who thinks parents are strict?

@amelly (1554)
April 26, 2010 1:43am CST
my parents are so strict expecially when it comes to who i'm friend with.it is kind of stressing sometimes.it is like they wanted to know everything!!i got to keep all my stuff or they will have a look at it even my pendrive.sometimes i wish they would be more sporting n undersatnd me more..so stressful..
4 responses
@zzyw87 (1254)
• Philippines
30 Apr 10
My parents are sometimes like that too, especially my mom. She always wants to know every detail when I am going out. She wants to know where, who I am with, what I am going to do there, what time I will go home, etc. In the past, she even told me to call or text her every hour. Thank goodness she does not ask me all these questions anymore. I guess it is just because she is protective and afraid that something bad might happen to me. Love sometimes makes people paranoid. I guess this is especially true for parents.
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 10
ya..but since few months ago.she stop asking me such questions.i think maybe because i'm already 17 and i actually do ask her permission before we went out and i do share with her few stuff.not secrets but some stuff bout future and problems
@umadper (947)
• India
26 Apr 10
hi,This the question comes in every body's life.when we were children,we felt that our parents are strict ..like wise in others case also..actually at that time we didn't know the meaning of actually what is strict and what is guidance..
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 10
every parents love their child.i do think parents never change the way they treat us since we are baby but it's just that we do grow up and start to have our own way to think..surely they will guide us most of the times but at times i do hope they will have faith on their children..
@raynejasper (2322)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
..hi.. parents always desire the best for their children and they only want the best for us.. however, parents sometimes forget that we have to learn how to be independent also.. they have to understand that we have to right to choose our friends and decide for our self.. maybe, on your part, you try to explain to them that you feel bad about what they are doing.. but first, you have to assess why your parents dislike some of your friends.. maybe they have a valid reason for doing such.. be polite and respect them.. then show them that you are old enough to understand right from wrong.. remind them that they have also been into your shoes that they were once teens and there are things that they want to do by themselves in order to learn just as you like to learn also..
@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
30 Apr 10
ya..i do thinks that they are paranoid about our safety to protect us.no parents want their child to be harm or in any danger situation. of course they will be curious right.my parents are like the normal parents...it just that they loved us..that's why they do it
• India
26 Apr 10
most kids whose parents hit them.just let their parents hit them.they do not want to talk about or say something back because they will be hit again the sutution is not strong enough for calling the police but violence is regular depending on certain kinds of the family faces.