A Cheerful Disposition .... A Gloomy Outlook

Thiruvananthapuram, India
April 28, 2010 5:26am CST
Which one of these is more prominent. Undoubtedly , cheerfulness has gone behind in all walks of life. Problems galore in most fields of activity have contributed largely to the development of melancholic attitudes . Laughing in all sincerity is very much rare these days...stabbing at the back with a smile is mostly observed. No blame is attributable to any factors for the formation of gloomy outlooks in most people of modern times.
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14 responses
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
28 Apr 10
What is there to smile about? (joke) Yes, there is a lot of sad faces roaming the streets these days especially in highly modernized countries. But try coming to our country---we're poor but the poorest here are the ones whose smiles never leave their faces.
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• India
29 Apr 10
Hello One thing i mark people are becoming more and more selfish day by day, they can stab on your back wearing a sweet smile, can cheat you, but tell they are honest, this is more true with the present guys and gals who live in far places, away from parents and guardians.. None is to be blamed, it is the enviornment i think lol.. Thank you so much for this nice discussion, cheers God bless you. Prof
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• United States
28 Apr 10
I believe disposition is largely a choice one makes, especially for the mature. I choose to be upbeat and see the good.
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• United States
29 Apr 10
Believe it or not , I had both of these. I have always been cheerful with others but I had a gloomy outlook for myself. But things have changed. now I have a happy outlook for myself.I'm in love and I am very happy.To answer your question. I think there is a tie with these.For every person who is unhappy, there is another who is soo happy.
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@celticeagle (165348)
• Boise, Idaho
28 Apr 10
I have severe depression so I am melancholy all of the time. I do have a fair amount of laughter in my life. Just not every day. Stabbing people in the back seems to be ongoing. People have become selfish and self serving. It isn't a matter of gloomy outlooks. It is a short circuiting in the brain.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
28 Apr 10
And one wonders sometimes why our happiness passed us by. Smiling is free and so is happiness. One thing you cannot buy and we cannot even do it spontaneously. TATA.
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@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
28 Apr 10
We just can't afford to allow opposing thoughts to take root in our minds and get into our hearts. The heart foster the growth of whatever is planted in it. We have to make sure that the seeds we plant originate from God not Satan. Have good feelings for others, it is like ointment that heals wounds and re-establish friendship and relationships. Good feelings generated in the mind are expressed through attitude and are reflected in the eyes and smile. Smiling opens the heart and a glance can make miracles happen.
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@pergammano (7682)
• Canada
1 May 10
With all the financial "doom and gloom" in the World...and the biggest percentage of the World being single-focused on financially based status it is believable that humanity is in a depression. It's a crunch that we cannot avoid, andit is leading to people living underhandedly...and doing underhanded things. It is time for "smelling the roses" and having an attitude of "gratitude!" Dwelling on the good things can put smiles back on faces. Take care and Cheers!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
28 Apr 10
Hi sukumar, Without doubt there has been a gloomy economic outlook in many parts of the world in the past few years and this has contributed to people's problems. At the same time, not everyone has given in to this doom and gloom as there are still those who understand that a positive outlook works much better than a negative one. I'm one who feel that way and always try to have a cheerful disposition. Blessings.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
29 Apr 10
hi sukumar but cheerfulness even if you are just pretending can help'you to avoid depression and maybe work on solving some of our problems. a gloomy outlook is not going to make anything better, you need to have a clear head to be able to problem solve and fix things for yourself or anyone else.
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@syankee525 (6261)
• United States
28 Apr 10
think these days, more are depress, with is hard with everything going on lack of money, the housing market is down. that alone made me depress with we found out our house dropped 80,000. but i also think people arent as nice and respectful as they used to be, and i see that part of worst. but there are still a few nice people in the world still. just yesterday i held the door for some lady first thing she said dang there are still nice people out there
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@savypat (20216)
• United States
29 Apr 10
It's all a matter of point of view. I don't think humans are any worse off or better off then they have ever been. Sure we now have the power to destroy the world, but then we have always had the power to destroy our known world. It's just that the known world has grown larger and there are many more people. Only history will tell if we are better off or worse at this time in our existance. That beign so, how we approach life is up to each of us. If we can remember that all we ever have is right now, then we can be thankful and cheerful about all the opportunities that exist in our own Now.
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
28 Apr 10
I don’t know if it is a sign of the times or whether we are just more aware but we hear so much about depression and so many of us have been prescribed anti depressants. Are we more unhappy nowadays than we were years ago or is it that we are all more aware of our feelings and our moods? People do seem more stressed and not as content these days. There is a lot of pressure not only to make ends meet but to identify with what we own. Money and possessions are like a religion for some and they find out eventually that it will not make them happy hence the gloomy outlooks so much more common these days. Cheerfulness is a choice I think and not an easy one to make when a dour expression has become a habit.
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@Jotomy (6322)
• India
29 Apr 10
This is very true. Now a days i also noticed such kind of attitude in some persons. Mainly in the offices. They will smile but they carry all the things to the higher official to get name or to become close with them. In the time of appraisal they give all native answer about us. Be careful with such people.
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