Were you ever bullied?

@AmbiePam (96484)
United States
April 26, 2010 5:41am CST
The suicide of the teenage Phoebe Prince has made headlines all over the United States. And the prosecution of the people who bullied her has made the story even more dramatic. Schools are cracking down on the bullying, which has to be a good thing. Have you ever been bullied? I was a smart kid (not a genius or anything), and I got teased all the time for it. I was also tall, and I got taunted for that. But I was never physically threatened, and if I had chosen to, I could have actually hurt the people who were taunting me (but I wouldn't want to). Of course when I was a teenager, being tall turned into a cool thing, and being smart caused me more good than anything else. I can't imagine being bullied to the extent that I wanted to kill myself (I had other reasons that made me think about suicide, but bullying wasn't one of them). I also can't imagine ever bullying another person. Were you bullied in school? You never know, some people can be bullied in the workplace. Has that happened to you? Or, were you a bully yourself, and now you regret it?
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35 responses
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
27 Apr 10
Hi AmbiePam. I was bullied and bullied other ones too. I got picked on because I am a quiet person. Thus in order to protect myself I used to pick on others. I have learned that school playgrounds can be a jungle especially in a boys secondary school. So I had to stand up for myself and not let others make fun of me. Usually I used to hit back and fight those who bullied me. I think the greatest help I received was from my few classmates, a few of them we have remained friends even after our post secondary schooling.
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@amelly (1554)
• Malaysia
27 Apr 10
nope..and i not one of the bully or i never ever wanted to bully others..it is really traumatic to those who experiences it and i know it is really horrible.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
27 Apr 10
Hi Amber! I was bullied when I was in Junior High School and it was awful! I was threatened that I was going to be beaten up and was terrified! I was not a popular kid and kind of awkward and I guess not very pretty. I had a tough time and by the time I got to High School I had aligned myself with the "bullys" so they could protect me! It was a very miserable school life for me! I hated my school life and made friends with people from other schools instead! Where I went to school there were the "popular people", the cheerleaders, the smart ones etc! Then there were the "football players" who were the "greasers", the not so smart, but, not to be messed with and they were my friends!lol And then there were the "hippies", yup me! We fit in to wherever, but not the popular group! This was my high school years! They were better than the junior high because I was friends with the "greasers" so I was safe! School sucked for me! I swore that I would never let anyone pick on me again and I still haven't! I became a force to be reckoned with!
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 10
I was not bullied at school. My friends were very supportive and it was a girl's only school so maybe this helped. We really were close friends and I am sure that a little bit of cattiness went on but not noticeably. Actually, I am bullied now by my boss. I have reached retirement age and so he could easily dismiss me but because I need to work for a few more years to finish pay for my mortgage and car I have to take his screaming and abuse. Does it affect me? Oh yes. I have shed tears of blood. And because he actually fragments me I then make worse mistakes or don't retrieve the info quickly enough for him. through his bullying I have developed fibrillation - in addition to my cardio problems that is literally caused by stress. That poor beautiful little girl - I did see it on cable and did pray for her.
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
26 Apr 10
Could you file a complaint of harrassment against him?
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
26 Apr 10
No I can't - not in this country. and this would be a sure way for him to fire me. He hasn't fired me as yet because the other owners think that I do a good job - although he has tried secretly with the management committee to do so. I should be retired therefore I have no rights re job. I just have to hold on.
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@RachelleNH (1396)
• United States
27 Apr 10
I read about that-very sad... I guess you could say I sort of got bullied...to a small extent. More or less made fun of is more the word. I was what they called gothic in HS and some of the kids I hung around with were very different members of society I got shoved into fences, money thrown at me and growled at a lot..besides lots of people yelling "freak" at me. Now my daughter on the other hand-who's in middle school-has it rougher than I did..yesterday this kid shoved her off the bus and she's all bruised and bloody..she's afraid to tell anyone-so I'm going to intervene before it gets out of hand.
• United States
27 Apr 10
Already done...a simple call to the school-there's a lady there that they're all scared of..she keeps them in line if they step out. My daughter usually tells me everything and she told me right away yesterday. I remember how bad those years can be-I dropped out at one point-it got to the point that I didn't even want to go to school. Kids can be so mean-where does it come from?!
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@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
There are bullies everywhere, especially at schools. I think schools should have very strong policies regarding bullying. This should not be tolerated. The fact that this thing continues to exist only means that nothing is done about this. Why? Because teachers and parents always say that "kids are kids, and they will always behave like kids" or "boys are boys" etc. They fail to see early signs of bullying and they seem to look at bullying as a normal thing.
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2 Nov 10
I was called names, which to be honest used to get on my nerves and I was very aggressive when I was younger. I tended to play the protective brother role despite being the youngest and I often got into fights with people who bullied my brother, which made people more aware not to bother me. In senior school I had people who tried, although again they quickly learned not bother me. When I noticed bullying I also tended to get involved as I dislike it because of what happened to my brother, I had younger friends who had trouble and it's not very nice. Luckily I was stubborn and often knew how to give what I got, bullies don't like people who like to go back at them and I've always known this despite truthfully not liking to fight. I think when I saw my brother at a young age being bullied I decided it wouldn't happen to me, so I didn't experience bullying as such.
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26 Apr 10
i was bullied in school for being very petite and because i was adopted and it did really affect me untill i was half way through senior school and i fought back and unfortunatly turned into the bully for a while and went totally off the rails, i did however sort my problems out and made peace with the people concerned, so i have experianced both sides of being bullied and being the bully which has given me life experiance to deal with different situations as an adult as i was also bullied at my workplace, but handled it in a way that was best from past experiances. now i have children, my eldest son is being bullied at school, and i am making sure that it gets sorted out properly and not dismissed as ''boys being boys''
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
26 Apr 10
You've really turned a horrible experience as a child into a good thing, which has to be hard to do. And you have mentioned something that is often overlooked. People DO often dismiss some situations as "boys being boys". And that is a dangerous thing to do.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I've been bullied when I was in high school. It was only on college that I learned to love myself more and became accepted. Usually I would cut classes just to get away from the mockery and my safest place would be the adoration chapel. Those worst experiences still affect my life decisions until now. I also came to the point where I have attempted to kill myself. Thank God He helped me surpassed them all. That was particularly one of the reasons why I have decided to become a teacher because I want to eliminate those bad school guys. Each people whatever their age deserves respect.
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
27 Apr 10
That's definitely a worthy reason.
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• United States
29 Apr 10
From time to time I had to deal with cruel people in school, but I wouldn't say I was ever bullied. An advantage I had was the love of my family, to the point that I didn't much care what those outside the family thought of me, and if they said anything about me I never heard it. I also knew that those who might try to bully or were verbally cruel probably had poor self-images of themselves, so they were of little consequence to me. They simply weren't worth wasting my time or feelings. Of course I grew up in a different era. Today it seems the young people are much more cruel than my generation was. Also, we didn't have cell phones and blogs that spread the cruelty more quickly. I imagine it's much more difficult to endure the cruel tactics of bullies now than when I was a teenager.
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@gracie04 (4549)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Aww, that's sad to hear. yes, i have been bullied when i was in highschool. i was fat before and my former classmates were teasing me and giving me names like biggie, giant, fattie, etc... it did hurt my feelings but i didn't let it affect my life. instead, it motivated me to lose weight. i took aerobics classes and limit myself from eating fast foods. i limit myself from eating too much carbs as well and increased fiber intake (oatmeal, pineapple, etc)... after 6 months, i saw a great change in my body. i have decided to continue what i have started for the next couple of months and my former batchmates were surprised to see the new me. now, i can wear tight fitted tops and bottoms without worrying what people would say about me. in spite of the change happened to me, i am still hoping that schools and even offices would implement a law regarding bullying. people would do that should be punished so they wouldn't do it next time.
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
26 Apr 10
I admire you for making the best of the situation.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
27 Apr 10
Bullying scares me so much! My daughter is in third grade and so far so good but I always worry about bullying. It is an awfully sad way to go through school and my heart goes out to kids that are going through this. I came to school unable to speak English and, although it was tough I was fortunate enough not to be picked on. I have never bullied anyone except once I threw another’s girl dictionary in the bin because I was mad at her. It was a mean thing to do and I still feel guilty to this day that I did that and acted so nasty toward her! I heard on a current affair program a while ago about a young woman who at the age of fourteen or fifteen jumped off the school roof in order to end her life because she could not cope with the constant bullying she had been enduring for years. She jumped and yet lived but she will be in a wheel chair for the rest of her life. She now travels from school to school and talks to the kids about bullying and what can be done to prevent tragedies like hers and the ones who did not survive the torture. It is so sad...
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
27 Apr 10
People just don't think of the impact their words have on others.
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@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
2 Nov 10
I could distinctly remember being bullied at school. I think I was in grade school. That was a time where being big and loud meant you could push other kids around and ask for their lunch money. I remember a few times where I had to fork out a few quarters. And back then I didn't know the difference. I didn't know I could actually stand up to these bullies and cause more trouble for them. I also couldn't imagine myself being bullied to the point of wanting to kill myself. I guess it never crossed my mind back then. It is sad that there are people like these nowadays. Even sadder that some don't have enough self-confidence, and kill themselves.
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@hofferp (4734)
• United States
26 Apr 10
I was never bullied in school. I think the reason is we were in a small school system and every body knew every body. AND my brother was very popular and very big and would have kicked the sh*t out of anyone who messed with me.
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@AmbiePam (96484)
• United States
26 Apr 10
I always wanted a big brother. I thought he could protect me from people who picked on me. Then I thought hard about it. I already had an older sister. With all the trouble she gave me, I probably wouldn't have done well with an older brother either.
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
26 Apr 10
My older brother and I hung out together all the time in high school and college. It was neat having him around. I never got "harassed" or messed with. I also got to go to all his parties, as well as my own. We didn't let my younger sisters join us...they were always pi**ed.
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• United States
27 Apr 10
That was such a sad, tragic thing to happen & i hope they do punish everyone of them that bullied her. The very idea that young people could be that mean. I never was bullied much as a child because i would fight back if they started something like that & i would always take up for anyone that was being bullied.I hated that. The only person that ever bullied me was my ex & noone that knew me could believe i put up w'him as long as i did. I couldn't either. Hppy tuesday to u, Ambie.
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@hmkoct5 (2065)
• United States
27 Apr 10
I don't remember being bullied in grade school. I also didn't bully anybody. I tried very hard to be friends with everyone. I do remember getting bullied in high school by a girl named Katy. She liked my boyfriend and wanted us to break up. She would say horrible things about me and try to get people to hate me. She never threatened me physically though. I tried my best to ignore her, which wasn't always easy. It wasn't that bad, though. Just a little bit of bullying. It is terribly sad what seems to be happening to teens nowadays.
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• United States
27 Apr 10
People tried to bully me in school, but I learned early on that I had a secret weapon - fingernails and one heck of an uppercut! Didn't hurt to have an older brother for a couple of years, but since he was six years older, we seldom went to the same school. I think the worst mistakes ever made by parents were giving any device such as cell phones, computers (for anything other than homework), or any other item that children (who often have little if any conscience) can use to anonymously destroy another child's life or announce their sexuality all over the Internet and every cell phone. I'm one of the few that does not think having a phone to use 24/7 is a safety factor for most children. So far all they've learned to do with the cell phone is send bad pictures, text during class time, talk to each other via text messaging while standing three feet apart and stop being reasonably caring and sociable.
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@p3ks626 (6538)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I feel sad for that girl. Those other kids who tried to bully her should do something about it. They cant give her life back but they can always go and comfort the family if its possible. I was bullied by only one classmate when I was in the second grade. He always made fun with me and always made me cry. My mother wondered every time she sees me crying and I told her there was one classmate who was bullying me. She tried to talk to my classmate to stop bullying me which he did. My nephew is very nice and he doesnt bully his classmates. He was the one being bullied. We always told him to fight back if the classmates starts to bully him buy he is not that kind of person. I hate bullies. I just that when I would have my own kids, students are not gonna bully them.
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@Kisha14 (117)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Oh the people who tried to bullied and hurt other are the once who are insecure. So why become affected if you know you are better than them?
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• United States
27 Apr 10
I have been bullied and teased for so many things that I have quite honestly lost count. I was teased/bullied from the age 5-16. After that I started fitting in better at school and really finding my way. Its hard being bullied for such a long period of time. It still things even today as I site here and type this. The pain hasn't left me, but it has taught me much strength. And that I am grateful for. I have come out of all my life situations with more knowledge and understanding. I also have always had a great support system at home, so that helped amidst the pain of being teased.
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