I was turned-off by Gordon's interview

April 26, 2010 7:11am CST
I was considering this guy as my president for the 2010 elections. Being a Marikena, I know that BF is my vice-president. So, when they teamed up, I took the time to study his platform and more importantly his suitability for the presidency. At first I liked his no-nonsense approach to everything. If he could do to the Philippines what he did to Subic, I would be a happy voter. But the thing that put me off was when I saw Karen Davila's interview of Richard Gordon. I did not like the way he answered the questions. It was always, "In America this ..." Sure, the US is a world power, but we just cannot follow what they do and hope it will work. He was so brash and arrogant. It really turned me off. The final straw was when he told Karen that he did not seek Bayani. He went to him. That did not sit well with me. I don't think he can unite the country. If he can say that of his running mate, then he is too high and mighty to be the president. He cannot be alone in this fight. Now I don't know whom to vote. What about you, do you think Gordon is too arrogant? Do you think he can lead the country to unity?
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18 responses
@jlamela (4897)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Even at the very start of his declaration to run as President I don't like him, I did not even vote for him when he run for senator much more for President.Of course he would admire America because he is an Amboy (American boy), he is always proud of his pedigree and comparing Philippines to marry is a fatal approach, I don't like him a bit. I think it doesn't matter what are his accomplishment in Subic, that's a big difference when you are leading a whole nation, it should talk about integrity and commitment to Philippine freedom and democracy and honesty to promote good governance. I am not impressed with him anyway.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
'big difference when you are leading a whole nation, it should talk about integrity and commitment to Philippine freedom and democracy and honesty to promote good governance' but if the person didn't do well in his back ground when he was just a congressman or senator, what good will that do if he didn't make it big in his own back yard
1 person likes this
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Unlike you, I thought that he and Bayani made a good team. They were both successful when they were heads of their respective cities. I just did not like the way he kept saying "in America." If he loves America so much, he should run there. I know some Filipinos have done so.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Your comment is not in point. I don't think that jlamela said anything about Noynoy, and so your comparison is misleading. I do not know what you think a congressman or senator should do in his BACKYARD, but what I know is that they are there to make laws and to control the nation's purse.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Eversince, Gordon is arrogant. Personally I do not like his term "kayong mga Pilipino" whenever he have interview. Why does he called us as such, isn't he a Filipino too?. I believe it has to be "Tayong mga Pilipino!" Gordon is always pro US. That makes me wonder maybe he is a US Citizen or an insider? He have more plans for the country, maybe he can lead but we do not know unless he do it. But he will not get my vote.
• Philippines
2 May 10
I agree with you. He wants to lead us when he does not even identify with us. He says that he is an unapologetic American supporter. Fine, but if you want to be a president in the Philippines, you have to support Filipinos. It's as if we are the only ones to blame for the mess that we are in when he has been part of the government for such a long time. He does not get my vote either.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
In terms of unity, I don't think any presidential candidate can do that. Filipinos are too stubborn to boot. If he does win the elections, I only hope and pray that he can enforce the same kind of discipline in Subic everywhere in the country. I remembered around fifteen or eighteen years ago whenever we would go to Subic for our outings, we would visit SBMA to do some souvenir shopping. And SBMA was known at that time as a place where you could buy imported goods at a much cheaper price. But they are very strict with traffic rules and the enforcers are always quick to spot who was the tourist amongst the vehicles running around. We always rented a jeepney for these kind of trips and I recall that we always wound up the administration building to get our driver's drivers license because he was not following traffic rules! It was the same every year, with different drivers. So if he can do the same here in Manila, we would not have to sit through hour long traffics just getting to and from work.
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• Philippines
27 Apr 10
not to mention those idiots throwing trash in our front yard that i ended up cleaning up every night! I want a Leader who will discipline the REST! people don't care, don't understand and don't bother researching too stubborn to realize that we are being left behind by other countries who are run by authorirative leader but they propose, we are we gonna LEARN
• Philippines
2 May 10
Yes, I agree that no one candidate can unify the people. But some of them can be more divisive than the rest. Gordon is one of them, and that is largely because of his arrogance. As the leader of the country, you have to have a certain sense of humility to serve the people. Letranknight, you are not the only one who can do research. The problem is not in your research, its in your conclusions. Just because you know a lot, does not mean you understand everything. What do you mean discipline the rest? Are you exempting yourself from the discipline because you are Gordon's supporter? Your logic is non-sequitur, thus the flaw in your arguments.
@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I was surprised to hear that from you. Well I supposed there is this rumor going on around that even his VP Bayani seems to have distance himself from him. Anyway, I do hope that we can get a good President and a VP as well this coming election. WE could only wait till May 10 before the final verdict will be delivered and God Help our Nation for the one we will choose on that day.
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@rsa101 (38194)
• Philippines
3 May 10
I guess these tandem would also be at odds with each other since both are really a no nonsense kind of people that they would do what they think is right and no one can stop them. So if two person would lead this way there will come a time that these two might get some friction over their programs they would implement. That is not a good sign. I also heard rumors that there is kind of secret talks coming from Bayani and Gibo side. Well I guess the election fever is really getting hotter like our own weather is.
• Philippines
4 May 10
Bayani may have felt Gordon's coldness and went and talked to his former party-mates. He admitted in Channel 7 that he did and most wanted a Gibo-Bayani tandem. Can you blame them, Edu Manzano as vice-president? I did not see a lot of results when he was in OMD.
• Philippines
2 May 10
I was also surprised to hear it from Gordon. Even if Bayani came to him, he should just have kept his mouth shut. Whether Bayani came or he went to Bayani is not an issue, as long as they work together. He would eventually need to look for a vice-president anyway. His arrogance will not do us any good. If he wins, and the other winners refuse to work with him, what good will that do our country? If he is running, he should have put the people above all else, including his pride.
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@kquiming (2997)
• Philippines
5 May 10
Hmmm...I'm still for Gordon. Simply because he helped my family at a time in our lives when were going through some legal stuff that has to do with an accident that almost got me killed when I was 4. But I respect everyone's opinion here as I want mine to be treated ;D
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• Philippines
8 May 10
you know the worst part? no one remembers real good deeds, specially those kind of things that happened like the one you experience yeah, no body's perfect but gordon sure close enough to be and certainly most qualified.
• Philippines
2 May 10
He's still my bet no matter what. He may have sounded so braggart or what but he has a right to be anyway. He has achieved so much. With regards to the issue of BF, well they had an argument which makes me sad because it brought a gap between them. I used to admire their tandem but now, I don't know.
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• Philippines
4 May 10
That's the right attitude. Nobody is perfect, and I was merely expressing my opinion that I do not like arrogance in my candidate. He does have his good qualities just like the rest of them. The question really is who is the best qualified for the position of president?
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• Philippines
8 May 10
What on earth are you talking about Letranknight? It's not even in the discussion.
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• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Maybe he was just being honest, don't you think? Maybe you area hurting because you are from Marikina and you like BFernando? Would your opinion of Gordon change if you hear BF admits that he really went to BF?
• Philippines
8 May 10
oh, yeah you're upset alright :D but that's alright. you want six years of hell. fine by me, no more arguments, at least i did warn people.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Gordon has been telling the truth to our faces, most of us prefer getting angry for what he express and not the contents of what he says, most don't wanna wake up. it's like the Matrix, only a few are waking up from reality.. reality states that BF went to GORDON, because at that time gordon didn't have the VP then.
• Philippines
4 May 10
I did not like that he broadcasted that fact in such an arrogant manner, whether it was Bayani or any other person. My point is that there is a reason why it is called politics and there is such a word in the dictionary as politic. I do not like politicians without manners, and Gordon has none at all. Letranknight, not all that he says are truths. Most of them are opinions and "telling it to our face" is simply just forcing it on other people. Truth is factual, and what you make of the facts is your opinion. Know the difference before ramming your opinion on other people.
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
He was supposed to get my vote, but I changed it right after I have learned that he is the number one among the running presidents in liabilities. I find this, a bad indication hence He might used our money to pay all his debts.
@adoremay (2065)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
He is number four in assets and he is number one in his statement of assets, liabilities and networth. He has money indeed but how come he is number in liabilities? The Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Networth (SALN) comparison among the running presidents was done and reported by a television show. I need not to say bad things about Gordon because I find him good and competent however, I changed my mind when I found it out. I was for Gordon... The thought that I was for Gordon is a good thing. Because I am definitely sure that I am not for Aquino, three hundred percent sure!
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
i don't think so, he has money to paid for it. he doesn't even get much funds for campaign and never uses his money. the guy turned down a million dollar job in dubai? you think that's an indication that he will use government funds to pay off his debt, he won't do it i have done research on him.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Well, maybe he has liabilities precisely because he did not steal money from the government? Liabilities can be a good or bad thing. For one, it can mean that he has good credit, and therefore banks lend money to him. The fact that he still has liabilities despite sitting in the Senate probably means he did not touch our money. On the other hand, it makes you think. How is he going to pay for his debts? And where is he getting the money for the campaign if as letranknight says, he has not been getting a lot of campaign funds? Food for thought.
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@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
27 Apr 10
Nothing beats his wits. A person who has LESS to hide can really look at you straight in the eye and tell you what you NEED to hear. His arrogance really is his downside but should we only look at the downsides? I said less to hide because I do not think a person's totally got nothing to hide. You, me, everyone....we all have our own secrets we cannot tell the public. It's true what he said: walang kandidatong magaling I was and am for Gordon. Lately, what is happening is that the picture has turned into a battle between Noynoy and Villar. We are forced to choose between the two alone. Our horizons have been narrowed down to just two top candidates. Even the COMELEC is secretly endorsing Yellow. Now I am confused, and torn between two choices: Will I vote for someone because I believe he is the right one? Or will I vote for Noynoy just so Villar can't win?
@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
28 Apr 10
Your unwavering faith for our candidate is something I truly admire.
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• Philippines
28 Apr 10
be a principled voter and don't be part of the band wagon. vote for the one that's needed and not the one who's popular. at least you don't have to blame your self if the so called winnable screws up the presidency. just a note. experts yet again confirmed his (gordon's) platforms have proven "believable" in the show timbangan by winnie monsod. tue. 9:30pm i never lose hope, i can't afford now since platforms and political will is out most important to me.
• Philippines
2 May 10
That is true, no one candidate is perfect for the position. They all have their weaknesses. However, I believe that their weaknesses should not interfere with the task that they have to do. His arrogance will drive a wedge between him and the people. Should a president go up to the man on the streets and say that hey, you are poor because you are lazy. How do you know that he is lazy? Do you think that will inspire people to work because the president told him that he is lazy? As I keep saying, we need sugar to swallow a bitter pill. What Gordon is saying is not defined as the truth. He is giving us his opinion, and that is neither right nor wrong. Just because you agree with him does not make him right. Experts agree that when scolding a child, yelling at him will not make him listen. And that is true in this case. He is witty, but he is not the wittiest. He is frank, but he is not only one. He is intelligent, but he is not the most brilliant. Since you are a Gordon supporter, then you should listen to him. Vote according to your conscience, and not for the lesser evil. It's your one vote, make it count.
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Well at least you know that he is not fitted to be the next ruler and you still have the chance to research and study further which is able to lead our country to end corruption, poverty and unemployment. I never did like Gordon in the first place. Pardon for those who are for him, i respect your candidate. I am just stating my own opinion here. If a person cannot answer in detail much about controversial issues and still has problems on his own platform and personality, then never go vote for such a candidate. I did hear much about Presidentiables when I happen to hear most of GMA 7 news from Ikaw na Ba, Kandidato, Vote book and more which is really not bias and I am happy that GMA 7 did this so that the public would know whom to vote. You can watch some of the debates and interviews on youtube. Anyway, I would vote someone who has the passion for the country and fears God first and foremost. I still know that there is hope for us to rise up as a nation with dignity...BANGON PILIPINAS, may Pag-asa pa... (Rise Up Philippines, there is still hope).
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
you all people don't know him very well that you get offended when he's just telling the truth. "If a person cannot answer in detail much about controversial issues and still has problems on his own platform and personality, then never go vote for such a candidate." you should ask villar and noynoy about that. i respect your candidate, he even went to our place last week
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
yes you are right, better ask the two Noynoy and Villar, any which ways, I won't vote for them too...
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Gordon does have a sound platform. The plans are fleshed-out, and what I really like is that he has a vision for decongesting Metro Manila. His main problem really is his arrogant answer. Karen Davila noted that you sound angry and frustrated, which he denied. If that was not angry, I really do not want to be there when he is angry.
@eileenleyva (27560)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Glad you saw through this guy whose arrogance defies his height. He actually believes he is VIP at all times. He talks with a twang which I think Ateneo professors would never give a good grade to. He always talks about Subic. What about Olongapo where he and his wife had been mayors. Can he claim that Olongapo now is a city to see? I doubt.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Come to think of it, he does seem to talk a lot about Subic, but not Olongapo. That's a valid point. Why indeed is he separating the base from the city? If he is indeed a good executive, then the changes in Subic should cascade citywide. I have not been to Olongapo for quite some time, so I cannot really say. In fact, come to think of it, I have never stayed in Olongapo, always in Subic.
@Cutie18f (9546)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I also was considering him for president since I have seen how he had acted during difficult times. He is a man of action, fearless, and with strong leadership skills. However, after what you have said, I am now having second thoughts. I have not seen the interview so it is hard for me to judge.
• Philippines
2 May 10
Don't take my word for it though. It would be better if you see it for yourself. Take the time to watch his interviews. I remember when I watched those senate hearings, he was forever shouting at the witnesses, lawyers and even fellow senators. At that I found it amusing. But I really do not take it well when I am the one being shouted at, and in hindsight, I pity those unfortunate people.
@knicnax (2232)
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
I wasn't able to watch the interview (I was busy mylotting) but I was listening to it (the TVs here at home are really loud). I didn't like that part about Bayani too. I'm not from Marikina but I used to live there for a year only, I live near Marikina now, But I am rooting for Bayani as well. Gordon was just "dragged" into my list because of Bayani. Another turn-off was when he told Karen Davila in a loud, semi-shouting frustrated/angry voice "You're not listening to me" I could tell by the way Karen Davila paused before answering, she was pissed! too bad I wasn't able to see here expression He's smug and too proud. Probably because he's done great things. He's always referencing the U.S. because most of those who were blessed enough to visit the states could really see the difference there and here. and you could feel that in Subic too. I think he'll lead the country well, but I am SURE Bayani will be able to LEAD the country BETTER! Gordon will be able to fix this problem because unlike the past and current presidents, he has the will to do it. He doesn't care if he isn't popular. He's kinda like BF, only, again, I repeat, BAYANI is better.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
here is the link to that interview. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iEwIvhPFRUo i don't understand what's so offending about gordon asking if the host is listening? i think it's his right to say, no nice nice words, but just being frank.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Letranknight, that's not the interview that I was talking about. I think you are mirroring your candidate, NOT PAYING ATTENTION. As to your question, it depends on how you say it. If you can't understand how it can be said nicely, then there's the problem.
@Kisha14 (117)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Yeah I don't know why he keeps on bragging the other presidential candidates for my own personal view He envied him because he is on top and he wish he was in his position. He is really depress I never thought Gordon to say such things in order to gain vote, but he just stained his name by answering out of the question and pin pointing out a name.
• Philippines
2 May 10
I thought that he did not or does not believe in surveys and therefore he thinks perhaps he is on top? :) I don't think that this is an isolated incident. He has always been arrogant. I suppose it is only now that this flaw is highlighted. I thought that his arrogance was good for the senate. There at least, he can serve as a check and balance.
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
I'm still on the fence as well as to who I should vote for this elections. my mom would always tell me to choose the lesser evil, but lately I've been asking myself if it's even worth choosing the lesser evil, in my eyes right now they are all the same. and then here comes Gordon in an interview saying we should not choose the lesser evil, I found that a bit arrogant. I mean come on, is there really someobody who has not been the least evil in politics?
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
That line of his actually made me think. We should not choose the lesser evil, possibly referring to Noynoy or Erap, who are within striking distance of the presidency. He is lagging in surveys and so he was saying that vote for me even if I am not on top of the surveys. But so is JC, Gibo, and Nick. Who indeed has not been tainted by politics? Good question.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I didn't get the chance to see that interview. I'm actually weighing my conscience view between him and noynoy. Paulo Bediones did ask him if he is truly easily angered by jokes or jests (pikon) and in my opinion i think he is, most of the times. From the tune of how he answer and make comments of something against him. He may have good platforms for this country but if he will always argue with others opinion then again nothing will change in the system.
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Paulo Bediones had the guts to ask him that? So what was his answer? That's interesting. Karen Davila actually chided him for sounding angry. But he denied this. Its probably his way of communicating, but I think that is not a good trait in a leader.
• Philippines
26 Apr 10
Well me too, i was considering him to be my bet for the president but when i saw that interview, o wow, he's really arrogant...so sorry i better not have a president than to have an arrogant like him.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
At first I thought I was overreacting because everyone in the room was quiet and just listening to Gordon. But then finally, I couldn't help myself when he just matter-of-factly said that Bayani approached him. He was emphatic when he said that he did not approach him. So I blurted out that he sounds so arrogant. And they all agreed with me.
@Khulit19 (101)
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
Gordon has done a lot of things that is actually good for the subic alone. But I don't think that he can do it to the whole philippines. For me, our president should be trustworthy and honest
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
I am curious, why do you say that his accomplishments in Subic cannot be translated to the whole nation? I have heard several people say this, and I wonder why not? The reason why I ask is that my reason for voting for Bayani is that I have seen how we transformed Marikina. So if that is not the case, the argument also applies to him.