How can a grown man act so silly, especially your son??
United States
April 25, 2010 4:48am CST
To give u some background my youngest son is not speaking to me now for 3weeks, is not letting my grandson that i love dearly see me , comes by every day to feed his dogs & doesn't say a word to me.This morning i turned on the computer & there was an e-mail from him written at eight o'clock last night. He tells me my interior light is on in my jeep & it will run the battery down like i don't know that. Instead of coming to the door & telling me he sends me an e-mail that i didn't get till 6 hrs. later. I have to go out at 2 o'clock in the morn to check on it. I think it was ridiculous for him to send me an e-mail & he was right here at my house. I think he's acting like an a$$. What do y'all think?
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34 responses
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
25 Apr 10
I agree with you and I think he needs to grow up
Also why is he involving the Child, does he not know what harm he can do to the little one
No matter what differences the Adults have a child should never be put in the middle or denied to see any of the Adults involved
It is awful when a Child gets used as a Weapon I hate People doing that
Kick his stupid Butt and tell him to grow up
• United States
25 Apr 10
THANKS GABS, I THINK U ARE RIGHT ON HIM NEEDING TO GROW UP.i WOULD NOT FUSS W/HIM ON ACCOUNT OF RYAN TO START WITH. i DIDN'T WANT HIM TO SEE US BOTH SHOWING OUT ALTHO MY SON MADE UP FOR BOTH OF US. When he called me a very ugly name that i never in aq million years would have thought he would have done i ask him to leave. I don't like to see people use their children as pawns. Thanks for your response.
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@bunnybon7 (50973)
• Holiday, Florida
25 Apr 10

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• United States
25 Apr 10
I think it sounds like they both need to grow up. Your daughter know u will come around on account of your grandson. I haven't seen mine & it's breaking my heart.
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@chertsy (3798)
• United States
30 Apr 10
I think you did the right thing by kicking him out on his rear. He is acting like the age of his own child, even worse when he called you the ugly name. That's disrespectful of him. My brother has said some disrespectful things to my mom that she will let slide by and then there are some she won't. I think that was rude, and very childish of him to email you something that is so simple as walking up to your front door and letting you know. You can be the better man, and start the process of communications by letting him know that what he said was hurtful and disrespectful. He is being selfish by keeping your grandson away from you. That he's not only hurting you in the process, but he's also hurting his son. If he keeps this up, his son will be hurt by this. Hopefully, your grandson didn't witness the name calling from your son.
Bless your heart.
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• United States
30 Apr 10
U are very kind, thank u for your response. I did ask him to leave because i had tried everything not to have a fight w/him in front of my grandson. I had walked outside trying to get away from his anger so he called me the ugly name outside & hopefully my grandson didn't hear him. That was my main objective to not fight in front of him. I read on facebook where ryan had his first t-ball game. I have never missed going to any games he is playing but didn't know he was having his first game. He had ask me awhile back if i was coming to his t-ball games & of course i told him yes. I thought it was very ugly for my son to not let me know he had a a game. I bet little ryan wondered where his BOBO WAS. IT'S ALL VERY HURTFUL TO ME THAT THEY ARE KEEPING HIM AWAY FROM ME. Have a great weekend & thanks again.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
25 Apr 10
It is sad to hear that your son is fighting a silent war with you. It is always the case of adult children who can't see eye to eye with their parents. They withdraw to their childish behavior and wouldn't want to compromise with the elders. The breakdown of communication between mother and son is unhealthy and your son being junior should break the ice and come back to normalcy. What you can do Lady is to pray for him. May the good Lord touches his heart and make him realize his mistakes.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response , Zandi. As always u are very wise. I am praying for both of every day. He has never gone this long w/out seeing or talking to me. I have been living w/my oldest son doing that for nearly 2 years. IOt is very heartbreaking to me. Hope ur sunday is going well.
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@GardenGerty (162464)
• United States
26 Apr 10
What is that Irish blessing--"May the good Lord turn his heart, and if not that may He turn his ankle" That was very inconsiderate. Why couldn't he just take care of the light problem, and then e mail you that he had done so. That would have been a good out for his tacky behavior and name calling. I am glad the battery did not totally drain.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Thanks GG, I LOVED THAT BLESSING, lol. He couldn't get in the car because it was locked but he could have knocked on the door. I'm afraid he is hardheaded like his mom. The name calling is what really got to me. I don't think he had a right to do that. I'm glad it didn't drain my battery to after so many hours of being on. I would have been tempted to whipped him if it had.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Hi Antique,
Your son is being very childish. I think sometimes our kids even when they are grown tend to treat us in ways that they would never ever treat anyone else. I know mine did. Once my daughters were grown, they were very quick to let me know that they were grown up now and did not need me telling them what to do or giving unsolicited advice. I agreed and I stopped being "mommy". By that, I mean I stopped playing that role(to a point, of course). We were now both equals. In your case for example, I would think of how I would react if say it were my friend and not my son treating me like that. You have his dogs at your house? I would tell him, "It hurts me each day that you come here and give me the cold shoulder. Feeling as you do, I think it is only fair that you find another place to keep your dogs." I know it sounds cold but it really works. I think as hard as it is for us to let go when our kids get of age, the kids also have a hard time looking at us as ordinary people. We are the ones that have always loved them unconditionally and put up with whatever crap they dish out and we still love them. I think they take that unconditional love for granted maybe without even realizing it. As for your grandson, he is hurting him as well. You have a right to see him. I would point that out to him as well. If he doesn't come around then tell him that you'll see him in court. You have a legal right to see your grandson. Why? Because the courts recognize the importance of a grandparent in the child's life. I know you don't want to go against your son but this is for your grandson. not just so you can see him but so that he can see YOU! It is unfair of your son to interfere in that. Sorry this is long but I have grandchildren and if my daughter tried to keep them from me just because she was upset with me for something ridiculous, I'd pull out all stops. My grandchildren love coming to my house and they'd be devestated if their parents put them in the middle of something that had nothing to do with them and prevented me from seeing them.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Oh Antique,
I'm sure that you were/are a great mother. Your son is just being a grownup child. E-mailing you about your car lights? come on now. Who does that? He could have knocked on the door, gotten your keys and shut them off for you. He is in pout mode. You should call his house and ask to speak to Ryan and just tell Ryan how much you miss him and catch up on what is going on in his life. Don't ask your son for permission to talk to Ryan. Just ask to speak to Ryan. You have every right.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Thanks so much for your sweet response & all the wisdom u wrote about. I enjoyed reading it & please don't apologize for it's length. U are so right aboutkids thinking they are so grown. I taught my sons to be independant , i think i overdid it, lol. he is not being fair to ryan or i . I just worshil that little boy & my son knows this. I keep thinking back since this has happened to one sat.when we were coming home from ryan's game & my son said to me he was going to run sone errands & let ryan stay w/me. I looked back at ryan & he was grinning like a monkey & he said to me, aren't u proud bobo that i can stay w/u. I sure was. I really thought i was a good mother to my boys but undoubtedly they don't either one agree. Thanks again for your response, i can certainly relate to everything u said.Have a great monday.
• United States
26 Apr 10
Thanks sid, i sure thought i had been a good one but am doubting myself now. I do miss him & ryan very much. Hope u have a good one.

@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
26 Apr 10
Hugs aunty, and yes he is acting like an a$s. You've still got his mad dogs there I see. He needs a good talking too and Ryan must be missing you. Don't let your son spoil things with Ryan - why not send him an email saying you need to talk to him about him removing the dogs and he might come round and apologize. Possibly.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Hi THea, I miss u to. U know how i feel about ryan & i miss seeing him terribly. my son knows how i feel about ryan & i think it's very mean of him to not let me see him. He could bring ryan & drop him off to visit if he didn't want to come. Hope u & theo are doing well. believe me, i'm past wanting those dogs here. Didn't really want them to start with. Good to hear from u. U need to do that more often. hugs. aunty
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
25 Apr 10
Sweetie, your his mother. Go to him, take him by his ear and give him a very good hiding he won't ever forget. He needs to remember that a mother has to be loved and respected, no matter what. If you need any help call me. TATA.
• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response & i appreciate your offer, lol. Hope u have a good sunday.
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@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Your son sounds like my stepson and also my future son n law! ahhh 2 in the family!!! My brother n law is not speaking to us, over 2 years now and it was in no way our fault and he is in his 50's! (he is mad at his brother for the way their parents wrote their will!!!!)
I raised my step son from the time he was 3 years old, full custody with no visitations. When he moved out he was mad at us (simply because we told him NO!) It was over 10 years before he started speaking to us. I can remember him being at our neighbors and no way would he come see us. It bothered me more then his dad. Must be the mom part in me. The only advice I can give you is hang in there and pray!!! Sorry he is involving the child.
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@Christmas2006 (1661)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Right now he has to be nice to me!!! He is living in my parents house and not paying rent! Also I GAVE him money so he could move down here, never asked him to pay it back. But he can hold a grudge, always has his whole life. Thinks everyone is out to get him ALL the time!!! Of course, everything that happens is always someone elses fault, never his no matter what it is.
I wish your daughter n law would step in and tell your son he's wrong or does she side with him?
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Families can sure get in a mess. seems like mine is for sure. I'm sorry your stepson treats u that way. As for getting a sil like that u have my sympathy. 10 yearts is a long time for him to carry a grudge. It hasn't been near that long w/my sons & it bothers me alot. As for not getting to see my grandchildren i think they both need their a$$es kicked for that. That is just cruelness. Thanks for responding. Hope your monday goes well.
• United States
26 Apr 10
U are very kind to let him be living there rent free. Sometimes i wonder if u can just be too good to them especially when they treat u so ugly. It bothers me so bad that my sons are acting the way they are.I feel if i have failed w/them somehow . They have been my whole life & i just don't understand them acting the way they are. I hope your stepson appreciates what u are doing for him.

@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
26 Apr 10
I read through the whole discussion and one thing that struck me badly is how anyone call his/her mother ugly names??
Rest part I think, though silly, may have some positive implications. It's not easy to accept your mistake, and maybe that prompted him to do so...
I would have thought of and talked more for him, but presently I myself am in bad state. Pray I don't behave like that ever..calling names etc.. I'm not sure

• United States
27 Apr 10
I am sorry things are bad for u. I hope they improve soon. It is very hurtful to be called ugly names like that especially by your child. U take care.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Thanks for your response, dawn. I guess we can all act like that sometime but i never expected him to.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
it is very hurtful, dawn. i worship his little boy & he knows that.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
27 Apr 10
that is really not a good action my friend. being a mother, even how grave the reason for you to talk, i don't see it is good to not let you inform about the lights by the time he discovers it. i guess it's just a knock on the door and hey, check your jeep for god sake. or he could just have texted you. text messages comes faster than an email for one to notice it. sometimes, i do that to my wife or my step-daughter when i don't want to talk with them, i just send them text message.
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• United States
27 Apr 10
Good morning neil, thanks for your response.I think he could have told me while he was hear feeding his dogs. I don't text but he had his cell phone w/him i know because he is addicted to it & he could have called & told me. My computer was not even own when he sent the e-mail. There is not a good excuse for him acting like he did. Hope u have a great day. jo
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• United States
27 Apr 10
Thanks Jen. I know u are busy. It's all in my responses if u have got time to read the whole discussion. Have a good one.
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@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
26 Apr 10
Maybe it's the fact that I'm a 28 year old male, but something tells me that you aren't telling us the whole story. From what I hear, it seems like he doesn't want to talk to you. It seems like you've done something, or there has been a conflict between you two that has made him not want to talk to you. Like, you've made him upset, and in a common male fashion, he's decided to lock up the problem, and just not talk to you. You want to resolve that? Do something nice for him, get him something he likes, or make him cookies, or something along those lines, and ask him why he hasn't been talking to you. I bet it's something that both of you could easily get past, so that you two can be a bit closer again, and after enough time of talking, listening, and understanding, you two will be very close, letting you see him and your grandson as often as you'd like. Just calling him an a$$ isn't going to fix the problem, you have to confront him to find out why he's doing it, and show him that you welcome him into your heart.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
or your response, Chris. U are the same age has my son. Hope u don't cop an attitude w/your mom & call her ugly names. If u have read all i have said on here thereis nothing else to tell. I have comforted him all his life, raised him by myself etc. but he will show me respect because that's what u are suppose to do w/your parents. I feel time about is fair play & i don't feel like he was in the right to call me a F------ BIT*CH. hAVE A GOOD ONE.
@Christoph56 (1504)
• Canada
26 Apr 10
There's nothing else to tell? He must have his own reasons for not wanting to talk to you and calling you names. Can you think of what those reasons he has could be? You have to be open and understanding of people, willing to listen to them, and show your support. If he called you that awful name, then he must have his own reasons for doing it. You have to find out what that is, and amend those problems.
Me and my Mom are very close. We talk almost everyday for about an hour, and we regularly go and visit eachother. I'm actually going out to her city this weekend to hang out with her and help her with a few things, and then she's coming out to my city for a bit of a vacation. This is because we're very open with eachother, and we want to do our best for eachother. Would you like to have the same? Then be more understanding of him, and he'll be more willing to do the same for you.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
27 Apr 10
I think he's being very childish, myself. Some people are like this, though. My oldest sister is 71 years old and she gets this way when she gets mad at me. It really hurts me, too. I always feel so much better when we're back on speaking terms again. I just hope you can work something out between you and your son. I know you really miss seeing your little grandson. Kathy.
• United States
27 Apr 10
Good morning Kathy, I'm sorry your sister treats u like that. Family members can be so hurtful to each other. She should be counting her blessings that she has a sister. I wish i still had mine. I do miss my grandson sooooo much. I think all my friends on here know how much i love that little boy, my son knows to & that's another hurt he's causing. U have a great tuesday. hugs. jo
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• United States
30 Apr 10
She needs to appreciate having a sister & quit acting childish.
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@cowboyofhell (3063)
• Philippines
30 Apr 10
Well, he's not the only man who acts that way. There are THOUSANDS like him. Beware though, because these guys always win in court. They have an influential lawyer. 

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• United States
30 Apr 10
Thanks for responding. U can't tell me much about men i have known they can be a$$es for a long time. Go to court? who said anything about going to court?
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
6 Jun 10
I hope you two have gotten back on good terms. I think that was totally rediculous what he did. It would have been nothing for him to tell you right away - even a phone call if he didn't want to tell you in person.
Family's important so please try to fix whatever is wrong if you are still having problems with your son. Good Luck!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
7 Jun 10
That's great that you have mended your relationship a bit. I think it's best if you do swallow the hurt, it's in the past, hopefully it wont happen again!
• United States
7 Jun 10
HELLO, tHANKS FOR YOUR RESPONSE. We are back speaking, but the hurt will be there forever buti don't let on. Have a good one.
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• United States
25 Apr 10
Thanks for your response, Elic. HOPE your sunday has gone to suit u.
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@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
What started this attitude?
I know that feeling, I think when the moon comes up the wrong way their 'crazy' levels just go up and do something stupid.
I think those were one of your son's days.
It's absolutely stupid for him to email you about that. I'd probably email him too stating, you're dog are puking blood - now let's see how he reacts.
Anyway, I think it's just best to let him be. People like that don't deserve the attention.
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• United States
30 Apr 10
Thank, iagree. I have been ready for those dogs to be gone a long time.I didn't really want them here to start with.

• United States
26 Apr 10
Good morning, it started over me asking to take my grandson to an easter egg hunt & he wouldn't let me. I got my feelings hurt when he said no because i'm never allowed to carry him anywhere. I worshipped my grandparents & i want my grandson to have good memories of me like i do mine. They seem to be selfish w/him. I cried about it & that made my son mad & he ended up calling me a very ugly name, end of story. He may be mad at me but i thought it tacky that he didn't tell me about my inside lights being on. That is nothing but bullheadedness & hatefulness. Thanks for responding. Happy days to u.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
26 Apr 10
My grown daughter is acting like that to me too. I had been going to spend the nite at her house for the last several weeks. Going to their church on sundays, sometimes to mine. Suddenly she calls me last friday evening and says why dont you come tonight instead of tomarrow. I started questioning why. She ended up telling me she didnt want me going to church with them and it turned out bing a full blown thing. Im really hurt by her now. I would never tell her to stay away from my church. I just dont know where all that suddenly came from.
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• United States
26 Apr 10
I'm very sorry your daughter has hurt u this way. I can certainly relate to being hurt by your children. I can't imagine why she wouldn't want u to go to church w/her for any reason. I hope things get better & u get an explanation as to why she is acting like this. Have a good one.

@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 10
He is a man and he does not know what to do or how to make things right. I would have emailed him back and thanked him and in my email would have said how much you miss seeing him and Ryan.
Yes, he was ridiculous and did act like an a$$ but he is a man. This is some times how they behave. But it would be a beginning to heal the rift. This rift has to heal Jo, somehow. I know that you are deeply hurt by what he said but he is your son so forgive him. He has made a move so now you make the second move. The longer the rift goes on will it be the longer to heal. Please don't be upset with me but this is what I think. Many blessings
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• United States
26 Apr 10
Cynthi, u know i always respect your opinion & would never get upset w/u for expressing it. U are not being a maverick at all. I didn't write this discussion to get sympathy . It is just something that has been weighing on my mind for awhile. I did e-mail him & thank him but i was ugly & signed it w/the name he called me. I know u wouldn't have done something like that but i'm not as nice as u are & was hurt terribly when he called me just an ugly name. He knows how much i love him & love ryan. I have shown him love all his life just like i did my oldest son. I messed up some way it seems on being what i thought was being a good mom. hugs, jo
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 10
I looked and read some of the other responses and I appear to be the maverick in my response! I just want you and your son to be good friends again and for you to see Ryan.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 May 10
I am astounded and profusely disappointed in the behavior of my adult children. I know how I raised them and this is NOT it! So, I say to everyone (somewhat in jest: Do not have adult children!). I am deeply saddened by my children's behavior toward me and it pains me to know that they "have gone the way of the world" re disrespect and rudeness, not just to me, but to many of their elders. Additionally, they give me little help and spiritual support. And, worst of all, as you have alluded to, my daughter uses my granddaughter as her tool and will threaten me with not seeing her if I believe things she doesn't like. If I want to speak with one of my daughters about personal and financial matters, she "instructs" me to put a note in her mailbox! Just another sign that we are a culture in decay. I'm sure I hurt my parents in several ways, but would never have thought of speaking to them the way my children speak to me. I realize that the "entertainment" they watch gives vent to the awful language and attitudes they have now chosen to espouse, but, it's more than just a "sign of the times"; it's just evil. And, the ingratitude of it all amazes me.
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• United States
2 May 10
I am very sorry ur children treat u that way. I can certainly relate to what u are saying, seems we are in the sameboat. U expressed my sentiments exactly. Minr were raised to act like they are either. Hope u have a good sunday, Thanks for your response.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
2 May 10
Bless you and many thanks for this discussion and for your understanding! We'll just have to trust our "grown" children to God, and keep on praying. I wish you the best in all your endeavors, especially the family ones.
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