she sits idly by
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
April 25, 2010 5:02pm CST
Hasn't ANYONE noticed that, while America is being rent asunder UNCONSTITUTIONALLY by two disbarred lawyer America-haters, not a peep is heard from her as she sits idly by.....?????
BFF Michelle Robinson "Obama", ("America is a MEAN country") while living off the "fat of the land" with $300,000 in salary thrown her way for nefarious reasons as both she and BHO are very well criminally connected. ("My husband's home country is Kenya", 8/08 and currently on youtube).
Barack "Hussein" Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Steve Dunham, etc. and 39 Social Security numbers to his name, the current one in use registered in CT, where he never lived, to an elderly man, who may by now have expired, and who said there were 57 States in the US (of course he meant the 57 Arab states to which he owes allegiance. His bows to their dictators and very obvious crotch salutes to our flag should give a clue to the clueless).
Oh, yes, remember, too, she sat in that pew - the famous Reverend Wright church where none of them EVER heard anything incendiary?
This "mean" country, in its kindness and generosity, afforded her the opportunity to become one of its beneficiaries and one of the world's BIGGEST BILLIONAIRES. And, how does she repay such unmerited favor - of course- by using her considerable weight (and I speak figuratively here, folks) to sway an unconstitutional, illegal "election" by urging the uninformed, unthinking, and gullible masses to vote early and often for a man about whom they knew NOTHING except for his radical, criminal connections. Odd then, and even more ODD now, as he keeps hiding his true identity at a cost of $2 million of our hard earned tax dollars.
This is a woman who fancies herself a "source of all knowledge and correctness", an arbiter and judge, a spiritual guru, a power and force to be reckoned with, as in "Don't you know who I am?" to a French haute coutiere store in Paris that refused to open just for her after-hours, or by humiliating and totally dressing down and taking to task one of her book club authors who used "license" in fabricating some of his material. Yet, an imposter sits in the office of "leader of the free world" and she "seems" not to notice.
She is "queen" of conspicuous consumption as she shares her "favorite things", in part, to buy herself enthusiastic audiences. Even her audiences knew that she had "political leanings".
So, what is her "payback" to this land of opportunity? To be a MAJOR PLAYER in the bloodless coup that has been engineered to decimate our country by foisting into office an unconstitutional America-hater, to be a member of the Bilderberg, euthanasia, rat-pack group including WORLD TRAITOR George Soros, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, and other NWO types. And, no doubt, more.
Et tu, Brute? Et tu, Oprah?
Why, she should be outraged at what's happening! Yet, she can't even FEIGN outrage! All of Congress, the Supreme Court, and elected officials know, all but the most ignorant of Americans know. And she should know so much more.
And, yet, she sits strangely, curiously, SILENTLY, quietly, IDLY by.....
I doubt that author Kitty Kelley would dare to tackle this issue, BUT, if even one scintilla of truth exists in her book re the lies and embellishment OW may have used to garner advantage and power, this might explain why she would be in league with fellow deceivers, the great imposter, traitor BO, and his evil wife, and her great sympathy for the deception, dishonesty, and darkness by which they live.
It would also reveal her great "Sympathy for the Devil".
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5 responses
@k15682 (300)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Epicure, that was quite a rant! The best part was "all but the most ignorant of Americans know", in other words those that don't agree with you are ignorant. I think NOT. For future reference, President Obama has proven his "true identity", those that have such hate and discontent for him as President fail to recognize it. I am not even going to respond to the law license bit since it will take 5 minutes of research on a legitimate site to figure out niether one was disbarred. Out of curiosity, what makes him a traitor? This should be good!
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
26 Apr 10
k15682, Sorry if you personalized a general statement. Ignorance means "in darkness" and uninformed. And that is truly the case re the usurper in the WH. As most of the universe knows, he has kept his vital records sealed at millions in taxpayer cost, hence darkness and ignorance. Usurper Obama has NOT "proven" anything about "true" ANYTHING. He has, in fact, kept any and all possible information about himself under seal.
All he has "proven" about himself is that he is a liar on so many parameters, starting with his claim of "transparency"; you must know that keeping people from seeing vital records is the opposite of "transparent". Along that line, trying to pretend his illegitimacy is contingent on his birth certificate is another smokescreen to hide the truth. His own statements that he was a British subject at birth ( all Kenyans were at that time), thus making him ineligible as a dual-national, and dear wife's 8/2008 statements (on youtube currently) "My husband's home country is Kenya", along with the 3/25/10 statements by the Kenyan Minister of Lands that he is a native Kenyan, AND COUNTLESS ARTICLES IN NEWSPAPERS AND EVEN AN INDONESIAN ONLINE NEWSPAPER, show him to be a LIAR.
Knowing full well that the first Constitutional requirement that MUST be met in order to be eligible for the office of president is that one be 'NATURAL BORN', meaning the son of TWO US CITIZENS (AND NEVER A DUAL-NATIONAL).His father was NEVER a US citizen, but a Kenyan, here only on a foreign student visa. Citizenship is traced through the father; a dual national can NEVER be legally, Constitutionally president in this country. BHO, who is touted as a "Constitutional scholar"(!) would certainly know this fact - ART. II, Sect. 1, Clause 5 of the Constitution and Vattel's LAWS OF NATIONS, also quoted directly in the Constitution. Place of birth is secondary and does not supercede point one.
But, it's even worse than that; BHO became an Indonesian citizen at adoption by Lolo Soetoro. You could not have American citizenship as an Indonesian at that time, nor travel to Pakistan on an American passport. So, basically, he entered this country as an illegal alien, which Lt. Quarles Harris, Jr. would have testified to, if he had not been conveniently murdered, 4/08.
O's only real "claim" to citizenship of any kind in this country came about through his marriage to Michelle Robinson.
Both were disbarred before he usurped office in the WH. He should never have gotten a license in the first instance for failure to declare his many aliases (even an insurance agent has to do this and it even needs to be on his stationery), not to mention his identity theft of some 39 Social Security numbers.
Oh, dear, it's good, but really, IT'S SO BAD!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
26 Apr 10
There's more to the Constitution than Article II, Section 1. There's also the 14th. Amendment, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4 which brought about Title 8 of the U.S. Code.
[i]Who is a natural-born citizen? Who, in other words, is a citizen at birth, such that that person can be a President someday?
The 14th Amendment defines citizenship this way: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside." But even this does not get specific enough. As usual, the Constitution provides the framework for the law, but it is the law that fills in the gaps. The Constitution authorizes the Congress to do create clarifying legislation in Section 5 of the 14th Amendment; the Constitution, in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4, also allows the Congress to create law regarding naturalization, which includes citizenship.
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in the gaps left by the Constitution. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"
•Anyone born inside the United States *
•Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
•Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
•Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
•Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
•Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
•Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
•A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
* There is an exception in the law — the person must be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision.
Anyone falling into these categories is considered natural-born, and is eligible to run for President or Vice President. These provisions allow the children of military families to be considered natural-born, for example.[/i] :

@laglen (19759)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Epicure, I understand your frustration, I feel it too. Regarding the big O, she always said she had no desire to get embroiled in politics. So evidently, she will just tell her lemmings how to vote then step out. Can you blame her? She is a Diva and does not want to lose credibility. But she HAD to support the black candidate for President so that the race card could be put into play.
How about Colin Powell? I would have supported him for President years ago when he considered. He was always very conservative. But now he supports this guy? WTF? I think this will be somewhat interesting watching O's stink to come to the surface. Like you said, this "mean" country is why she is so stinkin filthy rich!

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Laglen, Thank you so much for understanding. I believe your observations to be totally correct, but, not just because we are in agreement, because of the wisdom, discernment and love of truth involved. Too many people, not just on My Lot, think this is about personalities, but it's about principles. It's about the spirit behind what we see in the natural. Maybe my words fail to convey this accurately.
I 100% agree with you re Colin Powell. You are so right, bull's eye accurate. I, too, would have wholeheartedly supported him then, but, now that he's shown his true colors, no pun or aspersions intended, NO WAY.
I'm also disappointed in Michael Steele; I really trusted he'd make a difference and take a stand against all this evil and "politics as usual". What happened?; I haven't followed TV news at all because it makes me sick.
I know by your writing that you are a true thinker, and you know none of us who try to support justice and truth wants to excoriate people, just corruption. It must be revealed and removed post haste.
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@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Apr 10
anniepa, jb7800, et. al. please refer to my response to k15682.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Apr 10
ttccww, You are most certainly entitled to your opinion. However, there is no misinformation. Facts, including Ms. Obama's testimony as to Kenya as her husband's homeland are readily available on youtube; this was a speech she gave 8/08.
@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
28 Apr 10
I actually could not care less where he and or she are from.
We have for the first time in my lifetime a president who has not only read the constitution but understands that it is about individuals and not any company that gave him huge donation's because his average donation was $25.00.
He has done more for the individual then the last four presidents put together and he has not even hit his second year.
Now, I am extremely conservative, that said, I look at voting records not what people say on the stump so the only conservatives that I am able to vote for are the one's that have been run out of the republican party and now pass themselves off as democrats.
I will say that I think this president has been too conservatitive on certain issues but so far he has an A- in my book even though he caved to the insurance company's on healt care I still think we have moved forward instead of back ward.
If we have to go to Kenya to get good presidents maybe we could find some senators and representatives and fly them in, god knows we need some.