A scared mother over I hope nothing..

United States
April 27, 2010 3:05pm CST
Okay... As most in this community know I have 2 little girls and I am pregnant with my first son...I heard about the whole 2012 thing about a year ago from the movie trailers that were coming out about the 2012 end of the world movie.. Ever since then I have spent a huge amount of time freaking out... Then I seen all the crap on the History channel and on the internet.. I have spent a great deal researching it and I don't really believe it but I am still terrified.. I spend a big part of my praying time praying to God about this... I say please allow me to watch my babies grow up.. please let me meet my grandchildren... But I have visions of something horrible happening and me watching the fear in my babies eyes... What do ya'll think... I hope that one day the history channel can understand the fear that they are placing into people.. it's a real hurtful issue... to the point that I want to die before something like that happens.. but I don't know how to handle it sometimes... I have spent a huge amount of time crying on my kitchen floor.. and my husband tells me I am worrying over something that is not going to happen but i can't help but still be scared.. can someone please help me get rid of my fears.. and please don't say " well if it does happen you can't stop it from happening.. because this does nothing for me I promise it only promotes my fears...
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8 responses
@ersmommy1 (12588)
• United States
28 Apr 10
Consider the Y2K bug. Everyone was up in arms and upset because they thought technology was going to crash. And guess what? Nothing happened. I have a 6 1/2 year old daughter. And a 16 month old son. I worry more about the bullying going on in schools, than the "END". Civilizations throughout history have repeatedly predicted something like that happening. Amazingly, the dates keep changing. Plenty of people all over the world have plans after the december 2012 date. like January 13–22 – The first Winter Youth Olympics will be held in Innsbruck, Austria.
@charylady (419)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
nobody really knows when our world will come to an end and how. let's just live each day to the fullest and don't worry about things we have no control over. enjoy your husband and your daughters; take care of yourself and the son in your belly.
@thyst07 (2079)
• United States
27 Apr 10
Ok, let me say first of all that it is RIDICULOUS to let what you see in the media scare you to the point that it's negatively affecting your life. If it bothers you that much, turn it off and don't pay any attention to it. The History channel isn't trying to scare people, they're just presenting material about what some people believe and that some people may find interesting. Secondly, as an anthropologist, I believe that all of the hype about 2012 is a complete load of bovine fecal matter. Most of it is based on the idea that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012 and predicts that the world will end catastrophically at this time. This is based on faulty, incorrectly analyzed and incomplete archaeological data from ancient Mayan cultural remains. Some Mayan calendars have been interpreted by archaeologists to end in 2012, but the calendars at many other sites do not end in 2012 and continue far beyond. Many of them do predict a time of great change around the year 2012, but they do not actually predict that the world will end. Many present-day South Americans who have Mayan ancestry are highly offended that our media is so badly misrepresenting what their ancestors believed. The American media is just trying to make a profit by sensationalizing something that they don't even properly understand in the first place. So my advice is to ignore it. There are plenty of real-life concerns where your attention would be better placed.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Apr 10
I can share my view with you and I can only hope that it might help you to ease your fears. I do believe that something is going to happen in this world in the year 2012, but I don't think that this event is going to mean the end of the world, I just think that it is going to change the way that we look at things in this world. That is the reason that I personally am not freaking out about what is going to happen in a couple of years.
@brina27 (17)
• United States
27 Apr 10
My children's father seen this and it spooked him too and he's 35 years old,and like I told him you never know when the Lord will come back,it maybe today,tommorw or next week.You can't spend your life living in terror about something you can not change I know you said not write that"sorry". You live each day and everyday like there is no tommorw,I hope this help's and STOP reserching it just makes matter's worse. Thake care and stop worring its not good for your little man in ur belly:)
• United States
28 Apr 10
It's nothing, don't worry about it. Here's some advice if you know whats good for, try not to me over-protective. I know its hard to do, but I dont think you deserve to feel scared all the time. You jus have to losen up a little. :)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
27 Apr 10
lillybelledaisyrose listen to me I am 83 and have heard these same gloom and doom stories maybe one hundred times, each year someone came up the world is ending next year. well a lot of next years came and went and only thing that has blown up or is doomed is the d amned economy. Do not fret yourself over something that is just not going to happen. that stupid movie has done more harm than good as gullible people now are scared out of their gourds. it is not going to happen, beleive me, we willbe her in 1013 also. I would rather believe in little green men from mars first and I do not believe in them either. Your husband is right it is not going to happen,it was just make believe, just a stupid movie.Your children will grow up and you will age and you will have a happy wonderful life so believe in that.
• Philippines
27 Apr 10
I don't believe that the world ends on 2012 because no one can foretell the exact date of the Lord's second coming. I don't entertain fear in my head, I just leave it all to God. Judgement day would come unexpectedly and we cannot prevent it from happening. We must be ready all the time to meet our God and spend eternity in heaven. But I don't think it will happen so soon, I was also praying that God would allow me to see the last sunset of my life, and I have firm faith that He will let me grow old & feel the sweet taste of fulfillment of seeing my kids grow & succeed in life. Don't worry that much my friend, end of the world is not happening on 2012. Avoid watching shows that tells about it because that can only scare you more. Read the bible always especially the book of Psalms & Proverbs for enlightenment & relief from fear.