Everything that can be invented has already been invented.
By sophiaraine
@sophiaraine (1113)
21 responses
@bananamen1 (442)
• Bulgaria
22 Apr 10
Today I've read they invented brain implants from silk. Well..at least in our world this is something new.

@bananamen1 (442)
• Bulgaria
22 Apr 10
These are implants partly made by silk and are not tested on humans yet. But the research can help to people with epylepsia, damages on the backbone and people with artifical limbs.
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
That's a very smart invention. I bet it will be very useful for those people who are suffering from those illnesses. Thank you for that wonderful knowledge you shared.
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
What kind of brain implant is this? What exactly is it for?

@eddyspaghetti (1225)
• United States
23 Apr 10
I think that technology is increasingly getting better and better as it becomes more refined. People are constantly trying to do the new best thing and advance themselves, along with society. People are constantly making new things and putting patents on them. Hopefully one day someone will create a teleportation machine, so that people can instantaneously travel, even across the globe. =)

@ianlockley (153)
23 Apr 10
I think even if somebody does invent a teleportation device in my lifetime I can see them being quite expensive when they first come out. We will probably all have to wait around 5 million years untill the price drops a bit and we can all afford one. :D

@missweety (626)
• Latvia
22 Apr 10
I would agree with you just partly. We all grow and all systems just become more complexed. even now with every day people are inventing something new, it's not just inventing phone or bike we are going into all that more deeply. Inventions about all these cosmos things, atoms, electrons etc...

@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
22 Apr 10
Of course it has. Bring an open mind, and an open heart to the rest of my discussion response this time, dear one.
God, or the Universe, the source of all that is. Who ever this happens to be in your life, in my life it is God, the God of Moses, Abraham, Issac, and Adam. Knows all things, correct? We are all infinitely powerful spiritual beings connected directly to the source of all that is. It is like one collective mind, of all things, past present and future, that we may tap into at will. Everything is there. Everything.
Every thought, feeling, emotion, concept, that has ever, or will ever be thought, is here. We attract like feelings to ourselves through our subconscious mind. Search, "A Stroke of Insight" in www.ted.com, to get an idea of what I mean, by someone who has experience the shutting down of the part of our mind that we control.
So, it is all there, and some few of us, learn the secret to tapping into the power, and the information comes to us, we "conceive" the idea, some fewer of us, will believe it is possible, and then the elite of the human race, will achieve bringing their thoughts to reality.
Everything, that can or will ever be invented is there, and yet, less then I could even imagine, I believe has been brought here already.
That is what I believe.
With Love, Honour, and Appreciation.
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
That was a very elaborated and deep explanation cj. Nicely said. You have a point there. I respect everybody's opinions. After all, we do have different beliefs. That's a wonderful answer, Thank you.
1 person likes this
@mlotta (218)
• Managua, Nicaragua
22 Apr 10
My answer, like everybody else's, is no. Why? It's because there are a lot of stuff for so many things that haven't been invented yet. For example, a time machine, robots that talk (although we may have that already), etc... So, inventing stuff does not end there. They can also invent a real virtual weather simulator or a virtual mind inside a computer.
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
I was just thinking about the same thing. Time machine. And I would really like to have a teleportation device (I know someone here on mylot who wants one too).

@whoAHHH (33)
• Bulgaria
22 Apr 10
My answer is 'no'! I think there is much more stuff to be invented, especially in spheres like information technology and machines. Annually the technology gets better and faster, that's a proof inventions are happening every single day.
Best regards
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
LOL. There was this article that was entitled something like this and it was all about inventions that may never really matter and was never really predicted that may be of good use. But now, take a look around us. People just can't get enough of everything.
Oh by the way mylotters, I forgot to mention it in my discussion's details. I based my title on the article that I was talking about. And it was all about Predictions that missed the mark. So the title is only a foolish prediction! LOL
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
Nope, I don't agree. There is still a lot of needs waiting to be given a solution. High cost of electricity is for one. What about space travel technology, it is still sci fi to others. What I would like is to have my own personal power plant so that I will not have to pay for high electric bills.
@ianlockley (153)
23 Apr 10
Nobody seems able to invent an exhaust pipe that will stay on my car for longer than 2 f***ing months yet. lol :D
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
23 Apr 10
I would have to say No. The human mind's creativity knows no bounds. When Leonardo Da Vinci drew his flying machine diagrams, people made fun of him. Then the Wright brothers go and create the aeroplane. We can't really foresee what is coming, but new things will always come. This will keep happening till humanity itself will come to an end and that is a different story.
Have a great day

@hanuma34 (819)
• India
23 Apr 10
Surely, no. Inventions continue to be there as long as research in science, technology are existing, something new will always crop up, for good or bad for the humanity. I am sure many discoveies do not get into main stream for several reasons. But when they do come, further developments take place to give scope for new inventions. This is a never ending process.
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
23 Apr 10
There will always be fresh ideas. Ideas that come into our mind that may make life more easy. I do agree that they are more rare these days because a lot of the ground that is possible has already be traveled. However, we thought we had even more limitations before, and we have raised up above and beyond them a lot of the time. It just takes a good idea and a person with the means to give them.
I personally do not have any ideas of things that need to be invented that are not out there. However, just because I cannot think of anything, it does not mean that all of the ideas have been done. One day, someone will have a great idea that we wonder why no one has ever thought of it. They will have the means to carry it out. It might be years down the line, but we are not out of inventions yet. Humanity will keep looking for ways to improve themselves to the very end.
@phoenix8606 (4942)
22 Apr 10
hell0! of course I don't agree with that just because it is not true. there are so many things that can and will be invented that we just can't imagine and many of them we have never thought they could be invented or exist!
@sophiaraine (1113)
• Philippines
22 Apr 10
Thanks for the response phoenix. I know most, or maybe all people will disagree about this. There's a lot more to be invented. We just don't know yet what else do we need to improve.
@tomitomi (5429)
• Singapore
23 Apr 10
If we think that everything that can be invented has already been invented we are not just lying to ourselves but also stifling if not killing our creativity. Life is ever changing. The way we live today has never been the same as our forefathers. And the future will be just as different from the present. Different from the things around us with our capacity to adapt to changes and the inventions that have made our lives more liveable and comfortable, human beings would probably degenerate as well.
@jeeyah (1092)
• Philippines
23 Apr 10
No way! Lol, I have plans of inventing more stuff in the future. ;) Haha. I really think that the inventions of today are just the backbone of the more complex inventions that will come our way in the future. I still want to have a portal, a teleporter, and other stuff like that. Lol.
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
22 Apr 10
No, I don't think this is true. People are ingenious and will continue to create new things and make new discoveries. Technology has changed so much, even over the past 50 year. I can't wait to see what is invented next. I think each small technological invention breeds another new technological invention. I think humans are very intelligent and creative. As long as we have the will, we will find a way!
@macdingolinger (10385)
• United States
22 Apr 10
Nope. There will be plenty new things to come. Especially in technology. I am sure there are many more things that are out there that some body has thought of already and just isn't sure how to market!
@sleepylittlerose (1648)
• United States
22 Apr 10
I would have to say no. If there were never any new invetions then the world would become stagnant and improvements would never be made. New technology and new inventions keep up with our ever changing times and life styles. I only wish that I could come up with a new invention that everyone would need and that I could make my fortunes off of. LOL
@nanangriyanto (183)
• Indonesia
22 Apr 10
I don't agree with your opinion. Often, in life we discover the wonders of God. When a friend is found by his best friend in childhood, using facebook. How can a child who never saw his mother's face as brought by the Germans to his country, but after a 28-year-old returned to his home country only to find out who his mother.These events showed that there is a belief that something has been lost in fact they've found it.
@deejgeek (192)
22 Apr 10
I don't agree with this. Because we can't tell something about the future. Everyone can invent something unique. We can discover something that will lead us to some changes. If that discovery is meant for us to discover then we still can invent something.
Just like Isaac Newton, he was just sitting under an apple tree when he discovered the gravity then because of that, lots of invention and theories came up.
@holesworth (220)
• Australia
23 Apr 10
There will never be a time in which everything that can be invented will have been invented. While a problem - whether it's on a large or small scale - exists, there will always be an inventor who attempts to find a solution for it.
People are always wanting to do things with greater ease and increased speed, as well; so the ability to take something good and make it great will also ensure that the lifespan of inventing is an inexaustible one.
I believe that a representative of the US Patents Office once made the claim that everything that could be invented had been invented. I also believe that it was long before space shuttles, electric vehicles and cd players had leapt from the pages of science-fiction comics. (And I'm still waiting for the flying car to hit the marketplace, after all.)