Have you ever accidentally locked your keys in your car?
By aprildowling
@aprildowling (95)
United States
April 27, 2010 5:50am CST
The other day I discovered I had locked my keys in my car - and had no spare. It was raining and dreary, which made the experience even worse. I had to call the lock guy, and had to pay a lot just to get back into my car! Has this experience ever happened to you? How did you feel and what did you do?
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14 responses
@DuyenN (68)
• Canada
28 Apr 10
No because I don't have a car but I know my boyfriend does it sometimes..it's a hassle...and funny cause one time when we were visiting out of province, and he left his keys in the car. Good thing the window was kind of rolled down, so we spent two hours using a twig to try to grab the keys. LOL It was the highlight of our trip that's for sure.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
You are not alone dear! My husband did that with our first car which was still very new then. We were in the church and after the worship we went to the car so we he could drive us home. He found out he left the key both the original and the spare inside the car. Well there was no locksmith available so what could we do. We could not just leave the car and go home for we also had an out of town schedule after that so my husband decided to remove the rear window of our van. With the help of our church-mates they successfully did. After that day we had to bring the car to the shop to restore the window to
its original appearance.

@engrdng06 (248)
• Japan
28 Apr 10
Oh my it isnt just cars, even the house, my lockers and everything that uses keys. I dont know whats wrong with me but it happens to me often. In car, just a year ago, I left it in the car and I was even on a trip during that time. And I am alone. I stopped on a convenient store to buy soda and when I get back to the car, it came my mind that I forgot the key inside so I went back to the convenient store and asks for number of a lock man on a nearby. Im so pissed off during that time. I was suppossed to be on the event by 3PM but I arrived at around 9PM. Well better late than never.
@DuyenN (68)
• Canada
28 Apr 10
No, it never has happened to me. I think it's probably because I don't own a car. It did happen to my ex though when I was together with him. We took a road trip to the States and we were downtown Seattle, enjoying the views and each others' company when we realized that we left the keys inside the car! So what happened was, we stood there for two hours using a twig to try to lure the keys into it's branch so that we can lift it out of the window that was luckily rolled down a little bit. It was a good thing that we got it out or else we would have spent more money and time calling people to help.
@panagdato (48)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
Yes. And it happened four days ago. I didnt know the car has an auto lock feature. It's a new car and I'm still getting used to it. Anyway the car locked after I closed the door with which I forgot to get the keys. Good thing I left the spare key inside the house.
@weasel81 (2496)
• Australia
27 Apr 10
yeah my mum did that yrs ago. we're at a friends place and had been siwmming, for some reason she'd put the keys on her pocket and then took her shorts off and put them in the boot of the car. only to discover what she'd done, we tired all sorts of keys for holdens. couldn't get in via the back seat cause there was a gas tank in the way. i can't remember how we gotthe boot open but we did eventually.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
27 Apr 10
Yes I have twice and it was very embarrassing and I had the kids with me both times (this is when they were younger) it was during the summer and very hot and I could have hit myself for doing it. The first time I was fortunate and someone come along with a slim jim and got it open for me. The second time was $55 dollars out of my pocket for a locksmith. (I really could not afford that but hey I did it anyway) oh yah and there was a 3rd time as well. I was warming up my truck to take the kids to a 6am JROTC meet for a competition. I left the truck running and locked the doors.... now how smart was that????? Another embarrassing thing is running out of gas, which I have done once.
@redhotpogo (4398)
• United States
27 Apr 10
yeah I did many times. I always had to call my dad to come jimmy the door open, so I could get my keys off the car seat, or out of the ignition where I left them. Once I had the bright idea to always carry an extra key in my pocket just incase. That worked pretty well, until I locked my keys in the car, reached into my pocket for the spare, and it wasn't there. Then I saw that they were on the seat inside the car. Then my dad told me to put a spare under the car somewhere. Just rig up a little container or something underneath your car somewhere that no one is going to look, and stick an extra key there. Don't put it inside your car.
@cbeee3 (2061)
• India
27 Apr 10
Yes, I have done this. I thought I was the most stupid person on the planet. I never thought there were others who have had the misfortune too.
I had to call my partner. He then used a scale thing to jimmy the car open. There is a small gap in the window. He inserted the scale did something and it opened :p
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
27 Apr 10
No, I have not personally done this. However, I have ridden with people who have. Talk about an absolute nightmare. It is almost amusing at the idiocy after the fact when it happens. However when it happens, it is an absolute and complete nightmare when it does happen. There is one time that it happened to the person that I was with because it was under the absolute worst circumstances.
The fact is that it was late at night which was a bad thing. Not to mention that the weather was rather cold. The person had thought that he had the keys with him but had left them in the car. Which meant that he spent about a half of an hour looking for the blasted things. We had to call someone to bring a spare key and that was another hour off of my life, in the freezing weather, which was getting colder. The only way it could have be worse if it was snowing. However, it was not but still a nightmare.
@nursemorph (69)
27 Apr 10
I did that once years ago. I finished work at 6am but my car wouldn't start. We tried pushing it down the road to jump start it without success, so I pushed it to the side of the road and then locked the door. DOH! Luckily, it was a fairly old car and so, with the aid of a metal coat hangar between the door and window, I got the door open in a couple of minutes. Since then, I have never done it again
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
27 Apr 10
Not I; but my driver locked my car out of inadvertence with car keys inside. Lucky for me I was not very far away from home. At home, I had a spare set of keys. I made my driver hail another car. He went home brought back another set and lo, he opened the car door with it. I wonder what I would do if I had to be far away from home. I would have felt stranded. From that time onward, I always carry my spare set of keys, just in case out of his stupidity he locks us out again.
• United States
28 Apr 10
I haven't. But I thought I had, and I didnt know what to do. I was looking all over for them. Finally I gave up and started walking around the beach (because we were at the beach) and my sister found them in the sand. Then she dropped them. And an hour later some guy announced that he found some keys, so we had to go to the bar to get them.