Do you believe in the extraterrestrial, paranormal activity, etc.?

United States
April 24, 2010 4:20pm CST
How many of you believe in: 1. vampires 2. aliens 3. ghosts 4. zombies 5. dragons 6. fairies 7. santa claus 8. mermaids 9. angels 10. bigfoot What is your opinion of one or all of the the seemingly hard to believe creatures, that to this day have yet to be proven. Feel free to add to this list in your own post if you would like to. Why do you think they exist if you think they do?
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9 responses
@Vikkyd (198)
• Finland
24 Apr 10
You forgot the tooth fairy ;) I personally believe in the first three ones and the last one, I'm gonna break it down a little bit.. 1. Vampires: I don't believe in vampires like Dracula or something similar but I do believe in the vampire bats :D And also people who have this "sick" urge to drink blood but I don't believe those people sleep in coffins, fear garlic or anything like that, they're just normal people who (influenced by horror movies/books) started thinking of themselves as vampires... 2. Aliens: Once again, I don't believe in the creatures that fit the most known description of an alien. I believe that there's no way we're the only living creatures in this whole universe and thus believe in aliens as I'd classify even very human-like creatures aliens if they don't come from planet Earth... 3. Ghosts: Ok, this is where things actually get a bit paranormal in my opinion. I believe there is some energy or something left behind when some people die. But again, I don't believe in those white, a bit transparent lost souls that you can see but rather something you can't see and that might not be able to produce any physical evidence of itself... There's too much good proof of ghosts for me to just deny all of it, I think there must be some sort of spirits. 4. Zombies: Alright, zombies in my opinion are purely just the product of human imagination, invented for entertainment or to scare people. I mean, how many of you have seen a zombie? Then think how many of you has felt a presence or experienced something unexplainable and you'll probably get what I mean. Ghosts possibly exist but no way zombies would exist in my opinion... 5. Dragons: Again, just a product of human imagination. There are indeed some pretty big, flying lizard-like creatures but I personally don't think any of them has the ability that any dragon should have to be classified as a real dragon, they can't produce fire inside their mouth or anywhere else. 6. Fairies: Do I even need to explain why I don't believe in fairies? :D 7. Santa Claus: Alright, again a pretty obvious one. People sooner or later in their lives discover that there is no Santa Claus, at the latest when they move away from home and notice that they don't get presents out of nowhere, they have to buy themselves or get from their friends... 8. Mermaids: Again, who has ever seen a mermaid? Probably originates from drunken sailors seeing a catfish and thinking: "Wow, what a beautiful lady, even has some facial hair! But how can people live in the water? Hey, it must be some sort of a cross between a lady and a fish, lets name it a mermaid!" 9. Angels: Now this one's again a little trickier... I guess many religious people believe in angels... But I'm an atheist so there's no way I'd believe in them :) 10. Bigfoot: Yay, something worth believing in again :D There are hundreds, maybe even thousands of undiscovered sepcies hiding in the Amazon or other pretty unexplored places so I guess it is possible that something big-footed and human-like could live somewhere in the wild... However, I don't believe there's a bigfoot in every other country although there are reported sightings of something that looks like a bigfoot from all over the world... I'd rather think there's one or two different pacts/families/inviduals in different areas but probably they are all in the same country anyway... Wow, this must be my longest post in myLot this far :D Thanks for the interesting discussion, had lots of fun thinking about these ;)
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• United States
25 Apr 10
You were very descriptive with this post. I hope all the good creatures from our lists exist, otherwise we just might be having some problems fighting demons and bigfoots and wannabe vampires. =)
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• India
25 Apr 10
Hi Vikkyd, you have given very good explanation for all the creature.At the age of 20, I was to go my village by walk, about 3 Kilometers and there was no bus.Also, no one on the road. In certain places on the road, it was told that there was ghost exists.It was around 2330 PM ( night nearing 12 PM).I was lonely walking on the road. From the start till I reach home, I was praying to God, and with full of fear I reached home safely.I have not seen any ghost. I was under the fear because, there was no one to come to my rescue if any injury or anything happens to me at that time.There is no ghost exists.It is imaginary.Happy myLotting.
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@Vikkyd (198)
• Finland
25 Apr 10
Wannabe vampires :D That's a good one ;) @venkatachary: Just because you didn't see the ghost doesn't mean it wouldn't exist... There's a high possibity that particular ghost isn't real but that doesn't mean there couldn't be ghosts anywhere... But yeah, lots of people who really believe they saw a ghost have just been afraid of the atmosphere of the place they were at the moment they think they saw something... So lots of these sightings are just imaginary, caused by fear, but I do believe that there are some real sightings of real spirits as well...
• Australia
24 Apr 10
From that list you have their I believe in ghosts fully. I love to watch shows about them especially ghost hunters. I also somewhat believe in aliens. I also think that there could be a bigfoot or bigfoots out there. And yes I believe in Santa Claus lol...who doesnt!! As for zombies, vampires, mermaids and the rest no I think those are just legends.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
That is interesting how some people believe in some of these strange beings and not all of them. I liked your Santa Claus comment. Some people do not believe in him anymore because all they get is coal. =)
@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
I would rather believe in aliens; however, alien life could be a bacteria or some form of plants or animals not necessarily bipedal or humanoid in nature. Life can exist in most extreme parts of our planet so why not in other planets? Scientists are looking closely to the icy moon of Jupiter called Europa because underneath those thick ice is an ocean and where there is water, there is also the possibility of life. No one has yet seen an enchanted elf, dragons, or something to that effect. Dragons can be made if one can genetically alter an already existing species. Also vampires are now speculated to be a form of disease. Zombies can be made through biological means (I don't know how) hahaha. Santa Claus, ask mom and dad or grandparents; bigfoot, man with a lot of time and a horrible sense of humor. Happy MyLotting!
• Haiti
24 Apr 10
I believe that all of them exists and yet not because we cannot see them means they are not real. Let me tell you that you can only see them when you believe and only in that instant.Some thing to have to be proven to reveal their existence. This is the reason why there are fairy-tale with fabulous and sci-fi with proven hypothesis. sometimes, mysteries are better when they're left unrevealed.
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• India
25 Apr 10
The things you mentioned in your post are the figment of human imagination. These things simply do not exist. The writers have woven stories around these non-existing things because it fires their imagination. Just because the idea fascinate people, they write about these things.
• United States
25 Apr 10
That is interesting how these story tellers want to frighten people or maybe it is their form of entertainment. I wonder why some people believe and others do not? Are some people just really gullible or are they just flat out liars? I think shows are interesting, when the supposed "bigfoot" is caught on camera. Someday I hope the truth is revealed to us. =)
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
Ive seen a ghost a year ago when we went on a health mission in a rural area and we had experienced a lot of paranormal activities. It was really creepy and scary. Having those experiences would surely make you think that they're just around us.
• India
25 Apr 10
Recently in Vijay TV it was shown about the people in the hill ares and their fear about ghost. It comes like whirl wind and lifts them and through them somewhere.It is not actually ghost. During the day time, due to hotness, the air near the hill gets warmed and gets lifted and the (wet air) cold air above the hill, comes down and so there is a circulation of hot and cold air and in the evening , the reverse circulation takes place.It is called upward wind and leeward wind.But the people feel it is ghost.So, it is not ghost, it is the activity of air hot and cold near the hill or mountain areas.happy myLotting.
• United States
25 Apr 10
I hope tat the ghost didn't stay with you Karen. I'm glad it didn't bother you guys and try and harm you. Venkatachary- That is a pretty good explanation. Your science skills must be pretty good. I'm sure there are many explanations for some paranormal activity but I think that there are just some things that cannot always be explained. =)
@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
25 Apr 10
I don't think vampires exist as we see on tv and movies. I do think that there are people in this world who probably do like to drink blood. I think it is highly possible that aliens and ghosts exist. I don't think zombies, dragons, fairies, santa claus, or mermaids exist. I think angels may exist. I also think that something akin to bigfoot may exist.
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
25 Apr 10
Well, I do believe in vampires, werewolves, aliens and ghosts. I dont believe in santa claus, zombies, dragons ( though i simply adore them) and other paranormal things.
• Philippines
25 Apr 10
when i was young i used to believe those. but when i realize that it was jut a superstitious belief, not anymore. im a fan of horror movies, but sometimes when i see something strange that i cant explain, like ghost, i said to myself that maybe they exist.. im a brave person (not at all), i remember i was alone at my home, its 12 in the midnight, someone whisper in my ear. and another is i heard noises at night somewhere at my living room. i was scared because i dont want to see those that should not be seen.