I Blew It this Morning!
United States
April 24, 2010 9:36am CST
my diet that is. I have been dieting for 4 weeks & i have done real good, i think. Have lost around 15 pounds but i miss my good breakfast sooooo much. A cold bowl of cereal for breakfast leaves me colder than a cucumber but i have been eating it along w/fruit & cottage cheese etc. This morning i fixed me a real breakfast, sausage, eggs , biscuits & gravy. It was wonderful. breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. I'll do good for awhile now.
. What foods do u miss when u are dieting??

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37 responses
@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
24 Apr 10
Eat one piece of really good chocolate every day, sort of as a ritual. Eventually you will not be craving it, and it is good for you in small portions. Craving chocolate can mean you are short of magnesium in your diet.
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• United States
24 Apr 10
Good morning zandi, I can't imagine u being grossly overweight. Are u short like i am? I told GG we needed to get in competition w/each other. Good competition never hurt anyone. Whatcha' think?
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
24 Apr 10

• United States
25 Apr 10
potatoes & bacon, lol u are no help but i agree w/u, that's why i'm fat.i'm glad u don't have to worry about it. U are very lucky. Thanks, i'm trying.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response, Gabs. It's just very hard for me to lose weight & my favorite breakfast is not really good for me for more reasons than one. U have a good one.
@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
25 Apr 10
Hi Antiquelady,
It's okay my friend! the mere fact that you lost 15 pounds in a month you deserve that treat. i am celebrating it with you. i am on diet too and everytime i made my goal i treat myself with one food that i really want to eat...that i deprived myself of just to reach my goal.

• United States
26 Apr 10
Hope u continue to reach your goals. Happy monday to u.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response. I hope u do well on your diet. It's the pits to diet, lol. I think my good breakfast did make me feel better. I had been pretty strict w/myself so the treat was nice. Have a good one & good luck.
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@msfrancisco9369 (10002)
• Boston, Massachusetts
26 Apr 10
It’s determination that’s pushing me to be consistent with my diet and my gym workout. Also, I really want to stay fit and be able to wear those clothes that I want to wear without seeing any bulges on the side.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
tHANKS, IT IS HARD TO DIET FOR ME. i LOVE GOOD FOOD but i am trying real hard. Not only do i need to lose weight but i need to eat healthier & get in better shape. Thanks for responding & have a great day.
@thomad13 (210)
• United States
24 Apr 10
I feel the same. I recently had my son and now trying to take that baby weight off. Im actually trying to take the weight off from all three of my children (lol). I miss my Mexican food. I just can't help but cheat. Thats my heritage and what i grew up on and nothing is better than "Carne Guisada con Arroz y Frijoles" and dont forget grandma's homemade flour torillas. I think I slip because my husband being in the Navy we had to move to Florida and leave our families in Texas and it reminds me of home and my grandma. And believe my Florida Mexican food has NOTHING on Texas Mexican food. Aside from that, my thing is staying on top of working out.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Bless your heart, i know the feeling. My oldest will be 49 next month & i'm still trying to get over him, lol. I love mexican food. If i knew how to make all the good things i would be in trouble. I wish u luck getting rid of that baby fat, it's a hard job.
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• United States
24 Apr 10
ah ha, so that's your weakness. Mine is just food in general. Thanks for repying. My son works for frito-lay so bet y'all would get along fine.
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@derek_a (10873)
25 Apr 10
As a therapist, I have counselled many people through difficult diets, and problems always begin with the client is feeling deprived. What I discovered was that it was best to have a treat now and again of what he/she wanted to eat, but just do it say once a week.
It was also important that if a mistake is made, is to forgive that error and move on. To feel that all is lost and the diet has stopped working, isn't really true. It's OK to make the odd mistake and unless we forgive ourselves, we will get stuck back in the old pattern of overeating followed by dieting, followed again by overeating and then the diet to end all diets that never works anyway!
We need to give ourselves permission to eat what we like, but just on rare occasions and not every day or at every meal. Goog luck.. Focus on success, not the odd mistake.

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• United States
25 Apr 10
Good morning Derek, thanks for your response & very good advice. Hope u have a great sunday.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
25 Apr 10
Hi Antiquelady,
Don't be kicking yourself! I've heard from plenty that it is essential to give yourself a day off from dieting from time to time. The reason for that is that if you do not then once you lose all the weight that you want to then you will go crazy overboard on all the foods you've been craving for so long. Then you will gain the weight all back. Congratulations on the 15 pounds! your doing good!

• United States
25 Apr 10
Good morning Sid, thanks for responding.Maybe i didn't do toobad then i just went off my diet for the one meal. It was back to fruit & cottage cheese for lunch. Hope all is well w/u, happy sunday.
@qujing1710 (210)
• China
25 Apr 10
you can have peanuts at evert meal,especially supper.it seems that it makes an impression to me to have a cold dink including ice—cream at breakfast.you must have enough sleeping when dieting.you know,i don't do well---i can't sleep well untill midnight for insomnia. don't worry,i can let myself sleep in the opposite direction of the bed.if you are like me,please have a try like me.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response. I'm not suppose to eat any kind of nuts, i have gout & that's a no no. I wouldn't really eat them at every meal if i could. I love nuts especially cashews but i don't know of anything that i would like every meal.I don't sleep well either, that's not good to for both of us. U have a good sunday.
• United States
25 Apr 10
Good morning Kathy, I agree w/u & cybil, lol. Sweets don't bother me like my breakfast does. Hope u have a good sunday.
@Beautyfactor (1510)
24 Apr 10
Well I don't think having one 'real' breakfast in four weeks is blowing your diet. Infact I think you did the right thing. Having a little of what you fancy does you good. Just make sure you go another four weeks before you do it again. you are allowed to have a bd day so long as you don't let it ruin your diet completely.
• United States
24 Apr 10
I like the way u think, lol. Thanks for responding.
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@setsuna26 (2749)
• Philippines
24 Apr 10
As far as im concern it is also good sometime to somehow reward yourself ma'am. I mean as you said youve been in a diet for 4 weeks and now you blew it. Treat it as a reward for a job well done.But do remember that the next days will be strictly for diet again.On my part i dont need to diet anymore lol because my metabolism is working pretty much fine thats why and im hoping that i will never have to experience missing something to eat at all 

• United States
24 Apr 10
Thanks for your response. At least u didn't blame it on my age this time.
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@lightknight60 (561)
• India
25 Apr 10
Ohh..it happens with my brother anytime.. Try physical excercises rather than dieting.. I eat alot but i play soccer thats why i am slim
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response. U gave a very good suggestion but i can't exercise anymore, have too many health problems & too old, lol. Good luck w/your soccer, it's a good game. Happy sunday to u.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
24 Apr 10
I miss sweets more than anything, which is strange because I never used to eat or drink much that was sweet. I think it has something to do with my energy level and that makes it hard to pull out of depending on sugar for energy. I know that when I eat more than just a bit of sugar, I get hungry faster and don't feel as satisfied, so I just need to get used to not eating it.
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• United States
24 Apr 10
Thanks for your response. I know eatingis a neccesity but it's also a habit i have always had that i didn't need. I just love good food. I love sweets but just food in general is my problem.
. Have a good weekend.

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@riyasam (16556)
• India
24 Apr 10
i am on the thinner side but since my in-laws stay with us and because they have bp problems,we usually survive on fruits and vegetables and that increases my appetite for biscuits and choclates or anything unusual from what we have daily.
• United States
24 Apr 10
Good for u for being on the thin side, try to saty that way if u can. It's no fun to be fat believe me.
. Thanks for your response. Hope u have a great weekend.

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@GardenGerty (162774)
• United States
24 Apr 10
Restaurant buffets of all kinds. The funny thing is, if I go to them, I feel sick afterwards from eating so much. Pizza Hut especially, and Chinese restaurants as well. I love thick crust oooey gooey pizza. Hubby has suddenly realized he has gained fifteen or twenty pounds, so we may eat at home now for awhile.
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• United States
24 Apr 10
I very seldom eat out, no fun by yourself so i don't have that to blame. I can do well at a restaurant if they have a good salad bar. I like most anything on a salad bar but the ooey goey salds w/cool whip & all that kind of stuff which i wouldn't need if i did like them.Thanks for responding.
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• United States
13 May 10
I wish i could really learn to like cereal but i just don't. I can eat it w/a banana but it's not my fave.
• United States
7 Jun 10
Thanks for the top, Joan. I will try that. I am not crazy about cereal but am getting more use to it for breakfast instead of the good stuff[bacon & eggs], lol.

@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
6 Jun 10
You can still have a good hot breakfast when you're dieting. Don't have the same thing every day, change it up a little. Have oatmeal with some fruit one day, and an egg sandwich another. Just don't go overboard on the "good" stuff.
I miss the candy and stuff when I'm on a diet. I'll still have some every now and then, but just not a whole lot.
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
7 Jun 10
That's too bad you don't like oatmeal. It's very good for you - lots of fiber too! Adding cinnamon to it helps control cholesterol also. I love it with milk and mangos - the mangos are sweet but better than sugar.
• United States
6 Jun 10
Thanks for your response & suggestions. Oat meal is out, can't stand it,lol. Happy sunday to u.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
30 Apr 10
Oh gosh.. I miss any and every sort of junk food! I miss chocolate, and brownies, and fast food...
However, I indulge now and then when I feel the need to. Sometimes I fight the cravings off, and usually the cravings come when I'm hungry. The hardest time of day is right after leaving the gym. Normally I head straight home for lunch, but some days I have to stop at the store to pick up something we've run out of or whatever.. that's when it's hard because I walk past all this junk and I'm so hungry, and there's really nothing healthy at the grocery store that you can grab to snack on until you get home for lunch.. at least not something small that doesn't require preparation. Sometimes I will buy a box of cereal bars, they have 3 grams of fat but are whole grain and have some fruit. Sometimes I'll grab fruit like bananas.. sometimes I just deal and make it home.
But I'd say I indulge in my cravings at least twice a month.. sometimes once a week even. I think it depends on my stress level, because the more stressed I am the harder it is to fight off cravings and I am a stress eater.
Indulging now and then is actually good for you, as long as it's only occasionally and you get right back to the dieting!
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
30 Apr 10
6 months ago I weighed 225 pounds.. Yes I do need to worry about my weight. It's a constant struggle. I'm still looking to lose about another 20 from where I am now.
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• United States
2 May 10
• United States
30 Apr 10
Hi Kats, thanks for your response. U are very pretty in your picture. I have seen o on here before but don't know that we have ever talked. U know i dodn't eat much junk food so i don't misse it like i do gravy & bisciuts & stuff like that, soul food, lol. They say the worst time to grocery shop is when u are hungry. U don't look like u have to worry about your weight & that's a good thing. Thanks again. Hope u have a good weekend.