too. They just feel their heart beats faster and some tremble as they speak . But for me its kinda different its more of over sweating when im under pressure stress or nervous. Some says thats a natural reaction of my body, i say its irritating lol . Anyways thanks for sharing your time with the topic and have a great day
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
21 Apr 10
I don't sweat a lot is nervous, I can not stay still I will walk from spot and another over and over. I think nothing can stop it, its become a habit for me and sometimes I just try to sit down but its not work sometimes. So finish your job before deadline and about that person you like try to talk to her, if you don't have guts try to text her by send funny email or something like that until you have guts to talk.
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@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I think its pretty much normal to be nervous every now and then and its just the matter of how we deal with it that matters the most. For some people being nervous is really troublesome just like me... I mean sweating alot infront of many people is kinda embarrassing its quite untidy and all.But learning to cope with it and trying your best to overcome such pressures in life is the only way to get rid of it
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I'm actually a very sweaty person (in the genes), so just imagine all the fluids I release when I'm nervous! It's really embarrassing. :/ And yes, I know what you mean when someone you like enters the room, lol. Or like when I sweat when I get tensed because I'm not really close with the people I'm with, so yea. I also don't know what to do during these situations, so I just get my hanky, wipe my sweat, and try to use it as a fan to cool myself (not very effective). Sorry I really don't have a solution, just shared my experience. Lol :)
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
Actually theres no need to share the solution anymore the mere fact that you experience the same thing or at least you can relate to what im experiencing is a great thing indeed. Its just funny that after a while and were fine already i tend to ask myself why am i feeling this way?A friend of mine told me that sometimes i need to talk to myself lol not the crazy kind of talking bout to internalize and ask myself why am i scared of nervous bout certain things .Thanks for sharing
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I also don't know why I start to feel that way when there's nothing really special. I just start sweating all of a sudden! Haha. Thanks, too :D
@cream97 (29087)
• United States
21 Apr 10
Hi, setsuna16. I kind of get like this too. Especially, if I a waiting to be called into for something that I have been stressing over for the longest. My palms will sweat and I get very nervous like. Take deep breaths and relax yourself. Try to do this technique when you feel yourself getting a little jittery. Try to think positive and imagine yourself on a sunny beach, relaxing your body.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
And it can get to irritating when you sweat alot too, makes me feel so dirty and all hahaha. I just wish theres a medicine or something to control it but sad to say there isnt.All i do is just bring an extra hanky with me so that when i feel that way i wont be so untidy .I dont know maybe its in my genes or what but thats why i dont like summer that much and likes rainy season instead
@kaylachan (67388)
• Daytona Beach, Florida
22 Apr 10
It's your body's natural reaction to stress. There is no real cure, except to reduce your stress levels. Try to do something to help keep you calm. Otherwise you're going to have that problem. You need to focus on this the most in a highly stressful situation. It'll help you in the long-run.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Thats what im tryin to do, im trying to keep myself calm and make myself at ease even with the worse situation so that i dont get easily stressed or worse sweat alot in the process. Sometimes people ask me why i tend to sweat alot even if its not hot then i tell the i also dont know the reason maybe i have this hydrolysis problem already
• China
22 Apr 10
Hi,there.I feel nervous easily.But I wouldn't sweat a lot.When I become nervous,I always have a red face and my heart is racing.Sometimes I even feel dizzy and couldn't say a word out.I want to change this as well ,but it seems no any progress cause each time I feel nervous I just can't help to have such reactions.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I remember a classmate of mine when i was still in gradeschool always feeling nervous most of the time. Whenever our teacher calls her up she will turn red and then cry and theres this one time she fainted. Good thing im just sweating and not fainting. Thanks for joining and have a great day
• China
22 Apr 10
Hi, setsuna. When I'm very nervous, I usually feel a rapid heartbeat, cold and shaky hands and sweaty palms. :) But it seldom happens. When I run across the person I like, I just feel a rapid heartbeat but don't sweat. And besides, I always smile so as to unwind my tension.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I just hate it when i feel that way, i mean being nervous its more like you cant concentrate on just bout anything you do . And worst of all is that you dont know what to do just to stop feeling that way hahaha.A friend told me to just pause and calm down and talk to myself but i told him easier said than done lol
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
i think it is very normal to all of us, me too i sweat a lot when i am so nervous or something exciting will happen i just rub the sweat with my towel to remove it specially from my face, it is ok to sweat a lot when nervous don't be shy about it, it is very normal
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
But if its happening alot its not that good anymore, sometimes even if im inside a cool place i still sweat when i get nervous the thing bout me is that i easily get nervous bout lots of things thats why im irritated most of the time. But right now im trying my best to concentrate and talk to myself to calm down so that i wont be sweating that much anymore.
• Germany
22 Apr 10
Actually I'll blush when I feeling nervous, it hard to control this,someone told me that you can think about the status that you speaking in normal, and then adjust your feeling to that state, you will feel better.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Then i think its more of thinking normally and just focus on what you want to do or say. I mean that way you wont be feeling bad of feeling nervous that much anymore.I sweat alot when im nervous and im hoping that pretty soon i will be able to take care of this stress that im feeling every now and then.
@bevice (10)
• China
22 Apr 10
It happens to me offen,but i'm not sweat alot as you .My offen feeled confortless in my stomach,and the thing that make my nervous is alway in my mind,so that time is like a weighty stone on my body .
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Sometimes when i really get frustrated or tensed i tend to sweat alot too. I remember when a friend of mine set me up for a blind date then it so happens that this girl is my all time crush . Its as if its summer i sweat alot although the place is pretty cool. Thats one really embarrassing situation that i dont want to happen again in the future hahaha
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Maybe the situation triggers the activity of sympathetic nerves. If you sweat when you're nervous, you are still in a good company. Many people experience an outbreak of sweating when stepping onto a stage or leading a presentation on a conference room. But mine here, I don't usually sweat thus, I'm start to tremble, especially with my voice. Well, that would be obvious right? LOL
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Well you got that right somehow im still lucky thats all i experienced lol .I know people who are fainting when nervous glad to know im not one of the. I dont tremble when it comes to my voice though. I just happen to sweat alot and thats pretty obvious on my part too . Thanks for your time and participation
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
I don't really 'sweat' when I'm nervous, but rather I would feel constipated and nauseated. It's really weird. This always happens to me at the beginning of each presentation or during an exam or when I'm frantic. As for sweating, perhaps staying in a cold room could help you. Perhaps wearing clothes that don't absorb sweat well is a good choice so as you won't look as if you're really sweating profusely which shows lack of confidence. We may lack confidence but we could pretend that we are full of it. hehehe..
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
Me too! i mean i get nervous alot when its bout time to present something may it be in the office or even way back then in college. I know im well prepared and all but when im already there its as if all my preparations turned into dust lol .Now im slowly but surely trying to cure this condition of mine by talking more and sometimes participating in group discussions helps alot indeed
@Masmasika (1921)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I don't sweat but I feel so tensed. If you are too nervous, drink water or chew on something. It is good to always bring some candies or water with you. That will help you relax a little.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
hi setsuna, not at all my friend! I don't sweat at all( how i wish i get more sweat,LOL,was hospitalized before because of this)... I tend to get nauseated & wanting to go to toilet whenever I get nervous...I really don't know how to stop it..guess it's a natural thing...your body reacts to certain things/happenings & the reaction is sweating..I know this is not much of a help but anyways have a great day friend!
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Well maybe each and everyone of us have different kinds of symptoms and reactions over certain things such as pressure and tension.Mine will be sweating and yours well as what you just mentioned. And i think that its normal that we feel this way every now and then too. Unless its already affecting our daily lives then i think its still safe to say its normal. Thanks for sharing and have a great day
@mspitot (3824)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
no, i don't. my heart beats really fast when i'm nervous. during presentations, i most of the time speak fast when i'm nervous.
• Australia
22 Apr 10
I dont really know if i sweat when im nervous, when im really nervous i dont really take in stuff like how much i am sweating, but next time it happens i will make sure to keep that in mind.
• Philippines
21 Apr 10
When I'm nervous I tend to sweat a lot and that feeling of butterflies in the stomach. Especially talking to a person for the first time, you could almost say I'm going to need a new shirt after I'm through talking. Sometimes sweating could be embarrassing though especially doing something in front of the people or audience.
@setsuna26 (2751)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Thats exactly what i feel as well, i just cant control it i start sweating alot when im nervous even if its not at all hot. Sometimes it gets so irritating and i feel embarrassed in front of so many people too when i sweat alot due to me being nervous